Eleazar Wheelock, letter, to the Trust in England, 20 June 1771
Date20 June, 1771
Call Number771370.1
abstractWheelock writes to enumerate his reasons for obtaining an incorporation for his seminary. He also writes that the Society in Scotland will not reply to his letters regarding the funds in their hands; and that Occom, about whom Wheelock has heard rumours of drunkenness, has not replied to recent offers of missionary work.
handwritingFormal handwriting is clear and legible; it is not Wheelock’s. The signature, however, appears to be in Wheelock’s hand.
paperLarge sheet folded in half to make four pages is in good condition, with light staining, creasing and wear.
noteworthyAn editor, likely 19th-century, has added the note "censure of Boston Board occum" to two verso. This note has not been included in the transcription.
EventsFundraising Tour of Great Britain
was of July 30th in answer to which I have wrote two Letters, the laſt
was of Nov.r 27th and am aſsurd by one from M.r Savage that one
(and I hope both) arriv’d safe —
with orders to incloſe a short Narrative which I latly sent to (and hear
has got thro’) the Preſs there; by which I flatter myself if my hon’d Pa‐
trons will give thimselves the Trouble to compare my Plan propoſ’d in
my former Letters with my Procedure since, you will find I have inva‐
riably kept the Same object in view, and that there has been as cloſe &
exact Conformity to it as could be expected amidst Scenes so
and difficult as I have been called to paſs through, and I am confident
had you been upon the Spot you would have approvd every Step I have taken
unleſs it was my attempt to effect so great an affair, as settling here
in this Willderneſs in so short a time, which the Event has Justified tho’)
my Trials
unleſs the Grants and Donations to this School had been made to me perſonally; and
even then I and my Succeſsors should have been expoſ’d to a Thouſand Slan‐
ders and evil surmiſings: Witneſs the Loads of Reproach which dear Mr
Whitefield sufferd in all theſe Collonies not withstanding his great Popularity
extenſive acquaintance, and his having collected the moſt that was given by a
personal application, and that only or chiefly in Money commited to his Truſt,
and his Character at the same time supported by so many Persons of Repu‐
tation and Distinction throughout the Kingdom. Had there been 40000 Acres of
Land given for that Purpoſe instead of Money and that
the Country, none can reaſonably think that his Deſign could have surviv’d
the Standers and Reproaches of his Enemies, or that any thing short of an In‐
corporation could have inspird sufficient Confidence, that the pious De‐
sign should never be perverted either by him or his Succeſsors —
[left]The Honourabe Trust
of this Temper towards this Deſign, and that too from a reputable Board
vatly and with solemn Profeſsion of Conſcience towards God, transmited to
their Constituents and this profeſsedly with a view to prevent the Succeſs of
Doctor Whitakers Miſsion to England; Theſe Men are not alter’d beſure not
for the better; I have repeatedly heard of the Boaſts of one of the chief of the
“That they have now done the Buſineſs for Doctor Wheelock, in England, and
that he knew it was done —
the Hands of the Society there, but have receivd no Anſwer — by the Favour,
of a Friend I latly obtaind an Abſtract of a Letter from the Clerk of that
Society, to one of their Board of Corrispondents in Boſton, wherein he writes
them in the Name of the Society, in theſ
you that they at present give M.r Kirtland
Occum the other Miſsionary £20 Sterling — This the Society continue to
allow and deſire it may
Board.” signed James Forrest Clerk of Soc.” — —
to the Deſign of the Donors, you may judge as well as I whether it be under‐
standingly and wiſly bestow’d.— And to be quite plain I know of no other
Reaſon; and in my heart believe there is no other Reaſon of their Enmity,
and oppoſition to me and this Cauſe, than their Apprehenſion (and that
not without some Reaſons)
upt, and on that Account are fallen into general Disasteem, by the more
religious Part of our Land, and that therefore the
generally turnd upon this Seminary for the Supply of the Ministry am‐
ong Engliſh as well as Indians — It is not my hon’d Sirs a Mote in
the Eye
and nothing will content them ‘till that be put out as well as the mote, — Before
I got a Charter the grand Objection was “He is alone and tis too much to
trust any one man so far: if he should be honest his Succeſsors will not &c &c
this Objection was too plauſible to be well refuted; but now that is removd
by a Charter, yet their Enmity and Oppoſition still continues the same
though that Weapon be taken away, and continue it will till God
with them till then — And if the Servants of the Lord should imbibe the
Prejudice and turn against me, what a Caſe should I be in? But
my Hope is in God alone. and I cannot be afraid,— I have seen a great
sight the Buſh burning but not conſumed, the leaves all green and flou‐
riſhing while incir
or can conſume it — I have greatly rejoiceed in the Goodneſs of God, in
honouring you to be emminently Instrument
further this deſign, — and I would not be instrumental to dishonour
yet have the Satisfaction
deemer prosper in your Hands —
plainest and cheapeſt Manner, — others clearing and seeding these Lands —
others building a Saw mill, and grist Mill — my Expenſe is neceſsarily
very great at preſent,— I have made it my Rule not to exceed what
my little personal Estate will pay, in Caſe all my Friends should
forsake me — that I may not have the Uneaſineſs and Reproach of wrong‐
ing my Labourers —
by the Worms and Drouth the last Summer,— all or the cheapeſt of my Bread
and Meat for my numerous Family, is transported above an hundred Miles
The preſent Crop looks very promiſing. I hope for plenty when that is ripe;
I shall accompliſh the whole in the cheapeſt Manner I can —
Drunkenneſs in a public and very agravated Manner — In his Drunken fit
he got into an affray, and fought with a Man of the Company, and got much
bruiſed and wounded, in so much that he was confin’d & conceald in his Houſe for
some time — The Report of this spread far and wide, the wound given to the Cauſe
softly — He sent to me laſt Winter deſiring I would put him into Buſineſs —
I return’d him anſwer that if his moral Character was such that it might be
done without Dishonour to the Cauſe, I would indeavour to introduce and support
him on a Miſsion among the Onondagugas, which I had before repeatedly
deſird him to accept, as the London Board in Boſton have the Care
suppoſ’d to be a supply for them,— He has yet made no Return, perhaps he may
think that the Proviſion made for his Support by the Scotiſh Society, may
suffice for his Support without the Fatigues of a Miſsion abroad —
approv’d or not— as I am with greateſt Duty & Esteem
Right Honourable, honorable, & worthy Sir’s
Eleazar Wheelock