Samson Occom, journal, 1785 May 1 to October 3

Author Occom, Samson

DateMay 1 to October 3, 1785

ms number785301

abstractOccom's account of his travels as an itinerant preacher over the course of several months in 1785.

handwritingOccom's hand is mostly clear and legible. As is common with Occom's writing, there are uncrossed t's and crossed uprights; these have been corrected by the transcriber.

paperSmall sheets folded into a booklet and bound with thread or twine are in good-to-fair condition, with light-to-moderate staining and wear that results in a minimal loss of text.

inkBrown ink varies in intensity throughout. It appears that the pen nib changes as well.

noteworthyThis journal picks up where manuscript 784308 leaves off. On five recto, the identity of Mr. and Mrs. Carter's daughter is uncertain, and so she has been left untagged. On eight recto, the identity of Brother Moss's daughter is uncertain, and so she has been left untagged. On 11 recto, the name of the Indian Town is uncertain and so it has been left untagged. On 14 recto, the identity of Talitha's daughter is uncertain and so she has been left untagged. An editor, likely 19th-century, has overwritten the journal in spots. These edits have not been transcribed. Mention is made of the death of Occom's daugher Talitha. Individuals who are not named, and whose identities cannot be deduced, are not tagged.

Persistent Identifier

May 1: 1785: Sabbath ^N [illegible][guess: 11]^

Preach'd at Mrs Fitches and there was a large Number of well behavd People, and the word of god fell among the People with Some weight and Some were much afected eſpecially in the fore part of the Day, after meeting, took Dinner with the Family and after that went Home felt Some what Spent, and went to Be[illegible]d Soon —

May 10:

a number of us wen^t^ to Seabrook to fiſhing, a Storm met us the next Day, and we stop^t^ at New London,

May 13:

went on our way & got to the Fiſhing, near night and we Stayed there till 27 and we had prety good Luck

the 28:

we got home and foun^d^ our folks well,

Sabbath may 29:

had meetg at Harrys, and we had a
a Penitant meetig, I Sayd a few words from the Braſen Serpent, and we felt the Power of god, I think,

June 5:

had meeting at Hary^s^ and I Spoke from Rom 4:7

June 12: Sab

Henry and I went to Pawquonk and I preachd in Mr Reuben Palmers Meeting Houſe and there was Conſiderable number of People, and they attended with great Solemnity, both parts of the Day, I Spoke from 1 Sam 22:2: and Rom 4:7 and after meeting went ot Mr Carters, and took Dinner there and after eating we Sot away for[illegible] Home, and got a little after Sun Set, —

June 18:

Henry and went from Mohegan for Chartes Town and we got a little before
Night, we put up at James Niless, and were kindly receivd by them, —

Sab: June 19:

in the morng [illegible] went to See old Samuel Niles, and found him very low, and I believe he never will get up again, went back to James, and then to the meeting Houſe, and was a Number of People, but not large, they had but a Short Notice of my Com[illegible][guess: i]g and I preachd from Rom 4 ^7^ in the after Noon, we went to Sam Niless, and I preach^d^ from Daniel 5:25 in the evening metc at another [illegible]Houſe and John Cooper was there he Spoke, and he diſ[illegible][guess: cov]erd a party Spirit, u^a^fter wards I reharſd the Hiſtory of Joſeph
and then returnd to James Niless, and Lodged there once more,

Monday, June the 20:

Sun about 2 Hours high Deacon Henry Quaquaquid and I left Chartes Town and went on Homeward, and we go Home Some Time in the evening, found our Families well —

Sab: 26:

went to New Concord, and preachd in Mr Troops meeting Houſe — from Mat 4: 10: in the after Noon from 1 Corin 18:22 and was a larger number people and they attended with great Solemnity, after meting went to See Mr Troop and found him in low State of Health, Supped with them and Soon after Supper
took leave of them and redturnd homeward, Calld at Mr Jabaz Crokers and found in him in hard Sickneſs full of Pain & diſtreſs prayd with him, and after Prayer went on, and I Stop^t^ at Mrs Fitches and Taried there all Night, next Morning after Breakfaſt went on and got home about 9 found my well thr^ee^ Days ago I heard a heard heavy News, my poor Talitha is Dead & Buried, the Lord the Sovereign of the Univerſe Sanctify this Diſpenſation to me and to all my Family —

