Airspace Rights Over the Arctic: Encyclopedia Arctica 11: Territorial Sovereignty and History

Author Stefansson, Vilhjalmur, 1879-1962

Airspace Rights Over the Arctic



John C. Cooper
The determination of national airspace rights over the Arctic presents a challenging and vital problem. It is a problem that must be settled. It concerns directly the diplo– matic, commercial, and military relations of those States which face the Arctic — Canada, Denmark (through its owner– ship of Greenland), Iceland, Norway, the USSR, and the United States (through its ownership of Alaska). Indirectly it affects every State with any pretense to long-range flying. Potential air routes across the Arctic are the shortest distance between important parts of the Northern hemisphere. In no other area of the world is there still such lack of certainty as to the rights of nations to fly.
The basic rule of international air law, fixing the legal status of airspace over the earth's surface may be stated as follows:
If any area on the surface of the earth, whether land or water, is recognized as part of the territory of a State, then the airspace over such surface area is also part of the territory of the same State. Conversely, if an area on the
earth's surface is not part of the territory of any State, such as the water areas included in the high seas, then the airspace over such surface areas are not subject to the sovereign control of any State and are free for the use of all States.
This is another way of saying that the old concept of national territory as a two-dimensional area on the earth's surface can no longer be accepted. National territory is three-dimensional. The surface of the earth and the airspace above cannot be separately treated. Together they must be considered as a single political unit. Entry into the sur– face areas under the control of a State or into the airspace over such surface areas constitute equally entry into the territory of the State. The background of this presently accepted rule must be stated in order to understand the problem of airspace rights over the Arctic.
In the latter part of the nineteenth century and the first decade of the twentieth century, doctrinal discussions developed in western Europe as to the legal status of the airspace. These were centered around the question as to whether the airspace was part of the territory of the State below or whether it was free to the navigation of all States as the high seas are free for all vessels. Various solutions were proposed,
including those which would have held that a limited zone immediately over the earth's surface was subject to the sovereignty of the State below, but that the upper airspace was free. These discussions, it must be understood, were purely doctrinal. There is no evidence that any important sovereign State ever disclaimed control of any part of the airspace over its surface territories. In fact there is ample legal evidence that State sovereignty in the airspace has existed since Roman times.
The first international attempt to settle diplo– matically the extent of national airspace rights ended with failure at the Paris Conference of 1910. Differences de– veloped as to the extent to which foreign aircraft might have privileges of flight in the airspace over national territory. But not one of the European governments there represented was ready to accept the theory that the airspace over its territory was not part of its domain and thereby not subject to its control.
Concrete acts of the great powers soon thereafter affirmed the existence of airspace sovereignty. Great Britain, in the Air Navigation Acts of 1911 and 1913, stated its right to set up prohibited areas in its territory over which no foreign aircraft might fly and to control the terms under which such foreign aircraft might enter the airspace over its lands and waters. By an exchange of notes in 1913 between France and
Germany, provisions were agreed upon under which no military aircraft of one nation could enter the airspace over the other except on invitation , and the civil aircraft of one nation were required to obtain a special permit from a consul of the other before starting on a flight to the latter's territory. These British Air Navigation Acts and the French-German air traffic agreement demonstrate that each of these powers claimed full right to control the airspace over its land and water territories as against all other nations. This is the exercise of external or national sovereignty in inter– national law.
The outbreak of World War I in Europe further affirmed the existence of airspace sovereignty over national surface territories. In a letter handed by the German Ambassador to the French Foreign Minister on August 3, 1914 it was stated that the German Empire considered itself at war with France. Among the reasons given by Germany as a direct cause of the war was the allegation that French military aviators had been guilty of hostile acts on German territory and that they had "openly violated the neutrality of Belgium by flying over the territory of that country." In other words, Germany insisted that the airspace over Germany was part of German territory and that the airspace over Belgium was part of Belgian terri– tory, and that the flight of French aircraft into Belgian air– space constituted an invasion of Belgian territory and its internationally guaranteed neutrality.
Immediately after the outbreak of the war, various European nations closed their air boundaries. During the course of the war neutral states required belligerent aircraft flying into the airspace over their surface territories to land and be interned just as they required foot soldiers to be interned when crossing land boundaries into neutral terri– tory.
During the meeting of the Peace Conference following the war, an aeronautical commission was organized and charged with preparing a convention for the regulation of air navi– gation. Its legal sub-commission (on which the United States was represented), in reporting a draft of the proposed con– vention, said:
"The first question placed before the Sub– commission was that of the principle of freedom or of sovereignty of the air .
"... the opinion expressed in the Legal Sub– commission is favorable to the full and exclusive submission of the airspace to the sovereignty of the subjacent territory. It is only when the column of air hangs over a res nullius or communis , the sea, that freedom becomes the law of the air.
"Therefore, the airspace is part of the legal regime of the subjacent territory. Is this terri– tory that of a particular State? Then the airspace is subject to the sovereignty of that State. Does it escape all sovereignty as the free sea? Then the airspace is also free above the sea, as the sea itself.
"It results then that, by virtue of its sover– eignty, the subjacent State, within its borders, can forbid flight and, with greater reason, landing." 1
The convention came into effect as the Paris Con– vention of 1919 "relating to the Regulation of Aerial Navigation." It stated in Article 1 the basic problem of airspace sovereignty:
"The High Contracting Parties recognise that every Power has complete and exclusive sovereignty over the air space above its territory.
"For the purpose of the present Convention the territory of a State shall be understood as including the national territory, both that of the mother country and of the colonies, and the territorial waters adjacent thereto." 2
This Convention was later either ratified or adhered to by all of the European powers except Russia and Germany, and also by the British Dominions, including Canada. Its statement of airspace sovereignty became an accepted part of international law. The Convention does not purport to grant rights of sovereignty reciprocally between the States which are parties to the Convention. Instead it states the existence of an admitted rule that every State, whether a party to the Convention or not, "has complete and exclusive sovereignty over the airspace above its territory."
