Canadian Meteorology: Encyclopedia Arctica 7: Meteorology and Oceanography

Author Stefansson, Vilhjalmur, 1879-1962

Canadian Meteorology

EA: Meteor. [Department of Transport, Air Services Meteorological Division, Toronto, Canada]


Table of Contents

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History of the Canadian Weather Service 1
History of the Canadian Arctic and Sub-Arctic Weather Stations 14
Arctic Expeditions in Which the Canadian Meteorological Service Participated 43
Climate of Arctic and sub-Arctic Canada 52
Arctic Observing Techniques 88
Directors of the Meteorological Service of Canada 91
References 96

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Three charts: Mean Pressure
Mean Temperature
Climatic Regions of Arctic and Subarctic Canada
History of the Canadian Weather Service
Among the earliest Canadian meteorological or climatic observations are those made by the Jesuit Missionaries in the 17th century. Their records, known as the Jesuit Relations, date back to 1610 and contain many references to climatic phenomena which permit some comparison to be made between the climate of that period and the present. That the climate then was much the same as it is today may be seen from the following excerpts which are quoted from the Jesuit Relations for the period 1610-1614.
“The chief city of new France is called Kebec and is situated on the St. Lawrence River. The whole country possesses a healthful climate but is harassed by a long and cold winter. This is caused partly by--the abundance of snow with which the land in its most northern regions, which lie upon the same parallel, as old France, is continually desolated for three or four months.” ---- “I noticed once that two February days ---- were as beautiful, mild and springlike as are those in France about that time, nevertheless, the third day after, it snowed a little and the cold returned. Sometimes in summer, the heat is as intolerable, or more so, than it is in France.”
Instrumental observations were made at some posts of the Hudson’s Bay Company in the 18th century, for example, at York Factory in 1772 and 1773. However, it was not until 1839, when Lieutenant Charles James Buchanan Riddell of the Royal Artillery arrived in Montreal to establish a magnetic observatory, that an organized weather service was founded in Canada.
The study of terrestrial magnetism was receiving world– wide attention in the early part of the 19th century, and in 1838 the British Association for the Advancement of Science brought to the attention of the Government the desirability of obtaining a series of simultaneous magnetic observations at various points in the British colonies. The recommendations of Baron von Humboldt of Germany, Major Edward Sabine, the President of the Royal Society, and the Committee of the British Association were adopted by the Government and four expeditions were sent out in 1839.
The localities chosen by Sabine for the proposed stations were Canada, van Diemen Island, St. Helena and the Cape of Good Hope. The expedition to van Diemen Island was conducted by the British Admiralty and the other three were under the Ordnance Department, the duties to be performed by officers and soldiers of the Royal Artillery. It was suggested that the observations at these stations should include meteorological as well as magnetic phenomena.
Riddell felt that the presence of magnetic rock in the vicinity of Montreal made it an undesirable location for a magnetic observatory. He obtained permission to choose a suitable site at Toronto instead, and observations were begun in an unused barracks of Old Fort York on Christmas Day, 1839. A grant of land was obtained from King’s College (now the University of Toronto) in 1840 in order that the Observatory might be established in appropriate scientific surroundings and the Meteorological Service has been closely affiliated with this University ever since. A complete set of meteorological instruments was installed, including a barometer which remained
in active service as the standard barometer for Canada until 1939.
Riddell returned to England in 1841 because of ill health. His successor, Lieutenant (General Sir) John Henry Lefroy was posted to Toronto from the Observatory at St. Helena. Lefroy was a true scientist with a genuine enthusiasm for his work, and under his able administration, the Observatory was guided through its critical formative period.
Lefroy arrived in Canada in 1842 and immediately set out on a magnetic survey of the far North-West. His survey covered a route extending to Hudson’s Bay and along the Mackenzie River as far north as Fort Good Hope by means of canoe transport provided by the Hudson’s Bay Company. At each stopping point, Lefroy an s ^ d ^ his assistant took magnetic and meteorological observations.
Lefroy foresaw the merits of obtaining weather information from as broad an area as possible and obtained permission to place an observing book in each of the military guard-rooms across the land. By this means, he was able to collect data from Queenston, Montreal, Kingston, Toronto, London, Fredericton, Halifax and Newfoundland. He also endeavoured to bring about a plan whereby the various high schools across Canada would take regular weather observations. Unfortunately, the necessary legislation was not passed until 1854 after Lefroy had returned to England. Observations were begun at twelve high schools in 1858 and these were continued until 1876 when the government grant for this purpose was discontinued.
The original programme called for the establishment of the Observatory for a three-year period, and when this expired, the Ordnance
Department maintained it on a year-to-year basis only. In 1850 the military authorities decided to withdraw altogether and for a time it seemed likely that the work at the Observatory would be discontinued. However, the Canadian (now Royal Canadian) Institute along with kindred societies prevailed upon the Legislative Council of the Province of Canada to ensure the continuance of the Observatory. In 1853 a transfer was completed whereby the Observatory was turned over to Professor J.B. Cherriman of the University of Toronto on behalf of the Government of Canada. The non-commissioned officers of the Royal Artillery, who had been taking the observations at Toronto, were given a discharge from the Army and continued to work at the Observatory. One of them, Thomas Menzies, was with Riddell when the Observatory was first established, and he continued as an active observer until his death in 1887.
In 1855, Professor Cherriman’s brother-in-law, Professor G.T. Kingston, the Head of the Naval College in Quebec, was appointed Professor of Natural Philosophy at the University of Toronto. Before Professor Kingston arrived to take up his new position, Professor Cherriman managed to negotiate a switch whereby he was made Professor of Natural Philosophy and Professor Kingston was appointed Professor of Meteorology and Director of the Observatory.
The practical value of meteorology was little appreciated by the Government, but through Professor Kingston’s strenuous efforts, a sufficient grant was voted to enable the Observatory to carry on. The faith that Professor Kingston had that the work of the Observatory would ultimately be of great benefit to Canada is illustrated in his first annual report to the
Auditor-General in 1855 from which the following excerpt is quoted.
“The object of the observatory is that of furnishing to the scientific world the materials necessary for evolving the laws that regulate the magnetic and meteorological phenomena of the earth.
Other enquiries of a practical as well as of a speculative character might obtain their solution by a course of diligent observation extended through a long period of years. The possible realization of these objects should be borne in mind in estimating the utility of an observatory which it would be unfair to measure wholly by its more obvious and immediate results.”
Professor Kingston recognized the fact that if simultaneous weather reports from several points could be received at a central office, the motion of weather systems could be followed to a certain extent and thus weather forecasts could be prepared. The newly invented telegraph provided the required rapid means of communication and in 1857, Professor Kingston read a paper before the Canadian Institute on the possible use of telegraphic reports in weather forecasting. His hearers were favourably impressed and a committee was appointed to report on the matter. The committee recommended that Government support as well as private aid be granted for the purpose of establishing certain stations from which these reports might be received. The Canadian Government provided a grant of $5000. in 1871 to carry out this work and the Meteorological Service of Canada was organized under the Department of Marine and Fisheries.
In order to broaden the field from which observational data was ^ were ^ received, arrangements were made whereby the transmission of daily reports from Port Stanley, Port Dover, Saugeen, Toronto, Kingston and Quebec to Washington was begun in 1872 and in return, reports from 15 United States stations were sent to Toronto. This exchange of reports made it possible to prepare daily synoptic weather charts and paved the way for eventually placing weather forecasting on a sound scientific basis.
The first official storm warning in Canada was issued from the Meteorological Office at Toronto in 1876 by Mr. R.F. (later Sir Frederic) Stupart, and the first public weather forecast by Mr. B.C. Webber in 1877. The drawing of weather charts was an entirely new field and very little was known about their interpretation. The meteorologist was further handicapped by the small amount of data with which he had to work. In view of these limitations, the courage of those pioneer meteorologists is to be admired for continuing to issue daily weather forecasts in the face of public scepticism and ridicule.
The westward expansion of the Canadian Pacific Railway in the 1880’s and the concurrent extension of the telegraph made it possible to establish reporting stations from coast to coast. These stations were, of course, all located along the extreme southern fringe of Canada. The vast north country was still a blank area on weather maps. Nevertheless, steady progress was made in the interpretation of the available information and the Service gradually gained public confidence.
The status of weather forecasting in Canada in the early part of the 20th century is well expressed in an article written in 1912 by R.F. Stupart, the Director of the Meteorological Service: “The maps, however, valuable as they are, are deficient in many respects, the telegraph does not yet reach much beyond the southern margin of Canada, and the weather map shows a vast blank to the northward, and cloud observations showing the motion of the upper air are fragmentary and unreliable. Forecasts based on such imperfect information must necessarily be liable to occasional error.”
The need for more northern stations was very acute, especially for the study of the great cold waves which are characteristic of Canadian winters. This need was felt by the United States Weather Office as well as by Canada. On September 4, 1882, Major-General Haz ^ e ^ n, the Chief Signal Officer in Washington wrote to Charles Carpmael, who had succeeded Professor Kingston as Director in 1880, offering United States assistance in paying the salaries of observers at Fort Chipewyan and Prince Albert. The financial assistance of the United States was not required in this instance, (the observer’s allowance at Fort Chipewyan was a modest $60. per annum) but it is interesting to note that sixty years later during World War II, a large number of weather stations were established in northern Canada with United States aid.
In the years 1900-1910, observing stations were established along the MacKenzie Valley as far as Herschel Island on the Arctic Ocean. These stations were valuable inasmuch as they provided climatic data, but the
lack of sufficiently rapid communications made it impossible to utilize their reports in daily forecasting. As further advances were made in the technique of radio transmission from 1926 on, these stations were equipped with radio, and for the first time meteorologists were able to draw the daily weather pattern for northern continental North America on their charts with some degree of confidence.
Until 1910, weather observations consisted almost entirely of surface observations and the only information available to meteorologists on the structure and motion of air above the surface was that given by cloud observations. It was realized that before any major advances could be made in meteorological knowledge it would be necessary to learn more about physical processes in the upper atmosphere. A kits station was set up at Agincourt, near Toronto, to take soundings of the atmosphere by means of recording instruments carried aloft on kites. This represented a step in the right direction but there were too many limitations to this method to make it a practical forecasting aid. If the winds were too light, the kites would not rise, and if they were too strong, the kites could not stand up against them. It is interesting to note that the first upper air observations in Canada were made in the Arctic by Sir Edward Parry, who sent self-registering thermometers aloft on kites in January 1822 near latitude 66° 11′N, longitude 83° 10′W.
The next step was to explore the atmosphere to much greater heights by means of free balloons carrying self-recording meteorological instruments. This method, too, was useful for research purposes only, for it
was an obvious requirement that before the record could be used, it had to be found and shipped to the office of origin. In a country as sparsely populated as Canada, this usually took several weeks, and often months or even years, which made their use at isolated stations out of the question. This was demonstrated during the Second Polar Year Expedition to Fort Rae, N.W.T. in 1932-33, for 27 meteorographs were released but only two were recovered.
Some use was made of aeroplanes to assist in obtaining upper air data, and flights were begun for this purpose by the Toronto Flying Club in 1934. Through the cooperation of the R.C.A.F., daily ascents were made at Fort Smith, N.W.T. during the winter of 1936-37. Ascents were also made at Edmonton by the Edmonton Flying Club and in Newfoundland by Imperial Airways.
When short-wave radio was perfected, it was possible to combine the meteorograph with a miniature radio transmitter in such a way that the radio signals from the instrument could be received at a ground station and interpreted in terms of pressure, temperature and humidity. This new type of instrument, called a radiosonde, supplied meteorology with a new ^tool for^ sounding the atmosphere at any suitably equipped station in any kind of weather. The radiosonde soon replaced all the former methods for obtaining upper air soundings, and by 1950 there were 28 stations in Canada equipped to take radiosonde flights, of which 8 are in the Arctic and 14 in the sub-Arctic. The amount of upper air data which is being obtained from the Canadian Arctic and sub-Arctic is proving extremely useful in current weather forecasting and will undoubtedly provide a valuable aid to meteorological research.
A further aid in the study of upper air motions was developed immediately after the First World War. The speed and direction of winds aloft were determined by releasing a small balloon, called a pilot balloon, which was inflated with hydrogen to rise at a known rate and followed visually with a theodolite. The first pilot balloon station in Canada was established at Toronto in 1920. By 1950, 69 of the weather stations in Canada were equipped to take pilot balloon observations.
The expansion of the Canadian Meteorological Service was steady but gradual until the mid-1930’s. At that time it was announced that a national air service, the Trans-Canada Air Lines, was to be inaugurated in the very near future. The successful operation of a scheduled air service depends to a great extent on an accurate knowledge of present weather and weather trends at a large number of points and the Meteorological Service was not equipped to provide such a detailed service. It was necessary to expand from a daytime organization issuing public weather forecasts only, to one operating on a 24-hour basis with a forecast staff at all the major air terminals. New observing stations had to be established and the frequency of observations at many stations had to be increased to hourly intervals. Training courses were begun immediately and when Trans-Canada Air Lines were ready to undertake their maiden flight in April 1937, the Meteorological Service was ready to fill their weather requirements.
Two years later, the beginning of the Second World War necessitated another rapid expansion of the Meteorological Service. The main requirement at first was for additional staff to act as instructors and
forecasters at Air Force operational and training centres. After the United States entered the war, weather reports were needed from several routes which were used for the large-scale ferrying of aircraft to various theatres of operation. The main routes were from Edmonton to Fairbanks, Winnipeg to Greenland and from Newfoundland to England.
The Meteorological Service of Canada could not undertake to establish a large number of stations in the sub-Arctic and Arctic owing to a critical shortage of staff and equipment and an agreement was made with the United States that the new stations which were required would be operated either entirely by the United States or with United States assistance. The basic agreement was that Canada would be responsible for operating all installations which were considered to be an essential part of the general meteorological system of Canada and that the United States would be permitted to instal and operate supplementary meteorological facilities for the duration of the war. At the end of the war most of the stations established by the United States were closed and the remainder were taken over by Canada as rapidly as staff became available.
The main expansion of the Meteorological Service during the postwar period has been in the Arctic. The increasing interest in Arctic weather phenomena which was intensified during the war years was crystallized into a definite blueprint for the establishment of a network of weather stations in the Canadian Arctic Islands. Canada and the United States made an agreement to jointly establish and operate a series of Arctic weather stations to be located
approximately 500 miles apart in the Canadian Arctic. The first of these stations was established on Slidre Fiord on Ellesmere Island in April 1947 and the second on Cornwallis Island in September of the same year. Two more stations were established in April 1948, one on Prince Patrick Island, and the other on Ellef Ringnes Island. A fifth station is being established this year (1950) near the northermost tip of Ellesmere Island.
The completion of this Arctic program will provide an adequate network of Arctic stations for ^ present ^ meteorological needs. On January 1, 1950, the Canadian Meteorological Service was receiving weather reports from 1088 stations, of which 128 are located in the sub-Arctic and Arctic regions. The point has been reached where an additional increase in the number of reporting stations in Canada would probably produce no noticeable improvement in weather forecasting. The main problem facing the Meteorological Service at the present time is to utilize the data which is ^ are ^ available and attempt to improve the technique and methods of forecasting, for it is unfortunately true, as in Stupart’s day, that forecasts are still “liable to occasional error.”
The growth of the Meteorological Service from 1839 to 1950 is illustrated in the following table. The number of observing stations in operation at the end of each Director’s term of office is given. In the case of the present Controller, the number of stations shown is the number in operation on January 1, 1950.