Tueſday, June 28:

a Young man Came to me from lower
part of groton in greateſt diſtreſs of Soul I ever Saw any one this long while and he wanted I Shoul go with him to groton rite away, and I told him I woud be there on the next Day —

June 29:

Rode down to new London. and So over to groton & a meeting at Mr Burringtons and there was a goodly number of People and they attended the word with great Solemn attention, and the Young man that Came to Mohegan for me was greatly afected, broke out in bitterneſs of Soul, and Cryed for mercy, Severayl gave him a word of Exhortation — I Lodged in the Same Houſe

Thirdsday June 30:

about 11 Capt Lathem Came to the H— where I was, and I went Hom^e^ with his directly, Dined [illegible]With him, and his wi[illegible]fe they
have no Children; near a bout 3 went to Mr Giddion Saunders's and there ^was^ a Num ber of People got totgether & we began the worſhip of god Directly, and I preachd to there ^[below]˄^ was an Effectionate attention, and after I had don^e^ Speaking, Mr Avery gave a word of Exhortation, and then he prayd and when he had done the People Sot Still and wou'd not go away, it Seem'd they wanted to hear more, they were hungry after the word, and So we gave out more [illegible]Exhortations, and after a while they went away with heavy hearts, and Some of 'em wanted I Sho^u^ld preach to them again on the next Day, but I told them I wanted to get home, to attend
upon other People, where I had engagd, — Lodgd at Mr Saunderss, and was very kindly entertaind, —

Fryday July 1: 1785

after break[illegible]faſt too^k^ my leave of the Family in Peace and good Friendſhip; Calld at Capt Robert Lathems but was not at Home, only his wife, Sot there a while, and then went to the Ferry and went over to the City of New London, and So on homeward, got home about 3 o:c: and found no one at Home —

July 3: 1785:

on Sabb Sot out Early in the morning for Pauquonk, Mr Eliphalet Liſter went with me, we got to the Place Some Time before meet
meeting Call on Elder Palmer and there took Breakfaſt, & then we went to meeting and was Conſiderable Number of People, Mr Leſter preachd, [illegible]And in the after N[illegible]oon I preach, and towards night we went about 3 miles further towards Colcheſter Town and there I preach again to a large number of People and both Elder Palmers were there the Father and the Son and there was Solemn attention — after meeting went back with Mr Abel Palmer and I Stopt at Mr Carters and Lodged there, and had very agreeable Converſat[illegible]ion with Mrs Carter and one of their Daughters, in Religious Concerns, went to bed late,

Monday July 4:

got up very early and took my Horſe and went Home, — got Home about 10: and found my geting ready to go to Pauquanunk a fiſhing, and I ^went^ with Directly, got to the Place fbefore night —

July 9:

Saturday went to New Concord, got to Deacon Huntington^s^ about Sut Set, and was kindly recevd and entertaian'd Lodged there

Sab: July 10,

Deacon Huntington and I went to meeting, and there was a great Number People Collected together, and I preachd from Luke 12: 21: in the after Noon from John 12: 21: and the made me a Collection, — towards Evening preachd at Deacon Huntington's, — and Soon after meeting I went to bed, but did feel well, and was reſtleſs all Night, —

July 11:

got up early and they would have me Stay
Breakfaſt, and I Conſented, & after eating ſot off for Home got Home about 10: and found all my Family well, —

July 16

Sot off from Home for Preſton, got to Deacon John Avry Juſt after Sun Set, and kindly receivd by them Lodged there

