Simon, Emmanuel
Moor's Indian Charity School; Charlestown Narragansett; Brothertown
Attended Moor's Indian Charity School briefly in 1763, and requested readmission in 1767. Does not appear to have returned.
Converted Naragansett
- Charlestown, Rhode Island ( to 1775)
- Brothertown
Part of the Simon family: Mrs. Sarah Simon, Miss Sarah Simon, James Simon, Abraham Simon, Daniel Simon, James Simon, and Emmanuel Simon. All five children (there was at least one other) were educated at Moor's, to some degree. The Simon family spells their name Simon, but Wheelock and others vary it. Emmanuel eventually enlisted in the Revolution.
Bross, Kristina, and Wyss, Hilary. Early Native Literacies in New England. UMass Press 2008: Family history (98). Calloway, Colin, The Indian History of an American Institution. Dartmouth College Press 2010: Biographical details (43, 51, 190).