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Director Term of office No. of stations
Lt. C.J.B. Riddell, R.A. 1839-1841 1
Capt. J.H. Lefroy, R.A. 1841-1853 1
Prof. J.B. Cherriman, M.A. 1853-1855 1
Prof. G.T. Kingston, M.A. 1855-1880 123
C. Carpmael, M.A. 1880-1894 285
Sir Frederic Stupart, K.B. 1894-1929 835
Dr. J. Patterson, O.B.E., M.A., L.L.D. 1929-1946 984
A. Thomson, O.B.E., M.A. 1946- 1088
The need for weather reporting stations in Canada’s Arctic and sub-Arctic regions was recognized in the earliest days of the Canadian Meteorological Service, especially when the construction of synoptic weather charts for forecast purposes was begun in 1872. However, the establishment of northern stations was a slow process owing to lack of funds, lack of communications and the relative inaccessibility of these regions.
For the purposes of this article, considerations of density of population, communications, transportation, climate and mature of terrain have made it desirable to define the southern boundary of sub-Arctic Canada as follows:
The 55th parallel across British Columbia, Alberta and Saskatchewan to the Manitoba border, then a line through Flin Flon and the Pas across Manitoba to where the 51st parallel crosses the Manitoba-Ontario border; thence eastward along the 51st parallel to the Quebec border and from there to Dolbeau, just north of Lake St. John; from Dolbeau to Caribou Point and from there along the north shore of the St. Lawrence River through the Straits of Belle Isle.
Much of our early knowledge of weather conditions in the Canadian Arctic has been abstracted from the logs of Arctic expeditions. An important publication which lists the meteorological observations of 36 expeditions during the period 1819-1858 is “Contributions to Our Knowledge of the Meteorology of the Arctic Regions, Vol. I, H.M. Stationery Office, 1885”. The length of the individual records varies but usually covers a period of from one to two years.
After 1871, the Meteorological Service of Canada began a systematic program of establishing northern stations by enlisting the aid of the Hudson’s Bay Company, missionaries and the North-West (later Royal Canadian) Mounted Police. In July 1873, six cases of instruments were sent to the Right Reverend Lord Bishop of Rupert’s Land, St. John’s College, Winnipeg, for distribution to mission stations under his jurisdiction. In 1882, Carpmael made arrangements through the Minister of the Interior for observations to be taken at all North-West Mounted Police stations.
As the sub-Arctic became more settled during the early part of the 20th century, the number of observing stations gradually increased, with the observations being taken by private individuals and employees of commercial and mining companies. This expansion was very noticeable in the Peace River district where a large number of observing stations were opened up during the period 1910-1935. At many of these stations instruments were supplied by the Meteorological Service and the observations were taken without pay. At other stations, a small allowance was given to the observer, but this was usually less than $100 per annum.
The bulk of the information which we possess concerning the climate of Labrador prior to 1900 has been obtained from the records kept at the mission stations which were established along the Labrador coast by the Moravian Brethren. In 1765, Jens Haven, who had worked among the Greenland Eskimoes, arrived in Labrador with three Moravian Brethren to do missionary work. Permission for the project was granted by Commodore Sir High Palliser, the governor of Newfoundland. In the years which followed, missions were
established by the Moravian Brethren at Nain in 1770, Okkak in 1775, Hopedale in 1781, Hebron in 1829, Zoar in 1865, Ramah in 1871, Makkovik in 1900 and Killinek in 1904. Zoar, Ramah and Killinek have since been abandoned.
The observations which were taken at these stations were forwarded to Hamburg. Germany, and have been published in the volumes of “Deutsche Uberseeische Meteoroloigsche Beobachtungen, herausgegeben von der Deutschen Seewarte”. In 1926, the Meteorological Service of Canada authorized an allowance to be paid to the Moravian Mission at Nain, and since then the records from this station have been forwarded directly to the Meteorological Service.
In the latter 1920’s government radio stations were opened at various points in the North-West Territories such as Aklavik, Coppermine, Fort Norman, Fort Simpson and Fort Smith, for example, for the purpose of gathering and transmitting meteorological data as well and handling commercial messages. The outbreak of war in 1939 and the corresponding increase in military flying over Arctic regions necessitated the establishment of additional northern stations in Canada. This was especially true after the United States entered the war in 1941. Aircraft were ferried to Alaska, the Aleutians and the U.S.S.R. by way of northwestern Canada, and to the United Kingdom, Iceland and Greenland by way of northeastern Canada. Many of these wartime stations were established and operated either wholly by the United States or with their assistance.
Meteorological observations have been taken in the Canadian Arctic during the numerous voyages of the Canadian Government ice– breakers C.G.S. Arctic and N.B. McLean, the Hudson’s Bay Company vessel S.S. Nascopie which foundered off the north coast of Baffin Land in 1947 and the R.C.M.P. vessel St. Roch. Climatic data and meteorological observations were also recorded on most of the Canadian Geological Survey expeditions to various parts of northern Canada. These records are to be found in the Annual Reports of the Geological Survey of Canada.
The Canadian Arctic and sub-Arctic stations at which meteorological observations are known to have been taken are given in the following list.
Class I - A station where standard equipment consists of a mercurial barometer, wet . ^ , ^ dry, maximum and minimum thermometers, anemometer, barograph and rain gauge. At most of these stations complete observations are taken four times daily at fixed synoptic hours, viz. 0130, 0730, 1330 and 1930 EST. At the stations designated by “T”, the synoptic reports are immediately communicated by means of radio and telegraph to the teletype network linking all forecast offices in Canada.
Class II - A station where the equipment consists of a maximum and minimum thermometer and a rain gauge ordinarily, although at a few the equipment is more extensive.
Class III - The meteorological equipment consists of a rain gauge only.
Class IIIm - A rainfall reporting station in operation during the summer months only.
F - indicates that weather forecasts are issued.
A - indicates that the observations are taken at an airport.
P - indicates that the station was in operation on January 1, 1950.
a - indicates that position is approximate.
b - indicates broken record.

