Eleazar Wheelock, letter, to Sir William Johnson, 1761 June 9

Author Wheelock, Eleazar

Date9 June, 1761

ms number761359

abstractWheelock introduces David Fowler and Samson Occom, and asks that six more boys from the Six Nations be brought by them to Wheelock for an education.

handwritingInformal hand is small, slanted and, given the amount of deletions and additions, occasionally difficult to decipher.

paperLarge single sheet is in fair condition, with moderate staining, creasing and wear. The central crease is reinforced, and there is evidence of a tear having been taped over.


noteworthyThis document appears to be a draft.

Persistent Identifier
The Barer David Fowler one of my Indian Schollars, in Company with the Revd Samſon Occom Now waits upon your Honour, purſuant to the Deſire and by the Direction of the Honourable Comm̅iſsrs of the Honle Society in Scotland for Propagating chriſtian Knowledge. and aſks your Honours Direction and aſsiſtance to procure Six likely male youth of the Six nations to be conducted hither to the School under my Care for an Education in ſuch Parts of Learning as may be ^render them^ moſt useful among their Tribes and perticularly to be fitted for Interpreters.
The Honle Comm̅iſsrs have granted a Support for Three the Other Three I take at my own Risque.
They Muſt Expect to be Subjet to the Government of the School as Engliſh Youth in it are, and if they ^[left]be^ orderly & Diligent they will find it an Eaſy one^government^ but if Otherwiſe they will not, they muſt expect to be ſent back to make way for others who will prize and ^[illegible]^ Improve [illegible] the Previlidge.
I truſt you have before now Rec.d the Letters from Gen.l Lyman & myſelf which I ſent forward Some Days ago. and that you will approve and gladly promote the Deſign. M.r Occom Can give you a more full account of the affair.
I ſhould be glad to have it accompliſhd as ſoon as may be that David might return with them to his Studies. I am with much Reſpect
Your Honrs Moſt Obed.t & moſt Humble Servant Eleazar Wheelock
Letter to Genl. Johnsonby David FowlerJune 9, 1761