Eleazar Wheelock, letter, to George Whitefield, 1764 May 18

Author Wheelock, Eleazar

Date18 May, 1764

ms number764318.1

abstractWheelock requests Whitefield’s help in drawing up a memorial to the Assembly. He comments on Occom’s work, which received good acceptance from Indians at Mohegan and Niantic, and discusses dissatisfaction with the Boston Board of the Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge.

handwritingThe clear and formal hand is not Wheelock's.

paperSingle medium-sized sheet is in good condition, with light-to-moderate creasing, yellowing and wear.


noteworthyThis document is likely a copy.

signatureThe abbreviated signature is not Wheelock's.

Modernized Version Deletions removed; additions added in; modern spelling and capitalization added; unfamiliar abbreviations expanded.

Persistent Identifier
My dear and Honoured Friend.
I have preserved a Memorial to the Assembly now setting here, for such an Incorporation as may perpetuate my School, and secure the Design of Benefactors etc. but it will not be heard 'til the latt­­er end of next week — and I find it difficult to get a Plan well drawn — Gentlemen of the Law here are much unacquainted with such Drafts. I wish I had thought of desiring you by Mr. Smith to send one, or some minutes of the Form of such a Society, and what must be the Number for I cant yet le­­arn how many are allowed by the Statute without the Kings own Act. please Sir to write me by the next Post and direct it to Capt. Daniel Bull (with whom I lodge) and it will be will forwarded.
I’ve seen Mr. Occom this week, he is zealous, — preaches to good acceptance, the Indians at Mohegan and Nihantic are all to a Man attached to him, his assemblies much crowded with English, as well as Indians, and I think a good prospect of his useful­ness.
He tells me he had much rather be under the Conduct and Direction of the same as this School and the missionaries from it are under, than of Comm­­issioners at such a distance, as Mr. CJ Smith and the Youth proposed soon to be put into business among the Six Nations, (one of whom viz David Fowler is his Brother in Law.) may all be considered with him in the same  Plan To the Rev. George. Whitefield now in Boston
Plan, and be of special Service to one another, and much better able to serve the Design of their mission than they likely can without such Connections, and he thinks moreover there is Propriety in it, as it will preserve his visible Relation to this School, and enable him to do much more to promote it than he will likely be able to do in his present Connections. He appears Modest and submissive, would have wrote but feared it would look like unsteadiness and fickleness. If you think there is weight in these Hints, and will write him on the Head, he will write you freely and fully.
I have looked upon the Treatment I have received from the Scottish Commissioners to be a plain Intimation that it is not my Duty in their Present State or while their Present committee continue to have any such connections with them as will give them any opportunity to dis==serve this School. Those Gentlemen are so ignorant of Country Affairs that they dont know when they are generously dealt with and some think them not less Ignorant of Indian affairs, though they think themselves sufficient to govern the whole. etc.
My bodily Disorders so prevail that unless I shall be better in health, I shall not be able to attend the assembly at Concord. etc. I expect my dear Brother, to finish this Tempestuous Voyage before you. —
I am  yours in the dearest, sweetest Bonds Eleazar Wheelock Hartford May 18, 1764. Rev. George Whitefield.