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Station Class Lat. °N Long. °W Height in ft. above sea level Years of operation First Observer Remarks
British Columbia
Aiyansh IIIP 55°16′ 129°9′ 500 1924- M.M. Priestley
Anyox II 55°27′ 129°48′ 370 1916-1935 F.E. Patton
Atlin I 59°35′ 133°38′ 2240 1899-1946 R. Patrick
Babine Lake IIP 55°8′ 126°18′ 2230 1910- (b) F. Durham Observations 1910- 1936 at Babine Lake Hatchery.
Beatton River(A) IIP 57°23′ 121°25′ 2755 1944- Dept. of Transport
Camp Blueberry I 56°44′ 121°47′ 3094 1943-1645 U.S.A.A.F.
Coal River I 59°40′ 127°15′ 1660 1943-1945 U.S.A.A.F.
Dawson Creek I 55°45′ 120°15′ 2203 1943-1945 U.S.A.A.F.
Dease Lake ITP 58°25′ 130°0′ 2678 1943- (b) U.S.A.A.F. Station operated by Dept. of Transport since Oct. 1946.
Echo Lake II 56°56′ 130°16′ 3714 1924-1926 A. McKay
Engineer II 59°30′ 134°15′ 2160 1925-1929 C.E. Gilerich
Finlay Forks ITP 56°0′ 123°49′ 1900 1943- U.S.A.A.F. Taken over by Domin– ion Gov’t. Telegraph in 1945.
Fort Nelson(A) ITP 58°50′ 122°35′ 1230 1937- United Air Lines Operated by Dept. of Transport since 1942. Radiosonde station.

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Station Class Lat. °N Long.°W Height in ft. above sea level Years of operation First Observer Remarks
British Columbia Cont’d
Fort St. John (Baldonnel) IIP 56°12′ 120°49′ 2500 1910- c. c. Campbell Observations also taken a few miles away by Dr. H.A.W. Brown from 1933-1945.
Fort St. John (A) ITP 56°14′ 120°44′ 2275 1942- Dept. of Transport
Hudson Hope I 56°5′ 121°55′ 1606 1916-1944 F. Monteith
Ingenika Mine II 56°45′ 125°0′ 2500 1932-1939 E. Buchann
Log Cabin I 59°46′ 134°59′ 2900 1943-1947 U.S.A.A.F. Operated by Canada after Feb. 1946.
Lower Post I 59°57′ 128°39′ 1830 1937-1938 United Air Lines Observing station transferred to Watson Lake in 1938.
McDames Creek II 59°12′ 119°12′ ---- 1937-1941 B.C. Provincial Police
Mill Bay IIP 55°0′ 129°45′ 10 1915- W.D. Noble
Morley River I 59°53′ 131°46′ ---- 1945 U.S.A.A.F.
Muncho Lake I 58°55′ 125°46′ 2724 1943-1945 U.S.A.A.F.
New Hazelton IIP 55°15′ 127°35′ 1150 1914- W.J. Larkworthy
Pouce Coupe II 55°43′ 120°8′ 2000 1926-1939 A. Chalmers
Premier IIP 56°3′ 130°1′ 1371 1926- W.H. Pettman
Progress II 55°50′ 120°10′ 2800 1942-1948 H. Bentley

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Rolla II 55°41′ 120°21′ 2400 1920-1924 E.S. Jephson
Silver Creek (Oninica) II 55°30′ 126°0′ ---- 1943-1945 Takla Mercury Mines
Slate Creek II 55°45′ 124°45′ 3200 1936-1938 W. Ogilvie
Smith River (A) ITP 59°52′ 126°30′ 2208 1944- Dept. of Transport
Stewart IIP 56°1′ 130°1′ 4 1910 W. H. Manton
Summit Lake I 58°39′ 124°38′ 4146 1943-1945 U.S.A.A.F.
Sweetwater III 55°52′ 120°30′ 2600 1933-1946 W.S. Simpson
Takla Landing I 55°29′ 125°58′ 2273 1943-1945 U.S.A.A.F.
Telegraph Creek I 57°54′ 131°9′ 550 1942-1948 Dept. of Transport Some Observations taken 1924-1928 by F.N. Jackson.
Trout Liard I 59°31′ 126°2′ 1388 1943-1945 U.S.A.A.F.
Trutch IIP 57°48′ 122°54′ 2813 1943- (b) U.S.A.A.F. U.S.A.A.F. withdrew 1945. Re-opened by Canada Sept. 1948.
Aishihik(A) ITP 61°37′ 137°31′ 3170 1943- Dept. of Transport
Brooks Brook I 60°30′ 133°23′ 2365 1943-1945 U.S.A.A.F.
Canyon Creek I 60°52′ 137°8′ 2130 1943-1946 U.S.A.A.F.
Carcross IIP 60°11′ 134°34′ 2171 1907- P Reid. Station closed 1948-1949.
Dawson ITP 64°4′ 139°29′ 1062 1897- W. Ogilvie, Commissioner of the Territory Radio station established in 1925 and observations taken over by Royal Can. Crops of Signals