Sab: July 17:

went to meeting with the Deacon, and Mr Park preachd in the Morning, — in the after noon I preachd from [gap: omitted] after I had Mr Park ad[illegible][guess: m]iſd: the Sacra‐ment of the Lord Su[illegible]pper and I partook [illegible]With them, and it was a Comfortable Seaſon to the Children of God. Some old Chriſtians broke forth in Praiſes and adorations [illegible]to god and they encouragd one another to on in their C[illegible]hriſti an Courſe. after meeting I went directly Home, went with Mr Story of Norwich
Stopt at his Houſe, and took Supper with him, and was kindly treated, Soon after Supper I went on my way god Home Some Time in the Evening, and went to bed quietly Thanks be to god for his goodneſs to me and Family hetherto —

July 24:

Sab: early in the Morning got up, and got ready and went [illegible]down to Gales Ferry and went over to Groton, to Mr Sanders's and got there about 9: and was tenderly receivd by the whole Family about 10 the People began to 'gather, and there was a Number of People Collected together, and I preachd to from Luke 102 : 11: and in the after noon from John 21:22 and I think had Some aſsiſtance eſpecially in the after noon —
and the People attended with great Solemnity and affection I believe many felt the Power of the word, — I Stayd at Mr Sa[illegible][guess: u]derss and had Some Exerciſe with Several, in the even[illegible]ing with my Chriſtian Cards and after that went to bed quietly — Monday after brea^k^faſt went off after taking affectionate Leave of them, and Stopt at one Mr John Shoolers to See a Sick woman, found her very ^much^ Diſtreſt both Body and Mind, I gave her Some Counill and preſt to believe on the Lord Jeſus Chriſt, and with her and then went on my way, got near noon, and reſted a few Minutes and [illegible]took Horſ^e^ a gain and down to New London, to bu[illegible]y Corn and got home again Some Time in the Evening —

Sabbath [illegible] July 31:

went to Mrs and preachd there twice from 1 Corin: 7: 29: 30 and 1 Corin 4: 7 and there was not great many People and they attended well towards night I went to Mr Chap^els^ and preachd there to a few People and as Soon as the meeting was done, I went Home, and got H– afterabout Daylight in —

Sabbath Augt 7:

Sot of from Home and went to upper par^t^ of Long Society, got to Mr Moſss near 10 and from there we went to Mr Woodworths, and there was a great Multitude of People and preach'd to them from Daniel, 5: 25 and John 8: 47 Toward Night I preachd at Mr Moſss: ^from 1 Cor 7: 29^ and there was grea^t^ attention, and many were Deeply affected, and Some broke forth in Praiſes, eſpecially in the Evening, —
I Lodged at Mr Moſss and Brother London a Negroe preacher was with us all this Day and this evening and he and Severy of the Young Christian Lodged at Mr Moſss — Monday Morning we got up early in the morning, and London and I were Seting off, but Brothe^r^ woud have us Stay to Breakfaſt and we Conſented, and after Breakfaſt we Sung and Prayed and the Power of god Came done amongſt us and the Young Chriſtians were filld with Love to god and to one another, and one of Brother Moſss Daughters who met with Conſolation laſt Night was greatly filld with Divine Love and we had a Bleſsed meeting — and we parted in Love Peace and Fellowſhip —
and I got Home about 12: and found my Family well the Lord be Praiſed —

Sab: Augt 14:

went from Home early in the morning for Long Society, got there before 10 [illegible] Call on Mr Jonathan Smith and took Breakfaſt with them and then went to meeting and there was a great numbr of People and I preachd to them from Heb: 4: 2: & 2:Cor ^17^ V Some Time after meeting I went Home, Stopt a while at Mr Ephraim Storys in the Langding, and there I Say Brother London a [illegible]Negro preacher and they was to a meeting in the evening and they woud have me Stay to meeting, but I did not, I got Home Some Time in the evening —

Thirdsday Augt 18:

went to Mr Poſts at We[illegible][guess: ec]us Hill ^& Siſter Beth with me^ and preach to a Number of People and they attended well with great Sobriety. — after meeting Drank Tea with them and then we Sot off for Home, got Home Some Time in the Evening, Thanks be to god —

Sab Augt 21:

went from Home very Early in the morning for Pauquonk, got there Some Time before meeting, Calld up ^on^ Mr Carter, and was kindly re‐ceivd, by the Family, and took Breakfaſt, and after that went to meeting, and there was a goodly number of Peop^le^ and I preachd to them, from ^[below]Acts 2:37^ and the People attended with gravity and Sobriety, Especially the Young People — Soon after meeting I went Home, and got H in the [illegible]Duſk of the Evening