The United States signed, but did not ratify, the Paris Convention of 1919. This refusal to ratify had nothing to do with the fact that the convention acknowledged the existence of airspace sovereignty as the fundamental principle of inter– national air law. The United States has in fact always been one
of the chief proponents of the doctrine of airspace sovereignty. As early as 1912 in the unofficial but authoritative Inter–national Law Situations prepared by The United States Naval War College and published by the Government Printing Office, it was stated "that physical safety, military necessity, the enforcement of police, revenue, and sanitary regulations justify the claim that a State has jurisdiction in aerial space above its territory," and that "it would seem wise, therefore, to start from the premise that air over the high seas and territory that is res nullius is free, while other air is within the jurisdiction of the subjacent state..." 3
This position was affirmed by the conduct of the United States during World War I. By proclamation of November 13, 1914, relating to neutrality of the Panama Canal Zone, "aircraft of a belligerent power, public or private," were forbidden to pass through the airspace above the lands and waters within the jurisdiction of the United States at the Zone. 4 By another proclamation of February 28, 1918, all flying was prohibited unless specially licensed if the flight was to pass over "any place or region within the jurisdiction or occupation of the United States which may be designated by the President as a zone of war-like operations or of war-like preparations." 5 The whole of the United States and its terri– torial waters and possessions were designated as such a zone,
thus assuming complete national control in the airspace over all the lands and waters of the United States.
The rule of airspace sovereignty became part of the peace time law of the United States with the passage of the Air Commerce Act of 1926, asserting "that the Government of the United States has to the exclusion of all foreign nations complete sovereignty of the airspace over the lands and waters of the United States including the Canal Zone." 6 In 1928 the United States assisted in drafting and later signed and ratified the Havana Convention which in Article 1 recognizes "that every State has complete and exclusive sovereignty ever the airspace above its territory and territorial waters." 7 Again in 1938, the United States affirmed the same principle in the present Civil Aeronautics Act. 8
As parties to the Paris Convention of 1919 all of the States then directly interested in the Arctic (except the United States and the USSR) affirmed the existence of airspace sovereignty. The United States took the same position in its statutes and as a party to the Havana Convention. The Chicago Convention of 1944 has now taken the place of both the Paris Convention and the Havana Convention. It states the basic existing principles of air law for most of the world except the USSR. Among the parties to the Chicago Convention are Canada, Denmark, Iceland, Norway and the United States — directly interested in the Artctic. The provisions of this convention directly applicable to the status
of the airspace are the following:
" Article 1 : The contracting States recognize that every State has complete and exclusive sovereignty over the airspace above its territory.
" Article 2 : For the purposes of this Convention the territory of a State shall be deemed to be the land areas and territorial waters adjacent thereto under the sovereignty, suzerainty, protection or mandate of such State." 9
The convention also recognizes that airspace over the high seas is not part of the territory of any State. In Article 12 it provides that each contracting State undertakes to adopt measures to insure that aircraft flying over its terri– tory and that every aircraft carrying its nationality mark wherever such aircraft may be shall comply "with the rules and regulations relating to the flight and maneuver of aircraft there in force," and that "over the high seas, the rules in force shall be those established under this Convention." In other words, over the high seas no single State has sovereign power to make rules applicable to the flight of aircraft of other States. Such flight can be regulated only by agreement between several States and the rules thus agreed will apply only to the States which have adopted such rules.
The fact that the USSR did not become a party to the Paris Convention nor the Chicago Convention must not be taken to mean that the USSR refused to accept the principle of air– space sovereignty. The facts are quite the contrary. As early
as the Decree of the Council of Peoples' Commissaries adopted January 17, 1921 10 this principle was tacitly recognized. Foreign aircraft were permitted to cross Soviet boundaries only by special permit and subject to special regulations. Other later decrees clarified the reservation by the Soviet Government or the right to regulate air navigation over Soviet surface territories. With the promulgation on April 27, 1932 of the Air Code, the Soviet position finally was made very clear. The directly applicable provisions are as follows:
  • "1. The air code is in force throughout the land and fluvial territory of the Union of S.S.R. and the territorial waters established by the laws of the Union of S.S.R., and within the air space of the Union of S.S.R.
  • "By the air space of the Union of S.S.R. is understood the air space above the land and fluvial territory of the Union of S.S.R., and above the territorial waters established by the laws of the Union of S.S.R.
  • "2. To the Union of S.S.R. belongs the complete and exclusive sovereignty over the air space of the Union of S.S.R." 11
It is apparent from the provisions of this Air Code that no difference exists between the USSR and the other States facing the Arctic as to airspace sovereignty, except in a possibly important difference in the definition of what consti– tutes surface territory. It will be noted from the citations
above that in the Chicago Convention the territories of a State are defined to include "the land areas and territorial waters adjacent thereto," while in the USSR Air Code the airspace of the USSR includes the airspace "above the territorial waters established by the laws" of the USSR. This would appear to constitute a reservation by the USSR of the unilateral right to declare as "territorial waters" those waters which it may by its law determine to have such character, while in the Chicago Convention territorial waters are only these "adjacent" to land territories.
In summary, it may be said that international air law applicable to the question of the extent of national air– space sovereignty now includes the following rules:
  • a. Each State has complete and exclusive sovereignty over the airspace above its surface territory and such airspace is in fact an integral part of national territory.
  • b. Surface territory for the purpose of airspace sovereignty includes territorial waters. Airspace over such territorial waters is in ex– actly the same legal status as airspace over land territory.
  • c. Every sovereign State has complete control of the airspace included in its territory, has the exclusive right to fly in that airspace, and may exclude all foreign aircraft or admit them on such terms as it sees fit. The aircraft of one state do not have in the airspace of another ^ S ^ tate any right of entry or innocent passage and will only be admitted to such airspace with the consent of the State having sovereign control. No right of innocent passage in the airspace over territorial waters exists in favor of foreign aircraft although
  • such rights of innocent passage does exist in the territorial waters themselves for foreign sea-going vessels in time of peace. To this extent the law of the air and the law of the sea are not in accord.
  • d. Airspace over the high seas and over surface territory which is not part of the territory of any States is free for the use of the aircraft of all States.
From the foregoing rules the extent and char– acter of national airspace rights over the Arctic can be determined. But such determination requires a decision as to what constitutes the Arctic surface territory, both land and territorial waters, of the interested States. On this depends the extent of the right of such States to con– trol the flight of other States and the future of Arctic international flight.
The scope of this article will not permit an ex– tended discussion of all of the questions entering into any definitive statement of national surface sovereignty rights in the Arctic. 12 Enough must be said, however, to lay the basis for a statement of at least presumptive airspace rights.