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Davils Pass I 60°31′ 134°10′ 2220 1943-1944 U.S.A.A.F.
Elsa IIP 64° 135°30′(a) ---- 1948- Keno Hill Mining Co..
Fish Lake I 60°10′ 132°3′ 2845 1943-1945 U.S.A.A.F.
Flight Strip#6(A) I 60°40′ 113°28′ 2770 1945 U.S.A.A.F.
Flight Strip#8(A) I 61°25′ 139°7′ 2575 1944-1945 U.S.A.A.F.
Fort Constantine II 64°0′ 140°0′ ---- 1895-1897 N.W.M.P.
Forty Mile II 64°30′ 140°30′ 1000 1937-1928 J.E. Ellis
Frances Lake IIP 61°17′ 129°24′ 2425 1941- Hudson’s Bay Co. Pressure observations available for part of period.
Kluane Lake II 60°56′ 138°20′ ---- 1946 H.J. Brooks
Mayo ITP 63°35′ 135°51′ 1625 1925- Royal Can. Corps of Signals
Orchie Lake I 62°10′ 131°45′ ---- 1944-1945 U.S.A.A.F.
Pine Creek IIP 60°50′ 137°33′ 2030 1944- Dom. Experimental Sub-Station
Rampart House II 67°30′ 134°30′ ---- 1874-1879 J. McDougal, H.B.Co. Observations discon– tinued when McDougall Moved to Dunvegan.
Rancheria I 60°5′ 130°10′ 2770 1943-1945 U.S.A.A.F.
Ross River I 62°2′ 132°25′ 2316 1943-1944 U.S.A.A.F.
Selkirk IIP 62°46′ 137°25′ ---- 1941- Dom. Govt. Telegraph Some observations by N.W.M. Police 1898- 1899.

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Sang(A) ITP 62°22′ 140°24′ 1925 1943- Dept. of Transport Lowest temperature in North America, −81.4°F, recorded here on Feb. 3, 1947.
Stewart River IIP 63°20′ 139°25′ ---- 1941- Dom. Govt. Telegraph Visual airways observations only.
Swede Creek II 64°6′ 139°45′ 1050 1919-1929 J.R. Farr
Swift River I 60°0′ 131°5′ 3415 1943-1946 U.S.A.A.F.
Tagish Lake II 60°17′ 134°15′ ---- 1898-1900 N.W.M. Police
Teslin(A) ITP 60°10′ 132°44′ 2300 1943- Dept. of Transport
Victoria Gulch III 62°0′ 137°10′(a) ---- 1905-1906 P. Holloway
Watson Lake(A) ITP 60°7′ 128°48′ 2248 1939- Dept. of Transport
Whitehorse II 60°45′ 135°0′ 2075 1900-1911(b) E.D. Bolton
Whitehorse(A) ITFP 60°43′ 135°5′ 2289 1940- Dept. of Transport Radiosonde station.
Aklavik ITP 68°14′ 134°50′ 25 1926- R.C.C.S. Radiosonde station.
Arctic Bay ITP 73°0′ 85°18′ 36 1937- H.B. Co. Radiosonde station. Operated by Dept. of Transport after 1945. Observation taken 1910-11 when Capt. Bernier’s expedition wintered there.
Ashe Inlet I 62°33′ 70°35′ 100 1844-1886 W.A. Ashe Observing station during Dom. Govt. expedition to Hudson Bay & Strait, 1884-1886.

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Bache Peninsula I 79°10′ 76°45′ 10 1930-1933 R.C.M. Police
Baker Lake ITP 64°18′ 96°5′ 30 1946- R.C.C.S. Radiosonde station.
Cambridge Bay ITP 69°7′ 105°1′ 45 1935- Rev. R. Thomas Observations taken in 1852-1853 by expedition commanded by Capt. Richard Collinson in the “Enterprise ^^ ” and in 1927-1928 by officers of C.G.S. “Baymaud”.
Camsell River II 63°30′ 112°0′ -- 1933-1934 W.G. Stuart
Cape Dorset II 64°15′ 76°25′ 40 1915-1927(b) S.J. Stewart
Chesterfield Inlet ITP 63°20′ 90°43′ 13 1921- Rev. Father R.T.A. Turquetel, R.C. Mission. Marine radio station established in Sept. 1930. One of Canadian bases during Second International Polar Year, 1932-1933
Clyde River ITP 70°25′ 68°17′ 26 1943- U.S.A.A.F. Observations by J.G. Cormack of H.B. Co. 1933-1935. Radiosonde station. Operating taken over by Canada in 1948.
Coppermine ITP 67°47′ 115°15′ 13 1930- R.C.C.S. Radiosonde station. One of Canadian bases during Second Inter– national Polar Year, 1932-1933.
Coral Harbour(A) ITP 64°11′ 83°17′ 193 1943- U.S.A.A.F. Taken over by Canada in 1945. Radiosonde station. Observa– tions taken 1933- 1935 by H.P. Dionne H.B. [: ]

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Craig Harbour I 76°12′ 79°35′ 12 1922-1939 (b) R.C.M. Police Post abandoned in 1939.
Dundas Harbour IP 74°34′ 82°10′ 18 1945- R.C.M. Police Observations by R.C.M.P. 1930-1933.
Ennadal Lake ITP 61°8′ 100°55′ 875 1949- R.C.C.S.
Eskimo Point I 61°7′ 94°3′ 25 1943-1945 U.S.A.A.F.
Eureka ITP 80°13′ 86°11′ 8 1947- Dept. of Transport and U.S. Weather Bureau Radiosonde station. Operated jointly by U.S. and Canada.
Fort Franklin III 65°20′ 123°0′ 500 1930 only ------- Winter quarters of Sir John Franklin’s land expedition 1825-1826.
Fort Good Hope IIP 66°15′ 128°38′ 214 1896- (b) Rev. P. Seguin, R.C. Mission de Norte Dame de Bonne Esperance. Instruments moved to Fort Norman in 1904, returned in 1908.
Fort Good Hope ITP 66°15′ 128°38′ 251 1944- R.C.C.S.
Fort Liard II 66°30′ 124°0'(a) 500 1892-1893 Rev. T.J. Marsh, Anglican Mission Rev. Marsh moved to Hay River in 1893 and took instruments with him.
Fort McPherson IIP 67°26′ 134°53′ 150 1892- Rev. J.O. Stringer and Count V.E. de Sainville. Rev. Stringer trans– ferred to Herschel Island in 1897.
Fort Norman ITP 64°54′ 125°30′ 300 1904- Rev. G. Houssais, R.C. Mission Instruments brought from Fort Good Hope in 1904. Radio station established in 1930 and observa– tions taken over by R.C.C.S.

