Moor's Indian Charity School; Mohawk
Moor’s School 1762-1765, certified as usher on March 12, 1765
Usher/Schoolteacher at Canajoharie, 1765
- Moor's Indian Charity School in Lebanon, Connecticut (from 1762 to 1765-03)
- Canajoharie (from 1765-07 to 1765-10)
Peter was an usher (although described as “keeping school” by Woolley) at Canajoharie, along with Moses, Johannes, and the Abrahams. All of them kept separate schools. Great Abraham’s school began Friday, July 12, 1765, and presumably Peter’s started around the same time. He was sick in October 1765, and could not teach school. Since Wheelock mentions him in a 1767 letter, he must have survived. Peter is not to be confused with Good Peter, an Oneida at Onaqauga who visited Moor’s, but was not educated there. Information about Peter generally appears in lists of the men he graduated with and taught with.
McCallum, James. The Letters of Eleazar Wheelock’s Indians. Dartmouth College Press 1932: Biographical details. Wheelock, Eleazar. A continuation of the narrative of the Indian charity-school : begun in Lebanon, in Connecticut ; now incorporated with Dartmouth-college, in Hanover, in the province of New-Hampshire. Hartford 1766: Biographical details, illness.