David Avery, letter, to Eleazar Wheelock, 1767 May 26

Author Avery, David

Date26 May, 1767

ms number767326.2

abstractAvery writes to express his desire, and list his reasons, for going to college rather than early into missionary work.

handwritingHandwriting is formal, clear, and legible.

paperLarge sheet folded in half to make four pages is in good condition, with light-to-moderate staining, creasing and wear.

inkDark brown.

layoutPages one and two of the letter are on one recto and verso; however, the third page of the letter is on two verso, not two recto. The address is on two recto.

Persistent Identifier
Revd and Honrd. Sir,
As the Reaſons you offered for our not going to College, are some of them new to me; and eſpe‐cially my Shortſghtedneſs is such, & Judgment of Af‐fairs so inmature , I am quite unfit for an Anſwer. It will be a great Diſappointment of my expectations according to the Plan and Agreement I came upon, not to spend any more time at College. If I rightly re‐ member, the Agreement was, that I should be fit ted for College — and spend the major part of the term of four years there, and then to receive the Honors of College, if accounted worthy of them. This would be neceſsary for a common Recommendation, at leaſt among People and Gentlemen in North-Ame‐ rica, where I might be known; &c. if it should ever happen I might not be engaged in a Miſsion, or if I should — And it would be an Advantage in gitting into Buſineſs in thoſe parts, if upon some sufficient reaſon I should not purſue the Deſign. The Diſlike, and evil Suſpiceon of many who profeſs Friendſhip to me, and are not Friends to the Deſign, will be raiſ‐ed againſt the Plan, and will be apt to think hard of Mr Wheelock, (tho' the Reaſons should be given) and so the School and Cauſe might be reproached. The cruel tongues of many would then be set on fire, (as o‐thers like diſpoſed have been,) and "say, Mr Wheelock would not treat one of his own Sons so, who should be de‐ſigned for the same Work: But were there not some lu‐crative Views somewhere at the Bottom, things would not be so." Tho' the Deſign has gained ground, and
become more Honourable than our Colleges; yet, Men of thoſe parts, will not be so senſible of it, 'till by and by; and not only so, but, Sir, will not the School and we, who have gone so far, be looked upon in a diminitive Light by the College? I imagin it will be a great Advantage to git an Acquaintance with Scholars, that when they shall leave College and enter into Buſineſs abroad, one might be of service to another. And, may I expreſs the Paſsion — How comforting and supporting will Friendſhip be to one in the lonly Deſert! It is but a short Seaſon I can have to git an acquaintance with any Body special within two years and half here — and to be sure I muſt be under poor Circumſtances among the Pagans. And will not an acquaintance with Men of Learning be of great Advantage to one, who muſt be so much ex‐poſed in a crafty World as a Miſsionary? There are several Exerciſes of Improvement at College, we have not here; tho' they are not abſolutely neceſsary for one who expects to spend all his Days among Heathen; yet would they not be servicable and inlarging to the Mind? What you said, Sir, as to the Mathematicks, it give me Satiſ‐faction — To have a tolerable acquaintance with them I suppoſe is sufficient — Other Studies would be more agre‐able, as well as profitable — I can eaſily, (and indeed, it would be too black Ingratitude not to) believe your Plans and Schemes to be the moſt for my Profit, and to fix me for Uſefulneſs. And was the School fixt and set up, it would not give me the leaſt Uneaſi‐neſs, If I did not go to College at all: But untill that is done, would it not be beſt, all things conſidered, that we should spend a little time at College, as was propoſed, and agreed to, when we entered the School? Mr Kirtland often (with tears) laments his short Acquain tance with Claſsical, Scholaſtice Studies; and thinks it to be neceſary for a Miſsionary, as well as any other Calling in Life.
But, I am but a Child, and know not what is beſt in the Affair — I can with the greateſt Submiſsion and Reſig‐nation to Mr Wheelock reſign the whole Matter to your parental Goodneſs, and Judgment. I rejoice I have yet a Patron who knows better what is beſt for me, than myſelf:
Thus, Sir, I have indeavoured a few Reaſons, why I should deſire to go to College, as hath heretofore been propoſed: And, if there be any Weight in them,/ with the profoundeſt Reverence I begg they may be conſidered —
I imbrace this, as the firſt and beſt opportunity I have had to return you, my moſt sincere and hearty Thanks for your Expreſsions of tender Care and Concern for my Health.
I can only add, that I am, with all fillial Duty and Humility,
Reverend and Honour'd Sir, Your moſt obedi‐ent, moſt dutiful, and very humble Servant David Avery.
To the Rev. Mr Wheelock.
To the Reverend Mr Eleazar Wheelock, Lebanon Connecticut. From Avery From David Avery May 26.th 1767