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Fort Rae I 62°40′ 115°45′ 540 1875-1886 (b) A. Flett, H.B. Co. Instruments taken up by Bishop of McKenzie River in 1875. Joint British– Canadian station during first Interna– tional Polar Year 1882-1883, and base for British axpedi– tion during Second International Polar Year 1932-1933. Some observations taken 1934-1936 by R.A. Ingrey.
Fort Reliance ITP 62°43′ 109°6′ 515 1948- R.C.C.S.
Fort Resolution(A) ITP 61°10′ 113°41′ 519 1875- (b) R. Swanston Records incomplete from 1875-1912. Observations taken at R.C. Mission until 1930. Radio station established in 1930 and observations taken over by R.C.C.S. Airport opened March 1943.
Fort Ross I 71°55′ 94°15′ 50 1937-1948 (b) H.B. Co. Personnel evacuated in Nov. 1943, when supply ship unable to reach Fort Ross during 1942 and 1943. Station re-opened Oct. 1944 and closed in March 1948.
Fort Simpson ITP 61°52′ 121°21′ 415 1875- (b) Rev. A.C. Carrioch, St. David’s Mission Records incomplete from 1875-1894. Barometer and other

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instruments left here by V. Stefansson in 1908. Radio station established in 1924 and observations begun by RCCS. Obser– vations at mission discontinued in 1927.
Fort Simpson(A) I 61°52′ 121°13′ 572 1943-1946 USAAF and Dept. of Transport USAAF withdrew in 1945.
Fort Smith I 60°0′ 111°52′ 680 1911-1946 A.J. Bell Observations taken at RCCS radio station after 1928
Fort Smith(A) ITP 60°1′ 111°58′ 665 1943- USAAF and Dept. of Transport Radiosonde station. USAAF withdrew in 1945.
Hay River I 60°50′ 115°32′ 529 1893-1943 Rev. T.J. Marsh, Anglican Mission Mission station discontinued when observations begun at Hay River airport in 1943.
Hay River(A) ITP 60°53′ 115°46′ 529 1943- U.S.A.A.F. Station taken over by RCCS in 1945.
Herschel Island II 69°30′ 139°15′ 15 1896-1928 (b) Capt. G. Leavitt Observations taken over by Anglican Mission 1897-1906 when mission was closed and instru– ments were left in charge of N.W.M. Police. No records received from 1906- 1916. Broken series of observations taken by Cecillia Harding from 1916- 1928.

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Holman Island ITP 70°30′ 117°38′ 30 1939- W.L.T. Smith of H.B. Co. Station transferred here from Walker Bay.
Indin Lake ITP 64°16′ 115°14′ 900 1948- Trans-American Mining Corporation
Isachsen ITP 78°47′ 103°32′ 83 1948- Dept. of Transport and U.S. Weather Bureau Station operated jointly by U.S. and Canada. Established by airlift from Resolute in April, 1948. Radiosonde station.
Kazan River I 61°34′ 100°40′ 800 1945-1946 R.C.A.F.
Kittigazuit ITP 69°17′ 133°56′ 92 1948- R.C.A.F
Lake Harbour I 62°50′ 69°55′ 54 1909-1948 Archbishop L. Fleming, Anglican Mission.
Mills Lake I 61°16′ 118°45′ 484 1943-1944 U.S.A.A.F.
Mould Bay ITP 76°14′ 119°50′ 50 1948- Dept. of Transport and U.S.A.A.F. Operated jointly by Canada and U.S. Established by air– life from Resolute in April, 1948. Radiosonde station.
Norman Wells I 65°18′ 126°51′ 270 1946-1949 Dept. of Transport
Norman Wells(A) ITP 65°17′ 126°49′ 270 1949- Dept. of Transport Observing station maintained here by USAAF from 1943-1946.
Nottingham Island ITP 63°7′ 77°56′ 54 1927- Dept. of Transport, Marine Radio station

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Nueltin Lake I 60°30′ 99°0′ --- 1939-1941 J.A. Crafford Some observations in 1945 by RCAF survey party.
Padloping Island IP 67°6′ 62°21′ 130 1941- (b) U.S.A.A.E. Continuation of this station recommended by I.C.A.O.
Pangnirtung IP 66°9′ 65°30′ 43 1923- R.C.M. Police
Pond Inlet IP 72°43′ 78°30′ 13 1923- (b) R.C.M. Police
Port de Boucherville I 63°12′ 77°28′ -- 1884-1886 C. de Boucherville Observing station maintained during Hudson Straits expedition, 1884- 1886.
Port Laperriere I 62°35′ 78°1′ -- 1884-1886 A.M. Laperriere Observing station on Digges Island during Hudson Straits expedition 1884-1886.
Port Radium ITP 66°5′ 11°82′ 600 1937- (b) R.C.C.S. Station closed 1940-1942.
Providence(A) ITP 61°20′ 117°40′ 529 1943- U.S.A.A.F. Station taken over by R.C.C.S. in 1945.
Resolute ITP 74°41′ 94°55′ 56 1947- Dept. of Transport and U.S. Weather Bureau Station operated jointly by Canada and U.S. Radiosonde station.
Resolution Island ITP 61°18′ 64°53′ 127 1929- Dept. of Transport Marine Radio station Station moved here from Port Burwell.
Sawmill E(A) I 65°44′ 118°55′ --- 1948-1949 R.C.A.F.

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Snare River II 63°30′ 116°0′ 600 1947-1948 R. Coutts and B.F. Russell
Trout Lake I 60°45′ 121°30′ 1650 1944-1945 U.S.A.A.F.
Tuktoyaktuk IIP 69°30′ 133°0′ (a) --- 1948- Anglican Mission
Upper Frobisher(A) ITP 63°44′ 68°33′ 68 1942- U.S.A.A.F. Radiosonde station. Operation to be taken over by Canada in 1950.
Walker Bay I 71°30′ 117°50′ 27 1938-1939 H.B. Co. Station transferred to Holman Island in 1939.
Wrigley(A) ITP 63°13′ 123°28′ 511 1947- R.C.C.S. Observing station operated by USAAF 1943-1946.
Yellowknife II 62°28′ 114°20′ 515 1941-1942 A.L. Arsenault Observations taken at Con Mine.
Yellowknife IIP 63°14′ 114°25′ --- 1943- Yellowknife Hydro
Yellowknife(A) ITP 62°28′ 114°27′ 656 1942 R.C.C.S. and Dept. of Transport
Beaverlodge ITP 55°10′ 119°19′ 2500 1926- Experimental Farm
Berwyn (Bear Lake) IIP 56°10′ 117°47′ 2000 1934- (b) H. L. Dundas Station closed 1940- 1949.
Buffalo Head Prairie IIP 58°10′ 116°20′ 950 1932- T.R. Smith
Daysland II 55°52′ 112°17′ 2260 1908-19 ^ 2 ^ 2 D. Davidson

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(Fort ^ ) ^ Dunvegan II 55°56′ 118°35′ 1305 1880-1943(b) J. McDougall, H.B. Co. Station closed in 1888 and instruments for– warded to Fort Vermil– lion. Reopened in 1904
Edson II 55°33′ 116°25′ 2985 1916-1940(b) D.H. Felker
Elmworth II 55°4′ 119°40′ 2450 1926- G.S. Moyer
Embarrass(A) ITP 58°12′ 111°23′ 775 1943- U.S.A.A.F. Taken over by Canada in 1945.
Fairview ITP 56°4′ 118°23′ 2160 1931- J.G. Bryden
Fort Chipewyan I 58°43′ 111°9′ 714 1874-1940 A. MacFarlane H.B. Co. Observations irregular 1874-1886. In 1885, instruments received from Fort Rae which had been left by First Intern. Polar Year Expedition and observa– tions begun by Archdaecon W.D. Reeve of Anglican Mission.
Fort McMurray I 56°44′ 111°23′ 829 1908-1944 W. Gordon Radio station esta– blished in 1934 and observations taken over by RCCS.
Fort Vermilion IIP 58°23′ 116°3′ 950 1905- Rev. A.S. White ^ , ^ Anglican Mission Instruments received from Dunvegan in 1889, but the prospective observer declined to serve without pay and station not opened until 1905. Observa– tions taken at Experimental Farm since 1908 and mission station discontinued in 1919.

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Goodfare II 55°16′ 119°42′ 2700 1929-1933 V.J. Young
Goodwin (De Bolt) II 55°11′ 118°12′ 1600 1931-1937 (b) J. P. Grant
Grande Prairie (A) ITP 55°10′ 118°53′ 2190 1922- (b) W. H. Pearson Station closed in 1937 and reopened by Dept. of Transport in 1942.
Grimshaw II 56°12′ 112°36′ 2001 1945-1949 C.W. Purcell
Gronard II 55°35′ 116°9′ 1900 1884-1945 (b) W.E. Traill, H.B. Co. Incomplete records 1884-1896 and no records 1896-1909.
High Prairie IIP 55°28′ 116°30′ 1968 1926- S. Harris
Keg River ITP 57°47′ 117°50′ 1402 1935- Dom. Govt. Telegraph
Kinuso II 55°20′ 115°26′ 1928 1927-1948 Mrs. W.L. McKillop
McMurray(A) ITP 56°39′ 111°13′ 1216 1943- USAAF Taken over by Dept. of Transport in Dec. 1944.
Peace River(A) ITP 56°14′ 117°26′ 1820 1949- C.P. Airlines Observations taken 1944- 1945 by USAAF.
Peace River Crossing II 56°15′ 117°15′ 1225 1907-1936 H.A. George Irregular observations taken for few years after 1882 by Rev. J.G. Brink of Christ Church Mission.
Puskwaskau IIImP 55°28′ 118°3′ 2000 1944- Alberta Forest Service
Rycroft (Silverwood) II 55°46′ 118°45′ 1983 1931-1937 F.V. Platzer