Sab Augt 28

Sot off from my Houſe before Sun riſe and went on towards north part of Preſton, got to Mr Daniel Moſses before meeting, and we went on to Mr Woodworths and found a great Number of People Collected togegether, and I prea^chd^ to them, from Luke 16:5 and Matt 11:28: and there was grea^t^ Solemnity and affection Soon after meeting, I went to Brother Moſss: and preachd there, before Night and there was a Croud of People, from Luke 7:23: Mr Heart was there, — I Lodg^d^ at the Same Houſe, Monday

Augt 29:

after Breakfaſt Br Moſs and I went to ſee Mr Hear^t^ found him very kind and friendly, went from there to Mr John Putnams and there I preach^d^ to a Small Number of People but there was great Solmenity among the People, took ^Dr^
there and after Dinner went to one Mr Fitchs 3: or 4. miles and there I preachd to a great Number of People and [illegible][guess: w]the word of god fell with weight upon the People, and I believe they will not forget it Soon — after meeting I went Home with old Mr Fitch, about a mile and an Half Eaſt of Long Society Meeting Houſe and there I Lodged, and was Tvery kindly Treated — Tuſeday morning after Breakfaſt took leave of the Family and went on home ward, got Home Juſt before noon and ^found^ no Body at Home

Sepr 3:

Saturday towards nigh^t^ left Home, and went to lower par^t^ of groton, was detain'd Some Time at gales Ferry, but got over about Sun Set, and reachd to Mr Saunders before Day Light in and was receivd by the whole Fa with all Kindneſs, Lodged there

Sepr 4:

Sab about 10: a great Number of p[illegible]eople Collected together and I preachd to them from John 11:28: in the after noon from 1 Croni 29: 5: and there was very deep, Solemn, and Silent attention the People lookd as if they were araind before the Judgement Seat of god, I believe they felt the Power of the Truth of the word of god, — Soon after meeting I Din'd with the People of the Houſe — and then I went to one Mr Jabez Smiths about 3: miles Southwar^d^ I got there about Sun Set, I had no thoughts of haveing a meeting but preſently after I got there 2 or 3 Neighbours were there, and they whiſperd among themſelves & preſently they aſk'd me whether I woud preach [illegible]if Neighbours would Come in, and I told them I woud I woud, and they, ^Sent^ out to [illegible]give notice, and in about half an Hour a number of People
Came in So as to fill a large Room or almoſt, and I Spoke to them from John 4:10: and the People attended well, — Lodged here this Night and was kindly entertaind — Monday

Sepr 5

very in the morning I got up and had my Horſe Catch'd, and I Sot off and directed my Courſe to Capt Robert Lathems got there Juſt as they were geting Breakfaſt ready, Sot down with them, after eating I went to Mr William Sheffields, I had a little Temporal Buſineſs with him, but I found him not he was juſt gone from Home, — and So I went back to Capt R. Lathems took dinner with them, and after Dinner took leave of 'em and went to went to Mr Sheffields again and he was at Home, I did my Buſineſs with him; and directly went to the Ferry, meet my good Friend Mr Saunders, and he gave me a piece of money & I was very lo[illegible]th to take it but he woud make me take it
and So I was obligd to it, and the good Lord reward him and his family a Thouſand Fold, — went over to the City of New London met Mr Smith, and we did our Buſineſs, and So we parted in good Friendſhip — I went on my way, and Sopt at Capt Whee^ler^s and Lodged there — Tueſday M Sot off very early, and got home once more, well, and and my Famy ^was^ much Scatterd, what was at H were well, the Lord be Praiſed — for his goodneſs to us thus far —