The normal rules of international law require that a State, to acquire sovereignty over lands not pre– viously part of the territory of any other State, must show discovery and later effective possession with notice to other States. Also no State may claim sovereignty in those water areas known as the high seas where every State has equal rights. The primary difficulty in stating the extent of national sovereignty in the Arctic rests on the
decision as to whether the normal rules of international law apply, and if not, how land territory may be acquired and what areas shall be treated as part of the high seas. It is necessary to decide:
  • 1) whether to accept the so-called "sector" theory under which a State facing toward the North Pole is supposed to have sovereign rights in the triangular area between its recognised territory and the North Pole itself irrespective of the normal rules of international law; or
  • 2) if the "sector" theory is not accepted, whether (a) the rules of international law have been so modified as to permit the existence in the Arctic of sovereignty in land territories which have never been "effectively occupied" by the State claiming such sovereignty, and (b) whether any part of the vast ice-covered water areas in the Arctic beyond the limit of normal territorial waters may be treated as subject to the sovereignty of a par– ticular State, or whether such areas should be considered as part of the high seas and not, therefore, subject to the sovereignty of any State.
    The sector theory of Arctic sovereignty is a development of the twentieth century. It was first definitively stated in a debate in the Canadian Senate. On February 20, 1907, Senator Poirier proposed the following resolution:
    "That it be resolved that the Senate is of opinion that the time has come for Canada to make a formal declaration of possession of the lands and islands situated in the north of the Dominion, and extending to the north pole."
    He stated, in the debate, that:
    "... in future partition of northern lands, a country whose possession today goes up to the Arctic regions, will have a right, or should have a right, or has a right to all the lands that are to be found in the waters between a line extending from its eastern extremity north, and another line extending from the western extremity north. All the lands between the two lines up to the North Pole should belong and do belong to the country whose territory abuts up there." 13
    The resolution was not adopted. But it evidenced a growing feeling that Canada had special rights in areas north of its then occupied territories. During the previous year, 1906, the first edition of the Canadian Atlas had been officially published under the title "Department of the Interior, Canada, Honourable Frank Oliver, Minister, 1906, Atlas of Canada, Prepared under the Direction of James White, F.R.G.S., Geographer." In this Atlas, map 1 and some of the other maps show dotted lines running towards the North Pole - one on the
    141st meridian, the other roughly on the meridian of 60°. In the same year the Canadian Parliament had amended the Fisheries Act of 1904 so as to require that a license fee be payable for hunting whales in Hudson Bay "inasmuch as Hudson Bay is wholly territorial water of Canada." 14 In 190 7 ^ 9 ^ a government expedition erected a tablet on Melville Island "to commemorate the taking possession for the Dominion of Canada of the whole Arctic Archipelago lying to the north of America from longitude 60 degrees west to 141 degrees west up to latitude 90 degrees north," 15 - apparently a notice of claim to ter– ritorial rights within the sector described, certainly covering all islands and also perhaps the waters in the area of the archipelago. The Atlas of 1906, the statement of Poirier in the Canadian Senate in 1907, the tablet erected on Melville Island in 1909, together evidence Canadian support of the sector theory. This was further emphasized in 1921 by a note addressed to the Government of Denmark holding that any discoveries which the Danish explorer, Rasmussen, might make north of Canada would be considered as not affecting the rights of Canada in such territories. 16
    In 1934 the United States semi-officially took cognizance of the sector theory. Denby, then Secretary of the Navy, testifying in January 1924 before the House Committee on Naval Affairs as to a proposed flight of the U.S. Navy dirigible "Shenandoah" to the Arctic, and dis-
    cussing possible lands north of Alaska, said:
    "And furthermore, in my opinion it is highly desirable that if there is in that region land, either habitable or not, it should be the property of the United States. ... And, for myself, I cannot view with equanimity any territory of that kind being in the hands of another Power." 17
    The proposed voyage did not take place. But Denby's remarks may have had international repercussions for it must be noted that ^ later ^ in the same year the USSR clarified its Arctic territorial claims.
    In a note of November 4, 1924 to all other States 18 the USSR affirmed a prior notification given in 1916 by the Russian Imperial Government announcing the incorporation into the Russian Empire of various Arctic islands north of the Russian and Siberian main– land. 19 The note of 1924 evidenced a general claim to unoccupied islands in the Soviet sector, and perhaps to undiscovered lands.
    The Canadian position was restated more formally in 1925. The Minister of the Interior, Mr. Stewart, said in the Canadian House of Commons:
    "Mr. Speaker, this Government has been very much alive to what we claim to be the possessions of Canada in the northern ter– ritory adjacent to the Dominion. Indeed, I made the statement in the House the other evening that we claimed all the territory lying between meridians 60 and 141. This afternoon, when dealing with the estimates of the Department of the Interior, I propose to bring down a map to make it clear what
    precautions we are taking to establish ourselves in that territory, and to notify the nationals of foreign countries passing over it that we think Canada should be advised of their plans and that they should ask for permits from the Canadian Government." 20
    In the same debate he stated that Canada claimed juris– diction to the North Pole. By an Order in Council issued the following year (1926) it was provided that all persons thereafter entering the territories of the Canadian Arctic should secure permits. 21
    Also in 1926, perhaps as a result of the definitive statement of the Canadian position, the USSR adopted a formal decree covering its territorial claims in the Arctic. This decree is more specific than the 1924 diplomatic note. The decree states:
    "The Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics decrees: -
    "All discovered lands and islands, as well as all those that may in the future be discovered, which are not at the date of the publication of this decree recognised by the Government of the U.S.S.R. as the territory of a foreign Power, are declared to be ter– ritories belonging to the U.S.S.R., within the following limits:
    "In the Northern Arctic Ocean, from the northern coast of the U.S.S.R. up to the North Pole, between the meridian 32°4′35" east longitude from Greenwich, passing along the eastern side of Vaida Bay through the triangulation mark on Kekursk Cape, and meridian 168° 49′ 30″ west longitude from Greenwich, passing through the middle of the strait which separates Patmanov and Kruzenstern Islands of the Diomede group of islands in the Behring Straits." 22
    This is the most formal action taken by any State affirming the sector principle. It is a distinct claim of sovereignty as against all the world over occupied, unoccupied, and even undiscovered land territories in the Soviet sector. The decree has never been repealed.