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Sasakatoon Mountain IIImP 55°15′ 119°21′ ---- 1942- Alberta Forest Service
Shaftesbury II 56°6′ 117°45′ ---- 1907-1908 Miss L. Millen
Slave Lake (Sawridge) IIP 55°20′ 114°49′ 1905 1926- Alberta Forest Service
South Beaver Lodge II 55°20′ 119°24′ 1400 1927-1930 V.C. Flint
Spirit River II 55°40′ 118°47′ ---- 1910-1911 A.M. Josse
Valleyview I 55°5′ 117°15′ 2419 1944-1945 USAAF
Wabasca II 56°2′ 113°0′ 1720 1934-1947 St. John’s Indian Res. School
Wagner(A) ITP 55°21′ 114°59′ 1915 1943- USAAF Taken over by Dept. of Transport in Jan. 1946.
Wembley II 55°9′ 119°8′ 2400 1926-1932 B.J. Smith
Beaver River (Ile a la Crosse) II 55°26′ 107°44′ ---- 1929-1941 J.C. Taylor
Fond du Lac II 59°20′ 107°10′ 700 1905-1938 Rev. A. Beihler Instruments received from Fort Chipewyan in 1905.
Island Falls ITP 55°32′ 102°21′ 982 1929- Churchill River Power Co. Observations taken by USAAF 1943-1945 and by Island Falls Community Club after 1945.
Island Falls(2) IIP 55°35′ 102°26′ ---- 1938- Churchill River Power Co. Station located on Churchill River, 13 miles from town of Island Falls.

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Island Falls(3) II 55°34′ 102°47′ ---- 1938-1944 Churchill River Power Co. Station located on Churchill River 38 miles from town of Island Falls.
Lac la Ronge II 55°8′ 105°23′ 1250 1921-1942(b) A. McKay
Pelican Narrows II 55°8′ 102°54′ ---- 1929-1930 District Forest Inspector
Stanley Mission II 56°0′ 105°0′ ---- 1910-1940(b) Rev. J. Brown Met. Service shipped instruments here in 1877 but no records received until 1910.
Whitesand (Rocky Falls) IIP 56°20′ 103°15′ ---- 1938- Churchill River Power Co.
Berens River IIP 5 ^ 2 ^ °18′ 97°2′ 720 1890- H.E. Plunkett, H.B. Co. F.A. Disbrowe, H.B. Co. post manager took the observations from 1908 until his death in 1943.
Brochet ITP 57°53′ 101°40′ 1180 1948- RCCS
(Fort) Churchill ITP 58°47' 94°11′ 44 1884- J.R. Spencer, H.B. Co. Marine Radio station opened 1928 and took over observations. Danish expedition commanded by Jens Munck wintered here 1619-1620 ^ . ^ Harbour rediscovered by Capt. Luke Fox ^ e ^ in 1631. H.B. Co., built trading post in 1715.

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Churchill(A) ITP 58°45′ 94°5′ 115 1943- USAAF Taken over by Dept. of Transport in 1945. Radiosonde station.
Duck Lake I 59°30′ 97°30′ 890 1943-1946 USAAF
Flin Flon ITP 54°45′ 101°49′ 1025 1927- Hudson Bay Mining and Smelting Co.
Gillam ITP 56°21′ 94°46′ 454 1943- USAAF Taken over by Dept. of Transport in July 1945.
God’s Lake I 54°50′ 94°50′ 610 1933-1944 Canadian Airways
Herb Lake II 54°45′ 99°30′ 800 1924-1927 F.W. Robinson
Hillview II 59°55′ 100°33′ 1400 1912-1921 H. Stevenson
Little Grand Rapids I 51°35′ 95°15′ 998 1939-1944 R. Finch
Nelson House II 55°49′ 98°57′ ---- 1937-1939 H. Thiboutot
Norway House I 53°59′ 97°50′ 720 1884-1945(b) J.G. Christie, H.B. Co.
Oxford House II 54°55′ 96°28′ 350 ----- ----- Abstract of early H.B. Co. temperature records given in Influence of Climate by J. Disturnell, 1866.
Pakitawagan II 55°50′ 101°40′ ---- 1924-1926 Rev, J.T.A. Renaud
Poplar River Post II 52°58′ 97°20′ (a) ---- 1888-1889 H.B. Co.
Port Nelson I 57°0′ 92°51′ 49 1915-1929 A Sutherland H.B. Co. Observing station trans– ferred here from York Factory in 1915.

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Split Lake II 56°11′ 96°11′ ---- 1911-1913 C.A. Fox
The Pas ITP 53°49′ 101°15′ 890 1910- G. Halcrow
The Pas(A) ITP 53°58′ 101°6′ 894 1943- USSAF Taken over by Dept. of Transport in Sept. 1945. Radiosonde station.
Wabowden ITP 54°54′ 98°28′ 764 1943- USAAF Taken over by Dept. of Transport in Oct. 1945.
Wanless IIP 54°11′ 101°22′ 855 1935- R. W. Allen
York Factory I 57°0′ 92°26′ 85 1772-1915(b) T. Hutchins H.B. Co. Observations taken by T. Hutchins of H.B. Co. 1772-1773. Observa– tions taken by H.B. Co. 1842-1854, 1864-1868 and 1876-1883 are summarized in Report of the Hudson’s Bay Expedi– tion 1884-1886 by A.R. Gordon. Observing station transferred to Port Nelson in 1915.
Fort Albany II 52°12′ 82°5′ ----- 1878-1881 H.B. Co. Returns received via Moose Factory.
Fort Hope II 51°33′ 87°49′ 1100 1891-1924(b) D. Baxter, H.B. Co. All instruments burned in 1893 and station closed until 1900.
Lansdowne House ITP 52°14′ 88°0′ 840 19 ^ 4 ^ 1- H.B. Co. Observations taken over by Dept. of Transport in 1945.

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Marten’s Falls II 51°30′ 86°30′ ---- 1894-1900 J.G. Christie, H.B. Co. Christie moved to Fort Hope in 1900 and took instruments there. Some observations taken in 1878-1880 by J. Clark, of H.B. Co.
Moose Factory I 51°14′ 80°30′ 29 1877-1938(b) J.R. Nason, H.B. Co. Station closed in 1938 since observations were being taken in town of Moosonee.
Moosonee ITP 51°16′ 80°39′ 34 1932- Proprietor of James Bay Inn. Radiosonde station.
Pickle Lake ITP 51°28′ 90°15′ 1245 1938- C.P. Airlines Observations taken for two months in 1930 by F. Stapleton.
Rat Rapids IIP 51°8′ 90°1′ 1180 1934- Hydro-Electric Power Commission.
Red Lake ITP 51°2′ 93°50′ 1250 1938- C.P. Airlines Some observations taken in 1930 by A.E. Crump.
Swains Lake II 51°17′ 93°20′ 1298 1933-34 R.E. Wright
Trout Lake ITP 53°50′ 89°52′ 720 1915- (b) John Gregg, H.B. Co. Station closed 1930- 1939. H.B. Co. re– summed observations in 1939 and Dept. of Transport took them over in 1945.
Woman Lake II 51°11′ 92°51′ 1282 1934-1937 L.E. Nelson Instruments transferred from Swains Lake in 1934.

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Clarke City I 50°12′ 66°38′ 186 1902-1947 F.N. Ritchie
Dolbeau I 48°48′ 72°20′ 413 1930-1938 J.E. Morin
Fort Chimo(A) ITP 58°5′ 68°25′ 112 1882- (b) L.M. Turner, Smithsonian Inst. Observations taken irregularly by H.B. Co., employees 1885-1941. USAAF operated observ– ing station from 1942 on. To be taken over by Dept. of Transport in 1950. Radiosonde station.
Fort George IIP 53°50′ 79°5′ 320 1915- (b) O. Griffith Station closed 1944-48.
Fort McKenzie ITP 56°63′ 69°3′ 250 1938- J.A. Heslop, H.B. Co. Station taken over by Dept. of Transport in 1942.
Great Whale River ITP 55°17′ 77°46′ 50 1925- (b) L.G. Maver, H.B. Co. Some observations taken in 1881 by H.B. Co. received via Moose Factory. Observations 1888-1889 by G.A. Young on Yacht Alle. Station closed 1945- 1946.
Greenly Island II 51°22′ 57°12′ --- 1882-1889 ------ Sundial taken in by Stupart in 1883.
Harrington Harbour ITP 50°32′ 59°30′ 25 1911- Miss Maud Cox Observations at Gren– fell Mission 1936- 1944. Taken over by Dept. of Transport in 1944.

