David Fowler, letter, to Eleazar Wheelock, 1767 March 17

Author Fowler, David

Date17 March, 1767

ms number767217.1

abstractFowler writes to apologize for his previous letter, which he wrote in anger at Kirtland’s condescending treatment, and to request that Kirtland no longer have or exercise authority over him.

handwritingHandwriting is bold and legible; the nib of the pen appears to change midway through one recto.

paperLarge sheet folded in half to make four pages is in good condition, with light staining, creasing and wear.


Persistent Identifier
Revd, and Hon.d Sir,
I suppose you have receiv'd my preſumptuous Letter; Which I beleive has given you much Sorrow and Trouble of Mind. — For I was in a very bad frame of Mind; occ[illegible]aſion'd by Mr Kirtlands reſuming too much of greatneſs before Company he appeard to me, that he wanted ^to^ ſhow what great man he was that he could order us about where and how he pleasd; this ſoon ſtuck in my Crop; and at this time Mr Kirtland had ^[left]Letters^ come to hand and none for me; this encreased my angryer, and [illegible]in the Midſt of my Paſſion I wrote your Letter I indeed wrote whatſoever come out firſt; I hardly know what. I was writing about, nor can I now tell what I wrote, for as ſoon as I finiſh'd writing I ſeal it up — but I remember ſome haſh Word in it. — —For which baſe and haughty expreſ­ſions to ^you^. I ^do^ now in ſincerity aſk forgiveneſs for I acknowledge I ſpoke very ungratefully and improperly to a Benefactor, yea more a Fa­ther who has been [illegible][guess: ſ]at ſo much Trouble for me to fit me to be uſeful in the Wordld. again I ſay, I aſk your Forgiveneſs I hope you will not take hard no longer. — I don't now think myſelf to be worthy of your Notice, I wonder you did
not turn me out off the School — I now beg a Favour of you which will Afford me Comfort and Eaſe, which, is this, whenſoever you write to Mr Kirtland charge him not mention one Syllable of to me, for cuts me very much: though I ſee myſelf a mean and worthleſs Fellow an[illegible]d yet I am ſuch fooliſh Creature or to give as to trouble myſelf when others receive a Letter
I ſpeak calmy and ſincerely not in ruf­f[illegible]ele — Another Favour for Mr Kirtlands Comfort, which is this. Dont try ^to^ give him ſo much Authority as that he would per­ſuad or take upon himſelf to goven me or order me about. as ſoon as he try to do that he wont be ſo comfortable here; for he cant order me, [illegible] nor ^no^ Miſſonary that ſhall come into these Parts. [illegible] As I am an Inſtructor I am able to act for myſelf. with-out having a maſter over me .&c
I am well anyd contented, Han­nah alſo is well only ſhe has ſome ſmall turns of illneſs which Women of her Condition are apt to have — I ſuppose ſhe will like­ ly have a trial of pain in June, —
Give our Duty Madam and love to whole Family and School.
I am in the main time your affect and unworthy Sevant, David Fowler
Blank page.
From David Fowler March 17..th 1767
To— the Reverend. M.r Eleazer Wheelock Inn New-England