Backus, Nathaniel
Married Hannah Baldwin on 6 January 1726 and had seven children.
Captain Nathaniel Backus Junior (II) provided Occom with supplies. Like Elijah Backus, he was a member of the prominent Backus family. Although he also had a son named Nathaniel Backus (III), it is more likely that Nathaniel Backus Jr. refers to Nathaniel Backus II, as Nathaniel Backus II regularly went by N. Backus Jr, since he co-existed in Norwich politics with his father, Nathaniel Backus Sr. (I).
Backus Family History. "Nathaniel Backus II" Accessed 11/4/2012. Backus Family History. "Nathaniel Backus III" Accessed 11/4/2012. Caulkins, Frances Manwaring. History of Norwich, Connecticut From Its Possession by the Indians to the Year 1866. H.P. Haven, 1874. Connecticut. The public records of the colony of Connecticut [1636-1776]. Brown & Parsons, 1880.
Mentioned in a bill, 764572, and wrote 772559.1 to Wheelock. Although Elijah Backus was also a captain, Capt. Backus in 764572 refers to Nathaniel because it deals with supplied goods, and there is no evidence that Elijah supplied goods to Occom.