Sabbath Sepr 11

got up very early in the Morning and Sot of from Hom^e^ and went to Long Society, got there Some Time before the People Collect Stopt at Mr John Smith, was kindly receivd, near 11: went to the Houſe of Worſhip, and there a great Number of People, and attended with grea^t^ and Solemn attention, preachd from Isaa v: 3: 4 & 1 Peter 1: 24 Directly after meeting, I with
Mr Fitch and eat with them, and after eating went to Mr Downs & preachd there to Conſiderable number of People and they behaved well I was much paind in Left Sholders Spoke from Lamen 3: 40 Lodgd at the Same Houſe, and was kindly entertaind Monday very early got up and got my mare and went on, Stopt at Mr Fitchs and took Breakfaſt with them, and Soon after I went on Homeward, and I got˄ about 11: found my Family was as Common, Thus far the Lord has led me on, and glory be to his Holy Name — Reſted a while, & about 3: in the after noon, took up my Mare again, and went to Nahantick in Lyme, to See the Sick, got to Rope Ferry juſt after Sun Sit, and heard, my Aunt widow Hannah Juſtice was Dead and Buried. [illegible]She died Satur Night and Buried on Sabbath got to the Indian Town in the Duſk of the Evening, found my Couſin Isaac his wife and all his Children Conſiſting four were
all very Sick — Prayed with them and then home with Couſin Joſeph, and Lodged there, Tueſday, after Br found Isaacs Family little eaſy, Saw Some other Sick — about 12. I preachd in Couſin Joſephs Houſe to few People — about 3: Sot off for Home, got there juſt after Daylight in —

Saturday Sepr 17:

Some Time in the after noon left Home and went to Preſton, got to Deacon Averys in the Duſk of the eveng and was affectionately receivd by him and Lodged there,

Sab. 18:

about 10 went to M and there was a Conſiderable number of People — Mr Park preachd in the morning, and in the after I preachd from Luke Concerning the Prodacal Son — Directly after Sermon Mr Park adminiſter'd the order nance of the Lords Supper.
and I partook with them once more; and Directly after I went the Indian Town of groton with Jo: Sunſummon, and had a meeting there and I believe the Lord withwas preſent with us the Chriſtians were much movd, Some Time in the evening, we broke the meetg and after a while I went to bed Quietly — the Lord be praiſed —

Monday Sepr 19

Sot of for Home Early in the morning after I took good leave of the Family got home about noon, found my F well, — Thir^s^day about 9 in the morning Sot of from Home, for onoyda, and went up to lower part of Canterbury tgot to Mr Clarks about 3. in the after noon, and the People had got together and Mr Clarke had begun the meetg he was at Prayer, — and I preachd and there was great Solemnity & affection, and many Tears flow down freely — Soon after meeting went with Mr Cleark to his Houſe
and took Dinner with them — and the People Collected together again in the Evening, in Mr Clarkes Houſe, and we had a Comfortable meeting, many were melted down with Love, and they broke out in adoration & Praiſe, and Some Time in the evening we parted in Love, Peace and I believe in Divine Fellowſhi^[below]p^ and then went to bed peaceably the Lord be Praiſed —

Fryday Sepr 23

had a little Exerciſe with my Cards with the Family, and it was Comfortable Seaſon with us, and after Breakfaſt I took Brotherly leave of them, and went on my way and got to Mr Poſt's ^in Cranck^ about 1. and took Dinner, and about 3 I Sot of again, juſt Call on Mrs Pomroy and So paſt on, and got to one Mr Poſt's a little of Galiad Meeting Houſe, and I was very kindly entertaind, — Saturday morn ing we Sot off very early in the morning, and went on our way got to Esqr Wellss about 10
Sot a while, and Esqr was very urgent to have me Stay over the Sabbath, but I Coud not, and So we went on, and it was rainey kind of the weather, Juſt before Night we got to Indian Place in Farmington and put up at Daniel Moſsucks, & the Indians were well, there were but eight Families of Indians, —

Sabbath Sepr 25:

preachd 3 Times many white People were together and they attended well — here I met with george Pharaoh and his Fami from Long Island, they were moving up to onoyda Country, —

