- Groton, CT
Married to Captain Robert Latham, born August 19, 1756. They had no children.
Mrs. Latham was the wife of Captain Robert Latham, who was part of the extensive Latham family in Groton and New London, Connecticut. She lived in Groton with her husband, who was a friend and supporter of Occom. We know from Occom's journals for 1784-89 that he held meetings at the Lathams' house, lodged, dined with and called on the Lathams on several occasions as he crossed back and forth from Groton to New London on the ferry, which was likely operated by a descendant of Cary Latham, the first ferryman there in the 1680s. Occom notes several intriguing facts about Mrs. Latham: that she "looks quite young," which suggests she was Captain Latham's second wife, that they have no children, and that on occasion -- for example, after William Avery's funeral in January 1786 -- he calls on her specifically .
Charles Rathbone Stark, Groton, Conn, 1705-1905.; The Record of Connecticut Men in the Military and Naval Service during the Revolution, 1775-1783. Genealogical Publishing Company, 2009.;
Because there were several Mrs. Lathams in Groton, it is not entirely certain that Mrs. Robert Latham is the one intended in 787256, but it is likely, since R. Latham lived near the Ferry.