    Construed strictly, the decree of 1926 applies only to lands in the Soviet sector. But authoritative Soviet writers have given it a much wider application. Korovin, writing soon after the decree was issued, stated that "this Decree must be understood to include in the conception of 'lands and islands,' as expressed by Soviet legislators, also ice formations and the seas surrounding them, for otherwise the polar sector adjacent to the U.S.S.R. would have to be considered as an open sea with all the consequences resulting from such an interpretation." 23 Sigrist (1928) insisted that "in the spirit of the Decree we must maintain that the whole region from the Soviet mainland to the Pole is Soviet possession ..." 24 He included water areas.
    Without question the most authoritative statement was made by Lakhtine. He was Secretary– Member of the Committee of Direction of the Section of Aerial Law of the Union of Societies "Ossoaviachim" of the U.S.S.R, and, as the U.S. Naval War College commen– tator said, he "would be expected to represent the Soviet point of view at the time when he was writing in 1930." 25
    Lakhtine's discussion of rights over the Arctic regions was originally published in 1928 in Moscow in Russian by the Soviet Commissariat of Foreign Affairs. 26 His views were republished in French in 1929 27 and in English in 1930. 28 His position may be summarized as follows: that in polar regions the sector principle must be ac– cepted; t ^ h ^ at "regardless of discovery and regardless of effective occupation, the discovered lands and islands belong as a matter of fact to States in the region of attraction in which they are situated;" 29 that the "lands and islands being still undiscovered are already presumed to belong to the national territory of the adjacent Polar State in the sector of the region of attraction in which they are to be found;" 30 that "floating ice should be assimilated legally to open polar seas, whilst ice formations that are more or less immovable should enjoy a legal status equivalent to polar territory;" 31 that the "legal status for the high seas of the Arctic, is, in its essential part, nearly identical with that of 'terri– torial waters;'" 32 that as "Polar States exercise sov– ereignty over known and unknown territory lying in their sectorial regions of attraction, and over more or less immovable permanent ice formations covering the north part of the Arctic Ocean, as well as over national and territorial waters, ... the Polar States exercise sov– ereignty also over the atmosphere above these territories,
    ice and waters" and hence "each Polar State exercises sovereignty over the aerial space above the whole region of attraction of its sector." 33
    In arguing that polar States should have sovereignty even in the airspace over water areas of the Arctic Ocean free from ice, Lakhtine said:
    "Inasmuch as the legal status of these water areas is closely assimilated to that of territorial waters over which a State does exercise a limited sovereignty; and since, according to the international law of today a litteral State exercises unlimited jurisdiction over the atmosphere above its territorial waters, there is no reason for treating the question of the legal status of these Arctic air regions in a different manner.
    "This argument is strengthened when we realize the impossibility of using airships for economic purposes exclusively in this part of Arctic aerial space. If an airship should be used for operations connected with fishing and hunting in these open waters, it would be as necessary to obtain the per– mission of the litteral State as it would be to obtain permission for fishing and hunting from vessels. Moreover, it is impossible to use the air for aerial communication without crossing ice regions, territorial waters and territories belonging to a State which exercises sovereignty over the atmosphere above." 34
    Also in further support of his conclusion that polar States exercise sovereignty over the airspace above the whole region of the sector, Lakhtine quotes the 1928 statement of Breitfuss as follows:
    "Within each of these sectors, an adjacent State exercises its sovereignty over discovered as well as over undiscovered
    lands and islands, this sovereignty being exercised not only over land, but also to a certain extent (yet to be precisely fixed internationally) over seas covered with ice, surrounding these lands and islands and as well over air regions above this sector." 35
    The Government of the USSR has not in terms repudiated the position taken by Korovin, Sigrist and ^ ? ^ Lakhtine in support of the theory that the USSR and other polar States are sovereign over the entire land and water areas and airspace over their respective sectors. But the actual course of subsequent events creates doubts as to whether the USSR supports the sector principle beyond the strict terms of the decree of 1926. 36 In the first place the international agreement which Breitfuss assumed necessary in order to fix the status of sovereignty over the polar seas has not been accomplished or even sought. Instead the Soviet Government has, by its legislation, stated its claim to territorial waters. By a decree of May 24, 1921 the pre-revolutionary three mile limit for territorial waters along the coast was changed to a twelve mile limit in the White Sea and the Arctic Ocean. 37 By the statute of June 15, 1927 on "Protection of the Boundaries of the U.S.S.R." this twelve mile limit was made applicable to all the coastal waters of the Soviet Union except where expressly provided otherwise by inter– national agreement. 38 It must be assumed that this twelve mile limit for territorial waters became thereby applicable
    to territorial waters around the land areas claimed by the USSR in the sector decree of 1926. In 1932, by the adoption of the Air Code, as previously cited in this article, the USSR declared that "by the air space of the Union of S.S.R. is understood the air space above the land and fluvial territory of the Union of S.S.R., and above the territorial waters established by the laws of the Union of S.S.R. " [italics supplied] From this it would appear that the USSR has limited its airspace claims with great care and that these claims do not extend beyond the airspace over lands and waters within the Soviet twelve mile limit. At least other States are certainly entitled to rely upon this construction, notwithstanding the broad claims sought to be established by Lakhtine.
    Further doubt as to whether the Soviet Govern– ment supports the sector theory as a basis of airspace sovereignty beyond the terms of the decree of 1926 is furnished by its action in 1937 in seeking to take physical possession of a north polar area. Lakhtine ha^d^ called attention to the fact that the North Pole is an inter– section of the meridian lines of the sectors into which he divided the Arctic, stating:
    "Neither legally, nor in fact does it belong to anyone. It might be represented as an hexahedral frontier post on the sides of which might be painted the national colors of the State of the corresponding sector." 39
    If Lakhtine expressed the Soviet views as to the polar seas (and as to airspace above), then no occupation of any part of the polar seas was needed to establish Soviet title within its sector, and no Soviet entry into sectors of other States would be legally justified. Nevertheless, in preparation for the trans-polar flights which later took place, the Soviet Government dispatched an expedition by air to the north polar area. This expedition landed on May 21, 1937 near the Pole seeking to establish a permanent base for radio and meteorological purposes. According to press dispatches from Moscow, the Soviet Government immediately claimed sovereignty over the polar area on the basis that it was the first to establish a permanent settlement in the vicinity. 40 No reference to the sector theory to support such claim seems to have been made. In fact it has been stated that the settlement was originally located on pack ice which under the sector theory, was in Canadian territory. 41 But by August 8, 1937 this "permanent" base had drifted 138 miles toward Greenland. 42 By August 29th the camp had drifted 330 miles. 43 By February 6, 1938 it had apparently drifted about 1100 miles. 44 When the party was rescued on February 19, 1938, the total drift in 274 days had been approximately 1500 miles. 45 The settlement originally established under the Soviet flag in the "Canadian sector"
    and was rescued from the floating pack ice near the coast of Greenland in the "Danish sector." Nothing could demon– strate more clearly that not even the Soviet Government relies upon the sector theory as a basis for international determination of surface or airspace rights over the Arctic Ocean. In fact the attempted settlement on the polar ice appears to be an abandonment of the sector theory and a reliance upon the principles of "effective occupation" as the basis of territorial sovereignty.
