44.8544° N, 63.1992° W
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http://www.biographi.ca/en/bio.php?BioId=35941. http://www.northeastarch.com/vieux_logis.html. Patterson, Stephen E. “Indian-White Relations in Nova Scotia, 1749-61: A Study in Political Interaction.” Acadiensis: Journal of the History of the Atlantic Region. 23.1 (1993): 23-59. Web. http://www.macalester.edu/courses/geog61/ahannert/halifaxhistory1.html. Akins, Thomas Beamish. History of Halifax City. Halifax, Nova Scotia: 1895. Web.
Halifax, known officially today as the Halifax Regional Municipality, is the capital of the Canadian province of Nova Scotia, and is located in the center of the Nova Scotia peninsula along the Atlantic Ocean. The city was first established in 1749 and named to compliment George Montague, Earl of Halifax. Edward Cornwallis was appointed governor of Nova Scotia, and in order to secure the territory against French incursions began settling and fortifying. Cornwallis originally brought 2,500 settlers from England, and additional settlers arrived from New England around the same time. Governor Cornwallis assigned the erection of a meeting house in 1749, and it was appointed to the Congregationalists of New England and known as Mather’s after Cotton Mather. The Native Micmac viewed the Halifax settlement as a violation of an earlier treaty of 1726, which had conferred English authority over Nova Scotia in exchange for the promise that the English would not interfere with Indian lands associated with hunting, fishing, and planting. This treaty violation lead to the Micmac War, also known as Father Le Loutre’s War after the French missionary to the Indians whom the English believed encouraged Native-American resistance to English rule. The war finally ended in 1755 with the defeat of French and Indian forces at the Battle of Fort Beauséjour.