Nathaniel Whitaker, letter, to George Green, 1769 April 17

Author Whitaker, Nathaniel

Date17 April, 1769

ms number769267.2

abstractWhitaker writes, for publication, that Occom refused Episcopal ordination while in England, which highly displeased the Bishops.

handwritingThis document is in Occom’s hand; it is formal and clear.

paperLarge single sheet is in good-to-fair condition, with moderate creasing and wear.


noteworthyThis document appears to be Occom’s copy of Whitaker’s letter. An editor, likely 19th-century, has added the note "Occom to printer. Episcopal offers" to one verso. This note has not been included in the transcription.

signatureThere is no signature.

EventsFundraising Tour of Great Britain

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Mr Green Sir
As you have inſerted Mr Occom's Name several times in Your Papers, pleaſe to give it a place once more, and you will oblige one of your true Friends —
I know Mr Occom had an offer of Epiſcopal ordination Soon after he arriv'd to London, which he utterly refuſed, by which, (as he was repeatedly in‐ form'd) he highly diſpleaſed the Biſhops — and while in England, he receiv'd a Line from the Rev.d Mr graves of N. London in which, he hop'd. Mr Occom woud come Home with Epiſcopal oridination, but having offended ^[left]^ the Biſhops he concluded they woud not suppoſing he ^had^ a mind to be ordain'd by 'em, which he had not the leaſt inclination to, — and in his anſwere to Mr graves he has the , Words, [illegible]Won't, which he acknowledges is out of the way, he shoud have said, Can't, fore he Sup‐ poſes, that it is not in the Power of all the Biſhops to ordain a man againſt his will, — The Epiſcopal Clergy in this Country, are wellcome to make, what handle ^uſe^ the^[inline]y^ pleaſe of what I have now wrote, to make proſelytes among the Indians.
To the Printer April 17: 1769