    The States other than the USSR which face the Arctic (Canada, Denmark, Iceland, Norway and the United States) are parties to the Chicago Convention on Inter– national Civil Aviation of 1944 (cited previously in this arcticle). By this convention each contracting state recognizes that every State has complete and exclusive sovereignty over the airspace above its land areas and the territorial waters adjacent thereto. Inherent in the convention is the accepted doctrine that airspace over lands which are under the sovereignty of no State and airspace over the high seas is not under the sover– eignty of any State and is free to the use of all States. Unless by unwritten and customary international law the parties to the ^ Chicago ^ convention are in agreement that a special regime (such as the sector theory) exists in the Arctic and that this special regime shall determine what areas constitute national lands and territorial waters in
    the Arctic area, the only basis which can be used to determine territorial surface rights in the Arctic (and therefore air– space rights) are the normal and generally accepted rules of international law as to what constitutes land territory, territorial waters, and the high seas.
    But it is quite apparent that neither the sector theory nor any other special regime as to Arctic surface sovereignty has been accepted into international law by the parties to the Chicago Convention. While the sector principle has been semi-officially supported in Canada as to discovered and undiscovered lands in the so-called "Canadian sector," the extent of the Canadian claims to control water areas in the sector beyond the accepted three mile limit of territorial waters has never been stated. The sector principle has been authoritatively denied by both the United States and Norway directly interested in the Arctic and does not appear to have been accepted by any other State.
    As to the United States, a suggestion was made in 1929 to President Hoover that the Government should initiate an international arrangement to partition the Arctic between the United States, Canada, Denmark, Norway and Russia. The proposal was referred to the U.S. Navy Department. The Secretary of the Navy officially replied to the Secretary of State on September 23, 1929 to the effect that the action proposed:
    • "(a) Is an effort arbitrarily to divide up a large part of the world's area amongst several countries;
    • (b) Contains no justification for claiming sovereignty over large areas of the world's surface;
    • (c) Violates the long recognized custom of establishing sovereignty over territory by right of discovery;
    • (d) Is in effect a claim of sovereignty over high seas, which are universally recognized as free to all nations, and is a novel attempt to create artificially a closed sea and thereby infringe the rights of all nations to the free use of this area.
    I, therefore, consider that this government should not enter into any such agreement as proposed." 46
    This authoritative statement refutes any impli– cations which might be drawn from the 1924 testimony of Secretary of the Navy Denby, 47 and which seemed to give some support to the sector theory. It must also be re– called that Secretary of State Hull on November 13, 1934 advised the British Ambassador, (in a discussion as to discoveries in the Antarctic) that "in the light of long established principles of international law... I can not admit that sovereignty accrues from more discovery un– accompanied by occupancy and use." 48 As further indication of the United States position, the U.S. Naval War College in 1937, when considering problems as to polar areas, discussed the possibility of a State with land bordering on the polar area seeking to prohibit the entrance of aircraft polarward from its coast. It held that no such right existed - thus in substance denying the validity of the sector principle as applicable to polar water areas
    beyond the normal three mile limit from the coast line of the State facing the Arctic and the airspace over such areas, saying:
    "(c) The right of a state to prevent or to regulate the movement of foreign aircraft is limited to the air within its jurisdiction which extends to the air above its land and maritime boundaries. Generally accepted maritime boundaries now extend at least to three miles from the low-water mark along the coast and three miles outside the limits of its bays. Whether the direction is toward the equator or toward the pole makes no difference —the jurisdiction extends sea– ward for three miles." 49
    Clearly the United States has never agreed to a special rule applicable to the Arctic for a determination of what consti– tutes land and territorial waters.
    In 1930 the Government of Norway expressly dis– approved the sector theory. In recognizing the sovereignty of Canada over the Sverdrup Islands, a Norwegian note stated that the recognition of such ^ sovereignty" ^ over these islands is in no way based on any sanction whatever of what is named the 'sector principle.'" 50
    The Permanent Court of International Justice in stating that international law "governs relations between independent States" held: "The rules of law binding upon States therefore emanate from their own free will as expressed in conventions or by usages generally accepted as expressing principles of law and established in order to regulate the relations between these co-existing independent communities or with a view to the achievement of common aims." 51
    The sector principle has obviously not been accepted as part of international law as thus authori– tatively stated. No general international convention has affirmed the sector principle, nor has it been recognized by international usage. Rather the normal rules of inter– national law as to what may be considered as land and territorial waters must be the source for fixing the recognized extent of national airspace Arctic rights.
    The first question to be answered is whether the rules of international law have been so modified as to permit the existence in the Arctic of sovereignty in land territories which have never been "effectively oc– cupied." The answer to this question would seem to depend on a statement of what is meant by effective occupation. The denial of the sector theory carries with it the denial of sovereignty to undiscovered lands and the superjacent airspace. As to lands already discovered, von de Heydte has thus stated the rule:
    "Effectiveness means actual displaying of sovereign rights; it means maintenance of a certain order corresponding to the international standard, which, of course, is different in territories sparsely inhabited and scarcely frequented by foreigners from what it is in densely peopled trading places." 52
    Lindley, speaking of the north polar regions, states the applicable international law rule to be:
    "In such cases, it would seem that an occupation would be rendered effective by the establishment of any organization (however rudimentary) or of any system of control, which, having regard to the conditions under which the area appropriated was being used or was likely to be used, was reasonably sufficient to maintain order among such persons as might resort there." 53
    The rules of effective occupation, as thus stated, may be applied in the Arctic without any departure from the accepted principles of international law in view of the character of the terrain. A State which there claims territorial rights and reasonably exercises jurisdiction and control over the land areas concerned may be admitted to have sovereignty. This sovereignty extends to the airspace over the lands in question and to normal adjacent territorial waters. It does not extend further.
