Joseph Johnson, letter, to the Indians at Niantic, Mohegan, Groton, Stonington, Narragansett and Montauk, 1773 December 24

Author Johnson, Joseph

Date24 December, 1773

ms number773674.1

abstractOn behalf of himself and six other Indian signatories, Johnson strongly urges each tribe to send a delegate to confer with the Oneidas and Sir William Johnson on the subject of lands.

handwritingJohnson's hand is small and crowded, yet mostly formal and clear. He appears to use periods as commas. The trailer along the left edge of two verso appears to be in Occom's hand.

paperLarge sheet folded in half to make four pages is in good-to-fair condition, with light-to-moderate staining, creasing and wear.

inkDark-brown ink is faded in spots.

noteworthyAn editor, likely 19th-century, has added the note "Dec. 1773 from Farmington” after the trailer on two verso. This note has not been included in the transcription.

signatureThe letter is signed by Johnson and six other Indians.

Persistent Identifier
Our dear. & well beloved Brethren.
we wish you all well. your good. as well as our own. lies near at heart and we wish you and yours the same Proſperity. as ourſelves. — But not to be tedious in our Introduction. we will let you know our Deſign. & deſire. in Sending to you this once more. Our dear brethren. seeing that the time is nigh at hand. that those choſen men. or others in there room. should go forth. into the Weſtern Country. according to the appointment of his Honour Sr William Johnson. Baronet. and the deſire of the Onoida Indians. We ſay that the time is almoſt Come. seeing then it is so nigh. we thought proper. to send to you our dear Brethren this once more. humbly, and earnestly deſiring that ye would conſider of things. and by all means Let one out of each Town. or Tribe go up to the Mohawk Coun‐ ‐try. what can we say more. we have uſed all proper means yea we have been much concerned concerning you our dear Brethren. and we are Sorry. to See. So much Cold‐ ‐neſs. Luke warmneſs. and indifferency. amongſt you. as ye have discovered. since last march. 1773. what shall we [illegible] think of you. if ye do not send one out of Each Town. or Tribe. Yea. what will General Johnson think of you. and what will the Indians under his Special Inſpection think of you, who hath, by the Great Influence of his Honor Sir William given us great. and unexpected Encouragement. We pray you to conſider of things Seriously.
True. it is. that we are under a great disadvantage by such a great body of Snow. which is upon the face of the Earth. which Will hinder us. from making a proper Obſervation on the Land given to us. yet let not the preſent Snow Stop you by no means. tho we cant See the Land as we wiſh we could. yet we can converſe with our Weſtern Brethren the Onoidas. about the Land. yea it is highly neceſsary that we go. and talk with our diſtant friends. [illegible] and hear for ourselves. and See how thoſe Indians are diſpoſed to ward us. and recieve further orders or adviſe from our Great friend the Honorable. Sir William Johnſon. Baronet. Yea we think we could do much. by this Winters Journey. we could do ſo much as that we need not go up again. untill we go to Set‐ ‐tle the Land. Yea, we could have the Land Secured to us. or rather. So much Land made over to us. and ours after us. as the Indians will think proper. to grant us. be it more or Leſs. Our friednds. if ye had not Agreed to Send one out of each
Each Tribe last Spring. we would not have Sent to you So often. but we are hoping that ye will not be angry with us. Seeing that we have acquainted General Johnſon, Several times. what we agreed last Spring. at Mohegan. and Sir William doth certainly expect you. or one out of Each Tribe by all means at this time. he told us when we were at his houſe. the Indians would think Strange if only two or three come up to the Congreſs. when Six, or Seven were expected. General Johnſon told us. that he had Sent a word to them Indians telling them. that one out of Each Tribe was Coming to Converſe with them. and they Expect us. all. by the Day of January next. So how can ye help yourſelves. Can ye deny that ye promiſed to Send one out of Each Tribe. must we let the World know that we are Indians by Nature. & by Practice. but we must End. beging.. intreating. and humbly beſeeching you all Our dear Brethren to do thoſe things which are right. which are praiſe Worthy. Do thoſe things which become men. do thoſe things which become Chriſtians.
So fare you well. we wiſh you well. and We expect [illegible][guess: Ind] Indians at least Some young men from Each town. by the first day of January next. Which will be on Saturday. So on the first Monday. of January we purpoſe to Set off. but with what face. can we go alone again. O friends we hardly dare ^to^ go alone again. Conſider us. Conſider yourſelves conſider of General Johnſon. Conſider of the Mohawks. &c:
[right]To all Indians at Nihan ‐tuck. Mohegan. Grotton. Stonington. Narraganſet. and Long Iſland. or at Montauk.— — —
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To the. Indians Concerning Oneida Lands —
To— All, Who are truely Engaged in the Mohawk Affair.