David Avery, letter, to Eleazar Wheelock, 1768 October 1

Author Avery, David

Date1 October, 1768

ms number768551.1

abstractAvery reports on various comings and goings, including the arrival of Jacob Johnson, and notes that numerous Indians are traveling to the congress at Fort Stanwix.

handwritingHandwriting is formal, clear and legible.

paperLarge sheet folded in half to make four pages is in good condition, with light creasing, staining and wear.

inkBlack-brown ink is somewhat faded.

noteworthyAvery mentions the arrival of Susannah, the same student for whom Wheelock writes a recommendation in manuscript 768429.1.

Persistent Identifier
Revd & Hon,d D,r
The Reverend Mr Johnson came to this place 29th laſt month with the Fulneſs of the bleſsings of the Goſpel — was cordially received by the Indians — releaſed their Minds from some diſquietude — occaſioned by the long abſence of a miniſter — he came as one in seasonSir W.m & a very large Num­ ber of Gentlemen have been at Fort Stan­ wix about three weeks — the Indians are come & comeing — it is expected they will all arrive in a week or ten Days — will, doubtleſs be the largeſt Congreſs that ever was among the Six Nations — Deſign, by di­ vine Leave, to accompany the Revd M.r John­ ­ſon over as soon as the Indians go — and return to New England as soon as the Congreſs shall be ended — & let the Doctor ^know^ the Parti­ culars — & fully ye reſult of the whole — which, doubltleſs, will be — determining —
Have procured four very likely Children for the SchoolThomas and his Brother arrived safe with very Exalted Ideas of the School — behave very well. Not long since Thomas' wife, after about three week's Sickneſs, left this world — hopefully for a better — had satiſfying Evidence that her peace was made with God — and that she has gone to join the Aſsembly of the thoſe that are made white in the Blood of the Lamb — Since, Thomas manifeſts a great Deſire to go to New England — the rather soon — becauſe is afraid his Daughter will be diſtracted at hear­ ing the heavy Tidings — shall [illegible][guess: g] ^act^ according to the Doctor's Directions with reſpect to his going — Mundius had about a month's Journey hither — remains low — tho' some better — it is not likely he will be able to return with me — Suſannah is now at the Fort — dreſ'd in her Indian Dreſs thro' out — how affairs may turn — shall haſten to inform the Doctor perſonally as soon as may be —
By the great Goodneſs of God am in a better state of health than my fears have sug­ geſted since Mr Kinne left us — That undeſerved conſcern, Love & Kindneſs the Doctor is so conſtantly exerciſing towards ^me^ — is almoſt, too much for one to
receive — would imbrace this Opportuni ­ty to acknowledge the favour of two Letters from the Doctor — one by Thomas — the other by the Rev.d Mr Johnson for which pleaſe to accept many thanks — — Hopeing for the continuance of an Intereſt in the Doctor's Prayers — am, with all Duty and Humility,
Rev,d & Hon,d D,r Your much obliged and very humble Servant David Avery The Reverend Doctor Wheelock
M.r David Avery's Oct.r 1.st 1768