Copy of a letter from John Anderson to Harold Noice, 01 October 1923

Author Anderson, John

Date1 October, 1923

ms numberStefansson Mss-91: Harold Noice Papers, Box 1, Folder 2

abstractCorrespondence, newspaper articles, and other material related to the ill-fated 1921 expedition to Wrangel Island.

- C O P Y -
October 1, 1923.
Harold Noice, Esq.,
c/o Mrs. O. R. Wilcox,
Broadway at 156th St.,
Dear Mr. Noice:-
I am surprised not having heard from you since you arrived in New York. Will you please let me hear if Mr. Pickering fixed you up satisfactorily and the amount of money you received on account.
Just as soon as you are able we shall be very pleased to receive your cheque covering whatever proportion you think is fair for our work and telegraph charges.
With kindest regards,
Yours very truly,