    The remaining question - as to whether any part of the vast ice-covered water areas of the Arctic Ocean beyond the limit of normal territorial waters may be treated as possibly coming under the sovereignty of a single State - presents much greater difficulty. It has been suggested that claims of sovereignty might be con– sidered if a particular area "is possessed of a surface sufficiently solid to enable a man to pursue his occu– pations thereon and which also in consequence of its solidity and permanence constitutes in itself a barrier
    to navigation as it is normally enjoyed in the open seas." 54
    As to most of the Arctic Ocean area the answer to the problem seems fairly clear. From Alaska across the North Pole to Spitzbergen is about 1900 statute miles. From the north coast of Ellesmere Island (in Canada) also across the Pole to the nearest known Soviet island is about 1100 miles. This great ocean area contains no known land. It is ad– mittedly almost continuously ice-covered. Only near the coasts is it ever navigable, and that for only a limited period each year. But the ice which covers by far the greatest part of the Arctic Ocean is constantly, though slowly, in motion. Established habitation and occupation is clearly impracticable. This was demonstrated by the fruitless effort of the 1937–38 Soviet expedition to place a "permanent" settlement near the North Pole (as described earlier in this articles). As Balch said in 1910:
    "But the ice at the North Pole is never at rest. It is in continual motion. It moves slowly in a direction from Bering's Strait towards the Atlantic Ocean. Con– sequently any habitation fixed upon it would be continually moving. And such possible occupation would be too precarious and shifting to and fro to give any one a good title. And so the rules of the Law of Nations that recognize the freedom of the high seas would seem to apply naturally to a moving and shifting substance like the North Polar Sea ice at all points beyond the customary three-mile limit from the shore." 55
    While it may be contended that under modern aviation conditions such ice-covered seas can be controlled from the air and thus occupied, the same thing can be said of the open seas. But without question an attempt by a single State in time of peace to seize any part of the high seas or the air– space above and to maintain exclusive control in such areas would be an act of aggression against all other States. No more reason or excuse exists to admit that ice-covered seas and the airspace above them may be seized by a single State and all other States thereby excluded, than to admit that the open seas and the airspace above them may legally be similarly seized and held.
    A century and a quarter ago a great and wise jurist, Justice Story, stated the basic rule of the freedom of the seas:
    "Upon the ocean, then in time of peace, all possess an entire equality. It is the common highway of all, appropriated to the use of all; and no one can vindicate to him– self a superior or exclusive prerogative there. Every ship sails there with the unquestionable right of pursuing her own lawful business without interruption; but, whatever may be that business, she is bound to pursue it in such a manner as not to violate the rights of others." 56
    Justice Story's statement is as true today of the airspace over the open sea and the sea itself as it was in his time as to the sea alone. The airspace over the sea is today a "highway common to all, appropriated to the use of all." No adequate reason could be stated why this highway
    should be blocked by the act of any single State because ice and not open water lies below. The airspace over the Arctic Ocean is and should be as free for the aircraft of all States, whether having land territories in the Arctic or not, as is the airspace over the other great water areas of the world.
    • Two corollary problems must be considered: 1) What is the status of the airspace over fixed ice along occupied coasts in the Arctic? and 2) What is the status of the airspace over straits bounded on each side by the land territory of the same State and connecting sea areas which are wholly or at times navigable?
    As stated earlier, the subjacent State has ex– clusive sovereignty in the airspace over such territorial waters adjacent to its coasts as are recognized by inter– national law as properly coming within its jurisdiction. This rule should be normally applied in the Arctic. Ter– ritorial waters, except in extraordinary cases, should be considered as beginning at the shore of the land and ex– tending outward over the water to the width recognized for territorial waters by international law, even though the water is permanently ice-covered to that distance and beyond. The only exception to this rule which, in the judgment of the present author, can be considered as valid would be a case where the permanent ice adjacent to the shore is actually occupied and permanently used throughout
    the entire year as fully as the adjoining land and as a definite part of the State's occupied territory. If any State can demonstrate the existence of such permanently used and occupied fixed ice as part of its land territory, then the true coastline might be considered as being on the fixed ice at the edge of the occupied area. From such a line ter– ritorial waters would then be considered as extending out to the normal width, and the subjacent State might reasonably claim airspace sovereignty over such permanently occupied and used areas and a normal width of territorial waters ad– jacent therto. But this case should not be considered as a normal rule, but only as an exception to be claimed and validly demonstrated by the State seeking surface and air– space sovereignty by actual occupation of the fixed ice beyond the real coastline. This suggested exception is analagous to the right of a State bordering on the sea to extend its land territories by filling in and physically occupying areas which had formerly been part of its navigable territorial waters.
    As to the straits, the normal rule of international law is that straits dividing the land of one and the same State are part of the territory of that State when not more than six miles wide. 57 As to straits more than six miles wide, but sufficiently narrow to be controlled by coastal batteries placed on each side, the rule is not so clear. It is believed that the rule suggested at The Hague Conference on the Codi– fication of International Law in 1930 is reasonably sound.
    According to this rule, "when the width of the straits exceeds the breadth of the two belts of territorial sea, the waters between those two belts form part of the high sea. If the result of the delimitation is to leave an area of high sea not exceeding two miles in breadth surrounded by territorial sea, this area may be assimilated to territorial sea." 58 If such straits are thereby territorial waters, the airspace above is under the sovereignty of the adjacent State. If, on the other hand, an area through the center of the strait should be considered under the rule as part of the high seas, such airspace is usable for international flight even though the area below be frozen.
    The following rules of international air law applicable to airspace sovereignty in the Arctic may there– fore be stated:
    • 1) The "sector" theory is not part of inter– national law and cannot be accepted or used as the basis for determining Arctic airspace rights.
    • 2) In the Arctic as elsewhere each State has complete and exclusive sovereignty in the air– space over its territory and such space is in fact an integral part of national territory.
    • 3) Surface territory in the Arctic, as else– where for the purpose of airspace sovereignty, includes lands and adjacent territorial waters. Airspace over recognized and admitted terri– torial waters is in the same legal status as airspace over land territory.
