Samson Occom, Petition, to the Connecticut General Assembly, 1785

Author Occom, Samon


Call Number785340

abstractOccom writes on behalf of five other signatories representing Mohegan and Niantic Indians, to express dismay over restrictive fishing prohibitions and to petition for their removal.

handwritingOccom's hand is clear and legible.

paperSingle sheet is in fair condition, with moderate-to-heavy creasing, staining and wear that leads to a slight loss of text.

inkBrown ink is somewhat faded.

noteworthyThis document appears to be a draft. An editor, likely 19th-century, has amended spellings, puncuation, etc., in dark ink. These edits occasionally obscure Occom's hand; however, the transcriber has attempted to ignore them whenever possible. The same editor has added the note "1785 by Occom &c" after the trailer; this note has not been included in the transcription.

signatureThere are six signatures, all in Occom’s hand.

Modernized Version Deletions removed; additions added in; modern spelling and capitalization added; unfamiliar abbreviations expanded.

Persistent Identifier

To the most Honourable general Assembly of Connecticut Convened
at Hartford, in may, in the Year of our Common Lord and
Saviour Jesus Christ one Thousand Seven Hundred Eighty
and five
Your Steady, close and Faithful Friends the Tribe
of Mohegan
, and the Tribe of Niantic send
greeting. —
 Sincere Friends and Brethren May Talk freely
together without offence. Such we Conclude, the English
of Connecticut, and Mohegans, and Niantics are —
Your Excellencies may well remember, that we Sent
a Memorial to the General Assembly, held at New Haven
last October, requesting, not a privilege, which we
never had before, But a Protection in in our Natural
privileges, which the King of Heaven Gave to our fore
fathers and to their Children forever, — When we received
an answer or Grant to our Petition, we were all amazed
and astonished beyond measure, What? only
half a seine allowed to M[illegible][guess: o]nooya[illegible][guess: u]hegunnewuck, from
the best Friends to the least Friends — We are ready to Con
clude, that the meaning must be, that in Time to Come
we must not have only one canoe, one Bow, one Hook
and Line, amongst two Tribes, and we must have
Taxes imposed upon us also, etc. etc. — whilst the Kings
Of England had authority over here they ordered no Such
things upon us[illegible][guess: , —] alas where are we — if we were Slaves
under Tyrants, we must submit; if we were Cap
tives we must be Silent and if we were Strangers we
must be Contented, — or if we had forfeited our Privile[illegible] at your Hands by any of our agreements we should have nothing to Say whenever we went to war against
your and our Enemies, one Bow, and [illegible] Hatchet would
not do, for two Tribes — And what will the Various Tri[gap: hole][guess: be][gap: worn_edge][guess: s]
of Indians, of this boundless Continent Say, when they
hear of this restraint of Fishing upon us[illegible][guess: ;] will they
not all Cry out mmauh, mmauh, these are the good
that the Mohegans ever gloried and boasted of — Certainly
We can not Hunt [illegible][guess: to] the Public by fishing we never had more than
two seines in Mohegan and two in Niantic and
and many Times not one in Mohegan for [illegible][guess: 10] or 15 years together

and we fish but very little in the season —
We Conclude Your Excellencies must have
mist[illegible][guess: ook] our request[illegible] — And therefore we earnestly
Pray again, that the Honorable Assembly would Protect
us in our Natural privileges, that none may forbid
hinder, or restrain us from fishing in any of the where
we use to fish heretofore[illegible] — This is the earnest Reques[gap: worn_edge][guess: t]
and petition of

Petition to the
Connecticut Assembly
