Eleazar Wheelock, letter, to David Fowler, 1766 August 26

Author Wheelock, Eleazar

Date26 August, 1766

ms number766476.1

abstractWheelock replies to Fowler’s complaints of mistreatment in Fowler’s letter of the same day.

handwritingHand is small and loose, with many abbreviations and superscripts.

paperLarge sheet is in good condition, with light yellowing and wear.

inkDark brown.

noteworthyThis letter is written in response to a letter from David Fowler (document 766476.2).

Persistent Identifier
David Fowler
I this minute received yours and am Sorry to find that you are not yet come to your right Temper of mind, — Who has calld you a Devil, or Said you are as proud as the Devil Since you came here? Who has ever Said that you have not behaved well in the main ſince you illegiblelived with me, or that I have not ſat as much by you and expected as much benefit to ye Grand Deſign as by any Indian I ever Educated or there has there been any Indian y.t I ha'n been mo. friendly to yn to y.o & y.r Charact.r — ha' I ev.r Sd y.t y.o ha' not done mo. for my Benefit yn all ye Indians I ever had &c.
and now yo ſay I am too bad to live in y.e House for one of my miſSteps yrefore I muſt leave yo & y.r School y.t very Day & go weepg in ye Road Homward — Now David conſ.r a Little. is this Just comely and reaſonable Treat­­ment of me. ha' I ſd worſe of y.o or to y.o y.n y.t I was afraid y.t y.e [illegible][guess: Bid] of y[illegible][guess: r] [illegible] Aſpird aft.r ſuch Grand.r as was not for ye Gly of G. & co.d not conſiſt with ye good of y.e gen.l Deſign in View — y.t Wn I had given y.o leave to get everything y.t y.o Wanted for y.e Deſign & told y.o I begrutchd y.o nothg y.t was neceſsy for y.o — y.t y.o ſho.d affect to cloath yrſlf & Hannah like Courtiers & W.n y.o knew y.t I had been already reporachd thro' ye Country, as I ha' been only for lettg y.o wear an old Velvet Coat y.t was given to y.o — I told y.o y.t y.e Eyes of All Europe & America wre upon y.o & me too. & y.e Eyes of Thouſands w.o are unfriendly & will not fail to Catch at any occaſion to reproach me & ye Deſign —I told y.o it was no Intereſt of mine but only ye Hon.r & Intereſt of X y.t I was pleadg for, & y.e Succeſs of y.t Cauſe w.c has been ſo long on my [illegible] & in w.c I ha' so much labourd & worn out myſelf — & w.c certain­ly as nearly concerns y.o as me to Lab.r to promote — did y.o not wn I was only Enquirg w.r it was Prud.t & beſt for y.o to ha' ſo many as 4 p.r of ſhoes at once riſe up & wth a very unbe­­comg Air go out y.e Room & Say I will ha' no ſhoes I'll wear Indian ſhoes — & how y.o & Hannah ha' Spent y.r free Hours yesterday & t'day I know not — Or how yo will live or wn yo will ſerve tog.r I know not I wiſh y.r Settg out Wre mo. in ye meekneſs & Humility of X — as for my own p.t great as ye proſpects of y.r Usefulneſs are, (and y.a are very great if y.o will take G. with you.) I dont at all deſ.r you shod return to Onoida wth y.r preſent Tempers — nor am I at all afraid but I can fully Vindicate my own Reputation, take w.t Courſe y.o will —
I ſuppose y.o cant reaſonably think it unjuſt if ye Whole & plain Truth comes to y.e Light of ye world, if I am put upon my own Vindication — nor do I think y.o can feal very Eaſie if yo ſho.d go 'till y.o return to me again w.c I promiſe myſlf yo will do as Soon as y.o return to God. My Heart is y.e ſame and as full of Kindneſs & Good will towds you as ever it has been. and I am as ready to do any thing yt will Hon.r Chriſt & & promote ye ſalvn of ye Souls of ye poor Indians as ever I was — but I ha' no notion of Sendg any man w.o is aiming to ſet up himſlf inſtead of XJ. as ye obj.t of y.r Wſp & Wn y.o Will app.r ye Same as y.o ha' heretofore done yo Will find me ye ſame
I am y.r ſincere Well wiſher Eleaz.r Wheelock
Lett.r to D. Fowler. at his Study. Augt 26. 1766.