    • 4) Every State has complete control of the airspace included within its territory, has the exclusive right to fly in that airspace, and may exclude all foreign aircraft or admit them on such terms as it seems fit.
    • 5) In the determination of what areas in the Arctic constitute the lands and territorial waters of any State the normal rules of inter– national law will apply subject to the following observations:
    • (a) In determining whether or not a State has "effectively occupied" lands in the Arctic the nature of the terrain must be considered and such occupation will be deemed effective if the State main– tains adequate jurisdiction and control in the area so as to protect such in– habitants as may be there and to main– tain order.
    • (b) In determining the extent of terri– torial waters, the normal rules will apply unless water areas adjoining occupied lands are permanently covered with ice and continuously used and oc– cupied by the adjacent State as if they were land, in which case and on proof of such occupation, the coast line may be considered as beginning at the edge of the permanently occupied ice.
    • 6) Airspace over the high seas is free to the use of all States and cannot be subject to the sove-
    • reignty of any single State. The ice-covered areas of the Arctic Ocean must be treated as high seas, and the airspace over such areas as free to the use of all.
      1. Translated from the official French text in Conférence de la paix, 1919–1920. Recueil des actes de la conférence . Partie VII, Préparation et signature des traités et conventions divers, A - Conventions générales entre alliés, (1) Commission de l'aéronautique, Paris, Imprimerie nationale, 1933. pp. 428–429.
      2. Full text in: International Convention Relating to the Regulation of Aerial Navigation , dated October 13, 1919, ...Department of State Publication 2143, Washington, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1944; Manley O. Hudson, ed., International Legislation , Washington, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 1931, Vol. 1, pp. 359–376.
      3. U.S. Naval War College, International Law Situations 1912 , Washington, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1912, p. 71.
      4. U.S. Statutes at Large . Vol. 38, p. 2039. Also in: Francis Deák and Philip C. Jessup, eds. A Collection of Neutrality Laws , Regulations and Treaties of Various Countries . Washington, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 1939, Vol. 2. p. 807.


      5. Henry Woodhouse, Textbook of Aerial Laws and Regulations for Aerial Navigation ..., New York, F. A. Stokes, 1920, p. 141.
      6. U.S. Statutes at Large , Vol. 44, 1926, p. 568. 49 U.S.C. 176.
      7. Commercial Aviation. Convention between the United States of America and other American Republics , signed at Habana, February 20, 1928. Treaty Series No. 840, Washington, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1931; Hudson, International Legislation , cp. cit., Vol. 4, pp. 2356–2369.
      8. U.S. Statutes at Large , Vol. 52, 1938, p. 1028.
      9. International Civil Aviation Conference, Chicago, Illinois, November 1, to December 7, 1944, Final Act and Related Documents , Washington, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1945, p. 59; John C. Cooper, The Right to Fly . New York, Henry Holt, 1947, pp. 331–359.
      10. Timothy Andrew Taracouzio. The Soviet Union and International Law . New York, Macmillan, 1935, p. 73.
      11. As reprinted and translated in Taracouzio, ibid ., p. 401.


      12. For a general discussion of some of the principal questions, see: Thomas Willing Balch, "Les Regions arctiques et antarctiques et le droit inter– national," Revue de droit international et de législation comparée , Vol. 42, 1910, (2d series - Vol. 12), pp.434–442; "The Arctic and Antarctic Regions and the Law of Nations," American Journal of International Law , Vol. 4, 1910, pp. 265–275; Paul Fauchille, Traité de droit international public , 8th ed., Paris, A. Rousseau, 1921–26, Vol. 1, Part 2, (1925), Sec..531 (36–40), pp. 651–663; Green Haywood Hackworth, Digest of International Law , Washington, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1940, Vol. 1, Secs. 67–71, pp. 449–476; W.L.G. Joerg, Brief History of Polar Exploration since the Introduction of Flying , 2d rev. ed., New York, American Geographical Society (Special Publi– cation No. 11), 1930; V. Kenneth Johnston, "Canada's Title to the Arctic Islands," Canadian Historical Review , Vol. 14, 1933, pp. 24–21; David Hunter Miller, "Political Rights in the Arctic," Foreign Affairs , Vol. 4, 1925, pp. 47–60; Lassa F. L. Oppenheim, International Law: A Treatise , 7th ed., London/New York/Toronto, Longmans Green, 1948, Vol. 1, Sec. 221, note 6, p. 508; Elmer Plischke, "Trans-Polar Aviation and Jurisdiction over Arctic Airspace," American Political Science Review , Vol. 37, 1943, pp. 999–1013; Walther Schoenborn, "La Nature juridique du territorie," Hague, Académie de droit international, Recueil des cours , Vol. 30, 1929–V, pp. 87, 162–166; James Brown Scott, "Arctic Exploration and International Law," American Journal of International Law ,


      Vol. 3, 1909, pp. 928–941; Gustav Smedal, Acquisition of Sovereignty over Polar Areas , Oslo, Dybwad, 1931; U.S. Naval War College, International Law Situations 1937 , Washington, D. C., U.S. Government Printing Office, 1939, pp. 69–131; René Waultrin, "Le Problème de la souveraineté des pôles," Revue générale de droit international public , Vol. 16, 1909, pp. 649–660; "La Question de la souveraineté des terres arctiques," Revue générale de droit international public , Vol. 15, 1908, pp. 78–125, 185–209, 401–423.


      13. Debates of the Senate of the Dominion of Canada . 1906–07. 10th Parliament, 3d Session, (1907). pp. 266–271. See also: Green Haywood Hackworth, Digest of International Law , Washington, U. S. Government Printing Office, 1940, Vol. 1, Sec. 67, p. 463; Timothy Andrew Taracouzio, Soviets in the Arctic . New York, Macmillan, 1938, p. 320; Leonid Breitfuss, "Territorial Division of the Arctic," Dalhousie Review , Vol. 8, 1928. p. 464.
      14. Hackworth, Digest of International Law , op. cit ., Vol. 1, Sec. 102, p. 700.
      15. V. Kenneth Johnston, "Canada's Title to the Arctic Islands," Canadian Historical Review , Vol. 14, 1933, p. 33.
      16. Taracouzio, Soviets in the Arctic , op. cit ., pp. 327–328; David Hunter Miller, "Political Rights in the Arctic," Foreign Affairs , Vol. 4, 1925, p. 50.
