Heartt, Deidamia Gazlay
Married to Philip Heartt (born November 4, 1768 in New York, died December 9, 1855) in 1789. They had eight children: Jonathan Titus, Jonas Coe, Christopher, Ann Eliza, Albert Pawling, Deidamia Maria, Philip Titus, Charles Henry.
Deidamia Heartt, née Gazlay, was the sister of Mr. Gazlay and a member of the Gazlay family with whom Occom stayed on numerous occasions during his preaching tour of central New York in the summer and winter of 1787/88. He praised them for their piety, noting: "This family is a Christian family indeed." Occom mentions in his journal that he traveled to Schenectady with Mr. Gazlay and his sister, whose name he spells "Diadama."
Gazlay Family History. http://www.gazlayfamilyhistory.org/family.php?person=462