Kayadontyi, Margaret Hill
Mohawk; Moor's Indian Charity School
May have recieved some education at Fort Hunter before her stint at Moor's (September 28, 1766-January 9, 1767)
- Fort Hunter
- Lebanon, CT (from 1766-09-28 to 1767-01-09)
Married to Captain Daniel, a Mohawk, who treated her so poorly that Sir William Johnson intervened.
Margaret was a Mohawk woman who spent a few months at Moor’s Indian Charity School (September 28, 1766-January 9, 1767), where Sir William Johnson sent her to seek refuge from her abusive husband. Her niece, Katherine, was at Moor’s at the time. Margaret returned to Fort Hunter with Katherine and Mary, another Mohawk woman. She was later described as a widow; perhaps they returned because Daniel had died, although since several women returned at once, perhaps there was another reason. Margaret may have learned English and been literate before arriving at Moor’s. A 1789 land deed from Fort Hunter provides a terminus postquem for her death.
Calloway, Colin. The Indian History of an American Institution. Dartmouth College Press 2010. Faux, David K (a man with a Medical Sciences PhD doing extensive DNA research on his family history). “Mohawk-Wyandot Ancestry of Catharine the Wife of Lt. John Young: Genealogical Evidence.” Hosted on DavidKFaux.org. http://www.davidkfaux.org/YoungGenealogicalEvidenceMohawkAncestry.pdf Accessed 6/14. Largely cites Siversten, Barbara J. Turtles, Wolves, and Bears: A Mohawk Family History. Heritage Books 1996. Not available digitally.