Monday Sepr 26:

we Sot of about 9: and got to Brother Phineas about 2: and here I ha[illegible]de the doleful acount of the Death of my Daughter Talitha, a mornful and heavy addition to all Troubles and Sorrows, went to See my poor Daughters youngeſt Child, and it was a Sorrowful and very affecting Sight — went bac had a meeting with the People on the next Day twice, and the People were very Solemn —
This Night Lodged at one Mr Safford's the woman is extraordinary in Chriſtianity of great underſtanding, and Experiance

Wedneſday Sepr 28

Sot of early having taken leave of the Fam and I went on my way, Sot at Brother Phins took Breakfaſt with them, Mr Willſon was with me a Son in Law to old uncle Chaucum, Soon after eating took leave of the Family and we went on our way; Stop at Mr Chaucums — and here Mr Woodbridge the BPreacher among this Peop^le^ overtook me, and was extrea^m^ly urgetnt to have me Stop to preach once more but I d[illegible][guess: e]nyd him, and we paſt on, he went with us a little way and then parted in Peace and we went on, and got to Canaan Juſt Night and we went to Mr Joſeph Marſh^al^s a miniſter of the goſper
and Lodged there found his wife very poorly will Lameneſs —

Thirday Sepr 29

got up very early and Sot of and got Stockbridg^e^ about 3 in the after noon, and Call'd at Capt Yoke's but he was not at Home, and moſt all the Indians were Scaterd, what were left of thoſe that are gone up to Onoyda, — about two thirds of them are gone up to Onoyda — Juſt before Sun Sit went to See Mrs Kirkland, and was a little while and then returnd,, Call on Mrs Serja^nt^ and Lodged there, Mr Serjant was not at Home —

Fryd Sepr 30

after Breakfaſt went back to Capt Yokes, and was there Some Time, and then Sot off, — Sottopt a while at a Tarvern, and here I met with one Capt Baldwin of New Canaa^n^ and he urgd to have me Stop at his place to have a meeting in the evening, and I Conſented, and
went on to Richmond, and got there before noon Stopt at Mr Millers and old aquaintaince of mine, found them all well, din'd With them, and Soon after Dinner went on our way, and got to New Canaan Juſt before sun Set, Calld on Colo Whiting he we was Buſy, and So I paſt on reachd Capt Baldwins, in the Evening the People began to gather and there was a great Number of People Collected, and I preachd to them from gExod the words go forward &c — and I had but little Senſe of Divine things Yet the People attended with gravity — Lodged at the same Houſe, —

Saturday, Octr 1: 1785

Sot of early, and Stopt at Mr Ca^m^ps and took[illegible] Breakfaſt with him and Sent of James before me — after a while I Sot of, and about 11 oc Calld at a publick Houſe the mans Name was Robbinſon
and he knew me and some others and another Came in, and they began to impertune and urge very hard to have me Stope to keep Sabbath them, & was a man deſired me before to go so far as to green Buſh and Mr Camp deſird me alſo to Stop there and keep Sabbath at one Esqr Woodworths, — and finily Concluded to Stop at Mr Robinſon's to preach there in the Morning, and so go to gree^n^ Buſh in the after noon— and so lodged in Mr Robin‐ſon's — The Place is Call'd Phillips Town

Sabbath Octor 2:

The People collected together, and there was a great Aſsembly, and I prea^chd^ to them from [illegible][guess: 1] Epiſt V:10: and Soon after meeting took dinner and then went of to Esqr Wood‐worths in green Buſh, Mr Robinſon and another gentllen
went with me, and we got there about 4 PM: and there was Number of People got together, and I began the Service Directly, and there a Solemn attention, — The People Collected Some thing for me, Lodgd in here this Night and was kindly entertaind, — here I met Mr [illegible][guess: H]ally from Norwich he is preaching in a Place Calld New Betheleham — in the evening a Number of us had agreeable Exerciſe with my Chriſtian Cards and after that went to bed Quietly —

Monday Octr 3:

was at Esqrs till 12: then went to New Bethm Stopt at Mr Townſends and there[illegible] took dinner, and then kep on, [illegible]Got to the Place a bout 2: and a great Number of People had got together, and began the meeting directly, and at [gap: worn_edge] went back to Esqr [gap: worn_edge]