John McCoy, letter, to Martha McCoy, 1864 March 12

Author McCoy, John

Date12 March, 1864

ms numberMS-605_08

Persistent Identifier
Dear Wife
Your letter of the 29th Feb. came to hand this day (Saturday) and I avail myself ^of^ the short time I have this evening writting a reply. the all important news it contained of your good health gave me unspeakable satisfaction I am very sorry to hear that my father has been feeble for some time but I trust he will recover somewhat his usual vigor and health or at least as much as can be expected from one so far advanced in years. I still live in hopes that he will be spared to handle the old Cain until I return but sometimes I take [guess (MKR): malal] malancholy fits when I think on my return I may find the [illegible][guess (SJW): Bye] road deserted by its old occupant that has traversed it so late and early. tell him I think now that he has got settled with little John there can be nothing to prevent him from sending
me a letter himself it would be thankfully received and promptly answered by me.— I am glad that Brother David is going to write me a letter good [illegible][guess (SJW): blood] for him I will be uneasy till it comes. I take it granted that my mother is well when she is helping to you to sew and your mother also - and all the rest of my relations or you would inform me to the contrary I am almost made at you or somebody for not hearing some news from home, paper is not so costly and stamps are cheap you send me no news at all. the papers you sent me all came safe they were very welcome here send me all you can. I pay ten cents each for the New York papers here and glad to get them at that. I sent you a letter dated 28th Feb. with five dollars enclosed for pip I suppose you have it before this time, when mailing it I received a letter from Boston stating you were forwarded the check for the money on the 12th ultimo I added a note on the top of the first page to that effect. Keep the money untill you hear from me again leave
it with my Aunt Ann or Meredy it will be safer there than with you in case of fire or other accidents you can tell those that want it that it is lent I will consider what is best to do with it after some time and inform you, you can also consult my father what is best to do with it. I can tell you that money is not got here for nothing —I am glad that my Aunt Ann is got better give my respects to Meredy and her and tell the sergeant I will send him a letter soon as time will permit. I think he might write one to me first if he can spare time from the Buck saw. I almost forgot Sarah give my respects to her. tell her white girls is very scarse here but darkies in thousan^ds^ there. is two dollars coming from Doctor [illegible][guess (SJW): Har] —achy for the survey try and get it send send me word if you seen Harvey Lighthall lately and if he done anything done about [illegible][guess (SJW): Campbells] note yet but I will write you a letter devoted to matters of that kind we are allowed 25 days furlough every year by law. I will then settle some
^account^ accounts myself you cannot do anything of that kind correctly I will attend to it in due time — We expect to get paid next week the money I think I will send by express to you it is better to pay for it than risk it in a letter I wrote two letters to Gardner he has declined to answer them for the future I will send them all north I wrote to Brother Thomas but as yet there is no reply send me his new address I will try again tell Cousin John to write me a letter and I will give him the particulars of this place. Immediately after mailing my last letter I got vaccinated for the pox it rose beautiful the warm weather is coming on rapidly. Typhoid Fever is very prevalent here chills fever ague and small pox every precaution is being taken among the troops to prevent disease Moderation in food and drink is recommended the latter I adhere to strictly but I have a great appetite.
Jno McCoy
This postscript is written across the top of the first page of the letter.
Be shure and write to me as often as you can your letters keeps me from being lonesome for a little while after reading them