Nathaniel Whitaker, letter, to Eleazar Wheelock, 1765 December 18

Author Whitaker, Nathaniel

Date18 December, 1765

ms number765668

abstractWhitaker details the reasons for Occom's and his delay in sailing, and notes that Andrew Oliver was compelled to give up his position as Stamp Master.

handwritingWhitaker's hand is formal and clear. It is occasionally difficult to differentiate between the letters “e” and “i” — in these instances the transcriber has used the correct spelling.

paperLarge single sheet is in good-to-fair condition, with light-to-moderate staining, creasing and wear. There is some light repair work on a particularly heavy crease.


signatureThe signature is abbreviated.

EventsFundraising Tour of Great Britain

Modernized Version Deletions removed; additions added in; modern spelling and capitalization added; unfamiliar abbreviations expanded.

Persistent Identifier
My Rev. and Dear Brother
You will doubtless wonder at the Date of this Letter when you find I am Still in Boston But he that rules all things hath So ordered it. I have been assured by Capt. and owner too that next week, and next week the Ship Should Sail but one thing and a­nother has prevented, and chiefly, I believe, because the custom house was not open for clearances, which yesterday was opened, but not on Stamps
We have had a pleasant and odd farce here yesterday Night before last, notes were Set up about town requiring Mr. Oliver to appear at the tree of Liberty in order publicly to renounce his commission of Stamp Master, which he had received Since the former mob; on this the Secretary Sent to the magistrates and principle merchants to wait on him and protect him from insult; accordingly they went yesterday in the rain to a certain house, where Governor MacIntosh appointed, and there Mr. Oliver renounced his commission before the magistrates and merchants to their satisfaction, judging that his honour was Sufficient to satisfy the world that he would not act — where on the writ­ing in which he renounced his commission was Sent into another room to be approved by Gov. MacIntosh; and he Saw fit to declare it would not do unless he would walk to the tree of liberty and swear to it under said tree before the people. and his Sovereign Mandate was immediate obeyed, and the Se­cretary, magistrates and merchants walked in the Storm of rain near half a mile in obedience to his Excellency's command — So things Seem to be quiet — Capt. Scot came in 7 weeks from London last sabbath brings no letters from Mr. Smith who wrote and sent by Capt. Bruce a few days before. He tells me that it Seems to be the general talk of gentlemen at home, that it will never do to put the Stamp act From Mr. Whitaker December 18. 1765 Boston.
into execution — If the weather favours we Shall Sail tomorrow or Saturday — One Mr. John Williams of this town goes with us. He is going home to Seek the Superintendency of In­dian affairs in Canada, and tis likely he will obtain it; and if he does he Says he will give 5 or 600 per. annum to your design He is a lover of good things and a generous gentleman, I wish we may help him in this affair — I can't but think he may be a great blessing — his wife is a pious woman; and I hope he is not void of religion —
What the design of providence is in detaining us here I can't tell, but I believe and trust that all is for the best — Mr. Occom is well, and I am hitherto much pleased with his conduct he behaves with great modesty and caution — he is not in­vited to preach by any minister in town except Mr. Morehead but he does not resent it — I have preached 5. or 6 evenings every week, or thereabouts, Since I have been here, and never Saw people more attentive and ready to crowd together, except in times of awakening — I have not preached in public on a week day except the Thursday lecture last week —
I hope you will endeavour to bear me on your heart every day — The Eyes of all the continent almost are on me; and if I should miscarry, what a wound would it give to religion and to the cause I am on — o pray for me every day — and for my family and people — Mr. Peck and wife Send love to their Son and to you all, and Mr. Occom too — and how much, I can't tell you, is Sent you all from
your brother in the best bonds Nathaniel Whitaker
N.B. Yesterday Mr. Peck received from Mr. Little 17 Pair of Shoes and a bun­dle of Striped cloth etc. in a bag which he will Send to Mrs. Whitaker the first opportunity they were given last Spring by that people for your School — Mr. Wheelock