Aaron Kinne, letter, to Eleazar Wheelock, 1768 June 13

Author Kinne, Aaron

Date13 June, 1768

ms number768363.1

abstractKinne writes that the missionary party has arrived at Kanawalohale, and that the Oneidas there have received them well. He also writes that they are having trouble securing an interpreter, and relates other matters of interest.

handwritingFormal handwriting is small yet very clear.

paperLarge sheet folded in half to make four pages is in good-to-fair condition, with light-to-moderate staining, creasing and wear.

noteworthyThe identities of the family of Mundias are uncertain, and so they have been left untagged. It appears that there are different addresses as well as some penmanship practice on one recto. It is uncertain who has written what. This letter is written to Wheelock on the same day as David Avery’s (manuscript 768363.2);presumably, both letters were delivered by Joseph Johnson.

layoutThe first page of the letter is on two recto, not one recto.

Modernized Version Deletions removed; additions added in; modern spelling and capitalization added; unfamiliar abbreviations expanded.

Persistent Identifier
Rev. Doctor
I readily embrace the present opportunity of sending to you, and giving an account of my Situation, about which, I doubt not, you are anxious. — Through the Favours of divine Providence we arrived at this place the 10th Day after we left New-England —‐ Concerning an Interpreter are disappointed as yet. Jo‐ seph is so engaged in Indian affairs, {the Governour be‐ ing in these Parts on their account} that he can, at pre sent, give no assistance. Though gave Encouragement, that if possible, he will hereafter. —‐ Moses flatly refused —‐ Jo‐ annes was gone a hunting, but was soon expected in, to whom we made application, via Jos. when he should Return, that he would be our Interpreter. — engaged to clothe him. — but as yet have received no answer —‐
The Indians received us with Joy. —‐ in Council with readiness consented to our Proposals. —‐ Your Letter was communicated to the Chiefs, and to Mundius' Father wh[illegible] appertained to him —‐ to which he replied, 'I thought so, Let‐ ters that came said he was getting better, now they write he is almost dead.' —‐ Friday Evening Thomas came to us desiring a pass for Mundius' Father and Mother who had determined immediately to go to New-Eng‐ land —‐ to which we consented. —‐ Saturday we were in‐ formed that his Father and Brother were gone to Oneida Lake and from thence to Fort Stanwix where they were to take the Remainder of their Company ‐— designing to go to
Schenectady by water —‐ Since they are gone, we understand the whole Family are going, according to a Custom prevalent among Indians. But before this came to our Knowledge, things were carried so far that 'twas beyond our Power to prevent them. —‐ We now under stand that great Numbers are designed for those Parts ever long. —‐ Have had no Intelligence from Onondaga —‐ School begins today. —‐ Jos. Johnson has had a Combat with the Indi‐ ans of Old-Oneida —‐ three of which, in a Mad, drunken Frolic, laid laid violent hands on him, abused and wounded him with their venemous Teeth on his Shoulder and one of his hands —‐ the Remains of which are are still painful —‐ has been infirm, but is somwhat better. —‐ We hope for more agreeable and entertaining accounts to send by Thomas ‐— I trust have daily an Interest in your Prayers at the Throne of Grace —‐ desire ever to be remembered —‐ That God would protract your useful, valua‐ ble Life —‐ succeed and bless your Endeavours for the Enlargement of the Redeemers Kingdom, is the earnest Prayer of,
Rev. Doctor Your much obliged,  most obedient and  Very humble Servant,  Aaron Kinne
P.S. Please to give my dutiful Respects to Madam ‐— Love to Rev. Mr. Kirtland ‐— Mr. Woodward —‐ Sir Wheelock ‐— S.r Wales —‐ All the Family —‐ School etc. —‐  Avery is so troubled and careful about many things has Time only for Concurrence with the Above — attended with humble Duty ‐— Johnson's Infirmity obliges him to pursue the same Method —‐ Time for writing so short are obliged to neglect many dear Friends
From Mr. Aaron Kinne Missionary‐—  June 13th 1768
To Mr. Aaron Kinne Missionary at Kau,nau,rau,haur,y—‐ W To To Foster To Canawaraha,re sir sir Money of To sir To sir sir — Mr. Bezaleel Woodward The Reverend Woodward, Lebanon To sir‐— Sir Eleazar Wheelock DD— to Sir Wheelock Mez.r Phelps Esq. —‐ Eleazar W Wheelock New=England In Hebron
Blank page.