      17. U.S. Congress, House of Representatives, Committee on Naval Affairs, Hearing on House Resolution 149 , concerning Contemplated Flight of the Shenandeah to the North Polar Regions. 1924, pp. 452–453. See also:


      Charles Cheney Hyde, International Law ..., 2d rev. ed., Boston, Little Brown, 1945, Vol. 1, Sec. 104D, p. 353; Taracouzio, Soviets in the Arctic , op. cit ., p. 326.
      18. Hackworth, Digest of International Law , op. cit ., Vol. 1, Sec. 67, p. 461; W. Lakhtine, "Rights over the Arctic," American Journal of International Law , Vol. 24, 1930, p. 708.
      19. Ibid . See also: Miller, "Political Rights in the Arctic," op. cit ., p. 53.
      20. Debates of the House of Commons of the Dominion of Canada, 14th Parliament, 4th Session (1925), p. 4238; Hackworth, Digest of International Law , o [: ] . cit ., Vol. 1, Sec. 67, p. 463; Miller, "Political Rights in the Arctic," op. cit ., p. 50; Taracouzio, Soviets in the Arctic , op. cit ., p. 328; Breitfuss, "Territorial Division of the Arctic," op cit ., p. 464; U.S. Naval War College, International Law Situations 1937 , Washington, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1939, p. 110.
      21. Hackworth, Digest of International Law , op. cit ., Vol. 1, Sec. 67, p. 463.


      22. British & Foreign State Papers , Vol. 124, p. 1064. See also: U.S. Naval War College, International Law Situations 19 ^ 37 ^ , op. cit ., p. 103; Taracouzio, Soviets in the Arctic , op. cit ., p. 381; Lakhtine, "Rights over the Arctic," op. cit ., p. 709.
      23. E. A. Korovin, "Problem [: ] Vozduchnoi Okkupatsii," Vepresy Vozd. Prava , Vol. 1, pp. 109–110, as cited in Taracouzio, Soviets in the Arctic , op. cit ., p. 348.
      24. S. V. Sigrist, "Sovetskee Pravo v Poliarnykh Prostranstvakh," Rabochii Sud , 1928, p. 984, as cited in Taracouzio, Soviets in the Arctic , op. cit ., p. 349.
      25. U. S. Naval War College, International Law Situations 19 ^ 37 ^ , op cit ., p. 101.
      26. V. L. Lakhtine, Prava na Severnye Poliarnye Prostranstva , Moscow, 1928. See also: W. L. G. Joerg, Brief History of Polar Exploration since the Introduction of Flying , 2d rev. ed., New York, American Geographical Society (Special Publication No. 11), 1930, p. 61, note 1.
      27. "La Voie aérienne arctique et 1' [: ] tat juridique des territoires polaires septentrionaux," Droit a [: ] rien , Vol. 13, 1929, pp. 632–556.


      28. "Rights over the Arctic," American Journal of International Law , Vol. 24, 1930, pp. 703–717. For extended discussions of Lakhtine's position, see: U.S. Naval War College, International Law Situations 1937 , op. cit ., pp. 101–106; Taracouzio, Soviets in the Arctic , op. cit ., pp. 321–366.
      29. "Rights over the Arctic," op. cit ., p. 710.
      30. Ibid ., p. 711.
      31. Ibid ., p. 712.
      32. Ibid ., p. 713.
      33. Ibid ., pp. 714–715.
      34. Ibid .
      35. Ibid ., p. 715. For another translation of this statement of Breitfuss, see: Breitfuss, "Territorial Division of the Arctic," op. cit ., p. 467.
      36. At least one careful student of the situation feels that the Soviet Government "has elected to forego the application of sectorism to airspace in the Arctic,


      adhering rather to the older, established principles of aerial jurisdiction." [Elmer Plischke, "Trans-Polar Aviation and Jurisdiction over Arctic Airspace," American Political Science Review , Vol. 37, 1943, p. 1010]
      37. Taracouzio, The Soviet Union and Inter–national Law , op. cit ., p. 63.
      38. Ibid .
      39. Lakhtine, "Rights over the Arctic," op. cit ., p. 717.
      40. New York Times , May 23, 1927, p. 1, col. 8.
      41. Taracouzio, Soviets in the Arctic , op. cit ., p. 359.
      42. New York Times , August 8, 1937, p. 27, col. 2.
      43. Ibid ., August 29, 1937.
      44. Ibid ., February 6, 1938, p. 32, col. 2.
      45. Ibid ., February 20, 1938, p. 1, col. 6.


      46. Hackworth, Digest of International Law , op. cit ., Vol. 1, Sec.67, p. 464.
      47. See Note 17 supra .
      48. Hackworth, Digest of International Law , op. cit ., Vol. 1, Sec. 67, p. 457; Hyde, International Law , op. cit ., Vol. 1, Sec. 104D, pp. 343–354.
      49. U.S. Naval War College, International Law Situations 1937 , op. cit ., p. 127.
      50. Hackworth, Digest of International Law , op. cit ., Vol. 1, Sec. 67, p. 463; U.S. Naval War College, International Law Situations 1937 , op. cit ., p. 111.
      51. The S. S. Lotus (France v. Turkey), Permanent Court of International Justice, Judgment 9, Sept. 7, 1927, Ser. A, No. 10, p. 18; Manley O. Hudson, ed., World Court Reports , Washington, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 1934–43, Vol. 2 (1935), p. 35.
      52. Friedrich August Freiherr ven de Heydte, "Discovery, Symbolic Annexation and Virtual Effectiveness in International Law," American Journal of International Law , Vol. 29, 1935, p. 463.


      53. M. F. Lindley, The Accuisition and Govern–ment of Backward Territory in International Law, New York etal., Longmans Green, 1926, p. 158.
      54. Hyde, International Law , op. cit ., Vol. 1, Sec. 104A, p. 348.
      55. Thomas Willing Balch, "The Arctic and Antarctic Regions and the Law of Nations," American Journal of International Law , Vol. 4, 1910, p. 266.
      56. The Marianna Flora , (1826), 11 Wheaton (24 U.S.) 1, p. 42.
      57. Lassa F. L. Oppenheim, International Law : A Treatise , 7th ed., London/New York/Toronto, Longmans Green, 1948, Vol. 1, Sec. 194, p. 463.
      58. Hackworth, Digest of International Law , op. cit ., Vol. 1, Sec. 90, p. 611.