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(Cape) Hope’s Advance ITP 61°5′ 69°33′ 240 1928- (b) Dept. of Transport, Marine Radio Station operated summers only from 1934-1940; closed 1940-1942. One of Canadian bases during Second International Polar Year. Wind of 132 mph recorded in Dec. 1931.
Indian House Lake ITP 56°2′ 64°44′ 1044 1944- I ^ ( ^ b) U.S.A.A.F. Taken over by Dept. of Transport in 1948. Continuation of this station recommended by ICAO. Station closed 1946-7.
Knob Lake ITP 54°49′ 66°41′ 1550 1948- Hollinger Mining Co.
Lake Dore (Chibougamau) ITP 49°54′ 74°18′ 1234 1936- Obalski Mining Corp.
Lake Manuan ITP 50°38′ 70°32′ 1625 1942- Aluminum Co. of Canada
Lake Norman I 52°0′ 63°20′ 1520 1942-1945 Quebec Airways
Lake Onistagan II 50°45′ 71°25′ ---- 1944-1945 A. Robert
Mecatina (Morhiban) ITP 51°50′ 62°53′ 1720 1943- (b) USAAF USAAF evacuated in 1946. Reopened by Dept. of Transport in 1948.
Mingan(A) ITP 50°17′ 64°9′ 76 1943- USAAF To be taken over by Dept. of Transport in 1950. Radiosonde equipment from Mingan to be transferred to Seven Islands in 1950.

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Mistassini Post IIP 50°30′ 73°55′ 1255 1879- (b) H.B. Co. Observations irregular from 1879-1915.
Natashquan ITP 50°12′ 61°49′ 18 1914- Rev. Father L. Garnier A storm signal station was established here in 1907.
Nitchequon ITP 53°12′ 70°35′ 1690 1942- Dept. of Transport Radiosonde station.
Passe N ^ D ^ angereuse IIP 49°53′ 71°16′ ---- 1942- Aluminum Co. of Canada
Pentecote II 49°47′ 67°9′ ---- 1936-1938 B. Fleming
Piaster Bay II 50°17′ 62°49′ ---- 1892 E. Werner
Port Burwell I 60°25′ 64°51′ ---- 1884-1934(b) H.M. Burwell Observing station during Hudson Bay Expedition 1884-1886. Observations begun by RCM Police in 1929. Eskimo settlement called Killinek nearby. Settlement unoccupied since 1940.
Port Harrison ITP 58°27′ 78°8′ 66 1921 L.A. Learmonth Some observations during 1901 by G.A. Young on Yacht Alle. Radiosonde station.
Seven Islands(A) ITP 50°13′ 66°16′ 190 1944- Dept. of Transport
Stupart’s Bay I 61°35′ 71°32′ ---- 1884-1886 R.F. Stupart Observing station during Hudson Bay expedition 1884-1886.

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Tabouret II 50°18′ 68°34′ 2000 1937 L. Vaillencourt
Wakeham Bay I 61°42′ 71°58′ ---- 1927-1928 Dept. of Trans– port Marine Radio Station moved to Hope’s a^A^dvance in 1928.
Amour Point (Forteau) I 51°28′ 56°51′ 40 1876-1936 P. Godier Lighthouse station.
Ashuanipi ITP 52°32′ 66°14′ 1790 1948- Hollinger Mining Co.
Battle Harbour IIP 52°17′ 55°25′ 30 1893- (b) Dr. Babardt Station closed in 1900 and instruments sent to North-West River. Reopened 1947.
Bello Isle ITP 51°53′ 55°22′ 426 1871- M. Colton Lighthouse station.
Cape Harrison ITP 54°44′ 58°19′ 65 1943- USAAF
Cartwright ITP 53°42′ 57°0′ 34 1934- Can. Marconi Co.
Davis Inlet II 55°52′ 60°50′ -- 1902 S. Cotter, H.B. Co.
Goose (Bay) (A) ITFP 53°20′ 60°25′ 144 1941- Dept. of Transport Radiosonde station. Constructed to aid wartime North Atlantic flying. Since a similar air base in Newfoundland was named Gander, this station was named Goose.

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Hebron IIP 58°12′ 63°37′ 50 1883- (b) Moravian Mission Observing station operated by USAAF 1942-1946.
Hopedale ITP 55°27′ 60°14′ 35 1867- (b) Moravian Mission Observations by Canadian Marconi Co. since 1942.
Nain IIP 56°33′ 61°41′ 14 1883- (b) Moravian Mission For a long time Nain was the seat of the Moravian Bishop of Labrador and the German Consul.
North West River I 53°3′ 60°10′ 12 1900-1942(b) S. Cotter, H.B. Co.
Nutak IIP 57°28′ 60°50′ 5 1947- Dept. of Natural Resources, Nfld.
Okkak II 57°34′ 62°3′ 20 1776-1889(b) Moravian Mission Settlement ravaged by influenza in 1918 and survivors formed a new community called Nutak a few miles to the south on the same island.
Ramah II 58°53′ 62°21′ 10 1872-1889(b) Moravian Mission
Rigolet II 54°8′ 57°12′ 40 1857-1863(b) H.B. Co.
Sandgirt Lake I 53°50′ 65°30′ 1485 1937-1948(b) Labrador Mining & Exploration Co. Operated by Dept. of Transport after 1942.
Skynner Cove I 59°10′ 63°20′ ---- 1884-1886 W. Skynner Observations during Hudson Bay Expedition 1884-1885.
Zoar II 56°7′ 61°22′ 40 1883-1902 Moravian Mission
Arctic Expeditions in Which the Canadian Meteorological Service Participated
1. Lieut. J.H. Lefroy’s Journey to the North-West, 1843-4 . - After the Magnetic Observatory had been established in Canada in 1839, Colonel Sabine and Sir John Herschel, Bart, persuaded the Royal Society to sanction a magnetic survey of British possessions in North America. This survey was undertaken by Lieut. J.H. Lefroy who had been placed in charge of the obser– vatory at Toronto in 1841. The survey covered a route which extended from Montreal to Hudson Bay and as far north as Fort Good Hope. The survey party travelled by means of canoe transport provided by the Hudson’s Bay Company.
Lieut. Lefroy and his assistant took magnetic and meteo– rological observations at each stopping place. Frequently, during periods of magnetic disturbance, observations were taken at two-minute intervals for hours at a time.
The most important halting points on Lefroy’s journey are given below.

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April 30, 1843 Departure from Lachine
May 20 Sault de Ste. Marie
June 19 Rat Portage
June 28 Fort Garry (Winnipeg)
July 12 Norway House
July 23 York Factory
Aug. 20 The Pas
Sept. 9-11 Isle a la Crosse
Sept. 23, 1843 to March 5, 1844 Fort Chipewyan
A temporary observatory was built at Fort Chipewyan.

