Eleazar Wheelock, letter, to Nathaniel Whitaker, 1766 December 8

Author Wheelock, Eleazar

Date8 December, 1766

Call Number766658

abstractWheelock writes that Samuel William Johnson is on his way to England with a document certifying that Occom intends to stay out of the Mason case. He also updates Whitaker on the progress of various missions and relates that David McClure has brought a Mohawk boy to attend the charity school.

handwritingInformal handwriting is not Wheelock’s. It is small, loose and occasionally difficult to decipher.

paperLarge sheet folded in half to make four pages is in good condition, with light-to-moderate creasing, staining and wear.

signatureThe signature is not Wheelock's. It is abbreviated.

noteworthyThis document appears to be a copy. In the third paragraph of one recto, it is uncertain to whom Wheelock refers when he mentions "Mr. P–m," though it is possibly Ebenezer Pemberton. In the second line of two recto, it is uncertain to which organization Wheelock refers when he mentions "...the Society on which he depends..." although it is possibly the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts.

EventsFundraising Tour of Great Britain, Mason Land Case

Persistent Identifier

My dear Brother
God governs the World yet,
let the Earth rejoice. Things will come right
by & by — the Wrath of Man is his Servent & at his
Beck — bleſsed be god he has upheld you &
my dear M.r Occom hitherto — how vain is all that
Pen can deſvise or imagine against the Lord, tho’
they take counſel togeather to plan & hand join
in Hand to execute w.t thy have deſviſed —
Yours of Aug.t 23d & Sep.t 6th were the last
I have rec.d I rec.d them perhaps theree Weeks
ago, & have wrote you Since —
M.r P–m of Boston, I hear is in
a high [illegible] feaver, wishes thy Letter thy wrote
were published — declares there was not a Word
in it to M.r Occoms disadvantage — M.r Maſon
determin’d last Week to ſhew M.r Whitefield’s Letter
to M.r Oliver, & deſire a Copy of his to M.r Mauduit
you will likely hear further of it very ſoon —
M.r Oliver by my Order paid the Annuity
of that Board to this School, to M.r Peck without
any objection a few Days ago, he was up this Fall
at [illegible][guess: Stafford] Spring, where M.r Ralph Pomroy heard him
read a Letter publickly from a Correspondent in London
wherein my School was highly commended — & did it as
tho' he deſign'd to recommend it to thoſe that heard him.
D.r Wm Sam[illegible][guess: l] Johnſon who is one of his Majesty's
Councel in this Colony is going to G Brit[illegible]on, as ſpecial
Agent in Maſon's Caſe — he carries a Certificate from
me that M.r Occom declard to be fix’d purpoſe to
have nothing to do wh, nor be any manner of Way
aiding or assisting in that Affair. & that M.r Occom well
knew that it was my fixed purpoſe not to ſend him
unleſs I cou’d be certifi’d that he wo’d keep himſelf
clear from intermedling wh it. you will let Mr Occom
know it and alſo the importance of his keeping [illegible][guess: Quiet].
the government are very jelious of him & of me too.
D.r Johnſon is no doubt [illegible][guess: able] to ſerve this Deſign
much. you will ſee I have recommended him to
M.r Keen & theſe Gentn who aſsoiciate w.h him —
The D.r knew not that I have wrote a [illegible][guess: Worod] of him, &
I lately had a hint that ſome [illegible][guess: end.rs] were y uſd to preje­
duce his Mind against me. I intended to have ſeen
him and [illegible][guess: beſpok] his freindſhip , but Providence forbid
it. I hope you will be able to [illegible][guess: treat] him a [illegible][guess: others]
I lately have a very catholic & friendly Letter from his Father
in w.h he highly applauds my Plan & ſays that
the Society on wh he depends, deſign to ſit up
two Schools upon the [illegible][guess: land] in the Westward government —
he alſo ſent me a first Catechism for Children —
deſiring I would [illegible] it & ſee if we can agree
in one so as to teach the ſame thing &c &c —
I was inturepted in the ſentence I [illegible][guess: began][illegible]
to write by the coming of McClure w.h another Mohawk
Lad for this school, & after reading Letters for two
Hours, am now ſit down to give you Sketch, w.h is
the most I can do at preſent. M.r Kirtland’s Health is
much impair’d, & is exercisd w.h a grevious Pain in
his [illegible][guess: Breast] — I fear the Conſequince — has built him
a comfortable Houſe. the School conſists of 40 or
upwards — many make good proficency — David
is comfortably ſettled for the preſent. has Joſ. Johnſo[gap: worn_edge][guess: n]
for an [illegible][guess: uſher] in the school thro’ the Winter — but
M.r Kirtland informs me that much to [illegible][guess: grief] 20 more
of his men are gone off, contrary to his utmost
[illegible][guess: intreateyſs ] to war w.h the Cherokees 6 or 700 Miles.
Thing have taken a happy turn ſince my last Acct
among the MohawksM.r Chamberlain ſeems much
encouraged, & warmly engag’d he has been exerting
himſelf, & wh good Succeſs for a Reformation his
aſsemblies are crouded from time to time, & the Schools
are filled. thus he has concluded to tarry wh ’em thro’ the Winter
as has also M.r Johnſon in the School at Fort Hunter unleſs I can
find another English Youth to ſupply his place — w.h I
shall endevour to do — the Number of Children in the
four School is upward of an 100, & likely will be at least
that Number thro the Winter — but the Difficulties they
have to encounter are too many & great to numerate or
deſcribe. a number of the Indians daily drunk, & when
they are so they are more the incarnate Devils. than
Branchs of the human Race — y.r greatst [illegible][guess: Impediances]
in the way to the Suceſs of our Endeavours w.[illegible][guess: h] then ariſes
from the white Heathen adjoining — but my hope is in God alone
There are to be ſupported thro’ the Winter in the
Wilderneſs Meſsrs Kirtland & Chamberlain Miſsionar[illegible][guess: –]
D Fowler & J. Johnſon M.r Johnſon Jacob Fowler & M Mohawk S. Maſters
beſides an interpreter & D.s Wife — & all to live by the
penny excepting the trifles the Indians w[illegible][guess: ll] contribute —
Dec.r 9. this morning I have oppery to discourſe w.h McClure
he says the Warriors went as far as the onandauges. wher many
got drunk & ſold themſ.s naked. two wer taken sick. one
very bad, on which [illegible] before he left the Town
But the bearer [illegible][guess: waits] — I'll give you a more [illegible]
acc.t in my next — give Love to M.r Occom his Wife was
here last Week, & all his Family well — aron is in this school &
I hope will do well — My dear Brother I cant tell how much
I love you farewell —

your in everlasting Bond
E Wheelock