Edward Deake, letter, to Eleazar Wheelock, 1768 June 21

Author Deake, Edward

Date21 June, 1768

Call Number768371.2

abstractDeake writes that Hezekiah Calvin has returned home and is spreading stories of corruption and ill treatment at Wheelock’s school.

handwritingFormal handwriting is clear and legible. The handwriting is the same as on 765566.1, 767115.1, 767351.1, 767552, 767559, 767562.2, 767630.2, 767660.2, and possibly 767231 and 767251.

paperLarge single sheet is in good condition, with light creasing, staining and wear. The edges appear to have been trimmed.


signatureThe signature, repeated after the postscript, is abbreviated.

Persistent Identifier

Dear S:r
I now acquaint you that Hezekiah Calvin
has been some time among y.e Indians in this place, and
does not Design to return to you any more, but is going to
Newport to get a Paſsage to Philadelphia. — Has also, given
Y.r School a bad Charracter.— that you use y.e Indians very
hard in keeping of them to work, & not allowing them a proper
Privelidge in y.e School, — that you have took from him his
Silver Watch, & Shoe­buckels with other things which his
Father gave him, — that there is large quantity's of Rice,
Coffe, Flower & Sugars sent from y.e corporation in Scot­
to support y.e Indians in your School, which you Sell,
together with y.e Cloth's which are sent, & Diot, & Cloath
them with That that's mean. — That y.e best Cloth's he has
his Father gave him. — That Mary Secutor, & Sarah Simon
has been kept on close to work, as if they were your Slaves,
& have had no privelidge in y.e School † nor one Copper al­
low'd ym for their Labour. — That Mary ask'd for a small
peice of Cloth to make a p.r of Slippers, which you wou'd
not allow her, — twas to good for Indians &.c.. — That Jeams
is to be Bound to a Farmer. — That you wont give
no more of y.e Indians more learning than to Read, & Write
— 'twill make them Impudent; for which they are all
about to leave you. — So y.t ye Indians are ready to conclude,
that their Fellow-Indians will never receive any great Bene­
fit of y.e Large sums of Money contributed by good People, to
promote so good a Cause.
[left]†Since last Fall,

From, ſ.r your Hum.l Serv.t Edw.d Deake
P.S. The above has not enter'd my Heart as Truth.
I write in hast, Hope you'll excuse me.
E. Deake.
M.r Edw.d Deakes
June 21. 1768
the Rev.d D.r Eleazar Wheelock