Breed, Gershom
American Colonist
Married Dorothy McLaren on May 10, 1747. They had either nine or ten children.
Breed was a vendor who traded with Occom and Wheelock. His wares included food, building materials, alcohol, clothing, and finished metal goods. He was a staunch Wheelock supporter, and helped hold and deliver mail for Wheelock, as well as sending his (possibly first-born) son, John McLaren Breed, to Wheelock's school (J. Breed went on to graduate from Yale in 1768). While Occom was abroad, he was more lenient in supplying goods to Mary Occom than other local vendors, such as Captain Shaw, but eventually, he too refused to sell to her on credit.
Find a Grave. "Gershom Breed." Accessed 11/4/2012. "Gershom Breed." Accessed 11/4/2012. Love, William DeLoss. Samson Occom and the Christian Indians of New England. Pilgrim Press: 1899. McCright, John. Roster of Names of Pupils Attending Moor’s Charity School, Chiefly 1760-1775. 1985. Ultimate Family Reunion. "Descendents of Allen Breed." Accessed 11/4/2012.