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March 26 - May 25, 1844 Fort Simpson
May 29 Fort Good Hope
Lefroy had supposed Fort Good Hope to be just within the Arctic Circle and was keenly disappointed when he later learned that its latitude was only 66° 16′ N. Lefroy started south from Fort Good Hope on May 31, 1844, and arrived back at Montreal on November 25 after retracing much of his former route.
The original account of Lefroy’s journey may be found in Sir Henry Lefroy’s Autobiography published in 1895. A part of this autobiography was reprinted in Trans. Roy. Soc. of Canada, 1938, edited by W.S. Wallace.
2. The First International Polar Year, 1882-83 . - In 1875, Lieut. Karl Weyprecht of Austria brought forward the suggestion that the value of scientific observations in polar regions could be increased considerably if such observations were taken simultaneously at many stations. Lieut. Weyprecht died shortly thereafter but his ideas stimulated international scientific thought and an International Polar Commission was formed to study the question further.
The Commission recommended that an International Polar Year be held from August 1882 to August 1883, and twelve countries agreed to take part by establishing an observing station in the Arctic of Antarctic for this period. The countries represented were, in alphabetical order, Austria, Denmark, England and Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Holland, Norway, Russia, Sweden and the United States.
In 1880, Charles Carpmael, the Director of the Meteorological Service, was approached by Dr. F. Wild of St. Petersburg, Russia, the president of the International Polar Commission, to obtain the co-operation of Canada during the International Polar Year. In view of the benefits which Canada would derive from such a scheme, the proposal was heartily endorsed by the Meteorological Service. The Department of Marine and Fisheries was unable to recommend the expenditure for the establishment of an Arctic station by Canada, but an agreement was made with Great Britain whereby Great Britain supplied the staff and equipment to operate a station at Fort Rae, N.W.T., (lat. 62° 40′ N, long. 115° 45′ W) and the costs of trans– portation were shared by Canada. A sum of $5000 was voted by the Canadian Government for this purpose.
The expedition to Fort Rae was under the command of Captain Dawson, R.A. Meteorological and magnetic observations were taken every hour night and day. On the first and fifteenth of each month, observations were taken every five minutes, and for one full hour on each of these days, every 20 seconds, to determine minor variations in the magnetic elements.
Other stations which were maintained in the Canadian Arctic during the First Polar Year were located at Fort Conger on North Ellesmere Island (lat. 81° 44′ long. 64° 45′ W) and at Kingua Fjord, Cumberland Sound, Baffin Island (lat. 66° 36′ N, long. 67° 20′ W). The station at Fort Conger was established by the United States and that at Kingua Fjord by Germany. The results of these expeditions were published in the following works.
Great Britain - Observations of the International Polar Year Expeditions, 1882-83, Fort Rae.
United States - International Polar Expedition, Report of the Proceedings of the United States Expedition to Lady Franklin Bay, Grinnell Land, Vols. 1 and 2, by Lieut. A.W. Greely. Washington, 1888.
Germany - Die Internationale Polarforschung 1882-1883, Die Beobachtungs Ergebnisse der Deutschen Stationen, Band 1, Kingua-Fjord. Berlin, 1886.
3. Hudson Bay Expeditions, 1884-5-6 . - An expedition was organized by the Department of Marine and Fisheries in 1884 to determine for what period of the year navigation is possible in Hudson Strait. The expedition was under the command of Lieut. A.R. Gordon, R.N., who was the assistant-director of the Meteorological Service. Observing stations were established on both shores of Hudson Strait and meteorological observations as well as observations of ice conditions were taken for a two-year period.
The expedition left Halifax on July 22, 1884, in the S.S. Neptune, a former sealing vessel which had been chartered by the Department of Marine and Fisheries. The first station was established on August 5 on the north– western shore of Cape Chidley (lat. 60° 25′ N, long. 64° 51′ W) and named Port Burwell after the observer, H.M. Burwell, who was appointed to that station.
A site for the second station was chosen at Ashe Inlet on the north shore of Hudson Strait (lat. 62° 33′ N, long. 70° 35′ W), named after the observer, W.A. Ashe.
The third station was located on the south shore of the Strait at a spot named Stupart’s Bay after the observer R.F. Stupart (lat. 61° 35′ N, long. 71° 32′ W). It had been considered advisable that in addition to the meteorological observations taken at the various stations, a series of magnetic readings should be taken at one of them. Since Mr. Stupart had had several years’ experience in magnetic work, he was selected to take charge of one of the stations and carry out this work. The magnetic instruments were the same ones that had been used by Captain Dawson at Fort Rae and were loaned to the expedition by Mr. G.M. Whipple, Director of the Kew Observatory, London, England.
The fourth station was established at Port de Boucherville on Nottingham Island (lat. 63° 12′ N. long. 77° 28′ W) with C.V. de Boucherville in charge. From Nottingham Island the vessel proceeded to Churchill where arrangements were made with J.R. Spencer of the Hudson’s Bay Company to take meteorological observations.
On the return journey from Churchill, a fifth station was put in at Port Laperriere on Digges Island, (lat. 62° 35′ N, long. 78° 1′W), with A.N. Laperriere in charge. It had been planned to locate the sixth and last station on Resolution Island but a suitable anchorage could not be found and this plan was abandoned. The station was established at Skynner Cove in Nachvak Bay instead, (lat. 59° 10′N, long. 63° 20′W), with W. Skynner in charge. All the stations were maintained for the second year, 1885-6, with the exception of Skynner Cove.
The expeditions in 1885 and 1886 were made in the S.S. Alert which had been specially rebuilt for the Arctic expedition of 1876 under the command of Sir George Nares. Her Majesty’s Government refitted the Alert to
assist in the rescue of the expedition commanded by Lieut. Greenly during the First Polar Year. When Greely’s expedition has been rescued, the Alert was handed over to the Canadian Government. The station which was established on North Ellesmere Island in the spring of 1950 was named after this ship.
An account of these expeditions is given in Report of the Hudson’s Bay Expedition under the Command of Lieut. A.R. Cordon, R.N., 1884-5-6, Canadian Government Reports.
4. Second International Polar Year, 1932-33 . - The International Polar Year 1932-33, was organized by the International Meteorological Conference of Directors at Copenhagen in 1929 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Polar Year 1882-83. The object was to establish as many stations as possible in the polar regions where meteorological, magnetic and auroral observations could be made. A period of operation extending from August 1, 1932 to August 31, 1933 was agreed upon.
It was hoped that as many as possible of the stations which were in operation during the First Polar Year could be re-activated. Great Britain requested, and was granted, permission to re-occupy the station at Fort Rae. Canada undertook to maintain three special stations at Chesterfield Inlet, Cape Hope’s Advance and Coppermine, and to provide additional equipment to the permanent magnetic station at Meanook, Alberta.
The station at Chesterfield Inlet, (lat. 63° 20′N, long. 90° 42′W), was the principal Canadian station. It was fully equipped for taking continuous
records of terrestrial magnetism, meteorological elements, earth potentials, atmospheric potential gradient, earth temperatures and photographic and visual auroral observations. A secondary magnetic and auroral observing station was maintained 20 miles south of the main base.
The station was in charge of F.T. Davies, B.Sc., M.Sc., of the Department of Terrestrial Magnetism of the Carnegie Institute in Washington. He had personal charge of the magnetic programme, and through his past experience as a member of the Byrd Antarctic Expedition 1928-30, he was able to obtain very complete records of the magnetic elements in a region where they are greatly disturbed most of the time.
The station at Coppermine (lat. 67° 49′N, long. 115° 5′W) was in charge of R.C. Jacobsen, M.A., of Toronto. It was the most northerly of the Canadian stations and the chief meteorological station. A full programme of meteorological observations was carried out which consisted of the regular surface observations, continuous records of temperature at the top of a 100-feet mast and on the ground, as well as kite and balloon observations.
The upper air work included experiments with newly-developed Moltchanoff radiosonde instruments which were provided by the International Commission for the Polar Year as a gift from the Rockefeller Foundation. This was the first time that such an instrument was used in North America.
The station at Cape Hope’s Advance (lat. 61° 5′N, long. 69° 33′W) was in charge of J.E. Lilly, B.Sc., M.A. The work at this station consisted of surface weather and pilot balloon observations as well as visual and photographic auroral observations.
Canadian Government radio stations were in operation at the above-named three stations prior to the Polar Year, and valuable assistance in carrying out the observational programme was given by the radio operators. The results of the British and Canadian expeditions are published in the following reports.
Great Britain - British Polar Year Expedition, Fort Rae, 1932-33, The Royal Society, London. 1937.
Canada - Polar Year Expeditions, 1932-33. Dom. Govt. Printing Office, Ottawa. 1939.
5. Establishment of Arctic Stations Jointly by Canada and the United States , 1947-50 . - The establishment of a network of weather stations on the Canadian Arctic islands is of great benefit not only to the Canadian Meteoro– logical Service but to the United States Weather Bureau as well. In view of their community of interest in such a project, Canada and the United States entered upon an agreement in 1946 whereby they would jointly staff and operate a series of weather stations in the Canadian Arctic.
The first of these joint Arctic stations was established in April, 1947, at Slidre Fjord on Ellesmere Island (lat. 80° 13′N, long. 86° 11′W). The station was named Eureka. The transport of men and supplies to the station at Eureka was accomplished entirely by air. This marked the first time that such an operation was attempted in Canada, and since it proved successful, the same method was used later in the establishment of other Arctic stations.
The airlift was carried out from Thule, Greenland, where a weather station and airstrip had been constructed jointly by Denmark and the United States in 1946. The preliminary landings at Eureka were made on the sea ice by ski-equipped aircraft carrying small bulldozers. The bulldozers were used to level the snowdrifts over the landing area and the remainder of the airlift was completed by four-motored transport aircraft with wheel landing gear.
The second station was established at Resolute Bay on Cornwallis Island (lat. 74° 41′N, long. 94° 55′W) in September, 1947, by sea transport. Original plans had called for this station to be located at Winter Harbour on Melville Island but this proved to be impractical owing to unusually severe ice conditions in Melville Sound.
Resolute Bay was considered to be the best alternate site for the following reasons: (a) it offered excellent possibilities for airstrip construc– tion; (b) it is situated near the centre of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago; (c) it is accessible by cargo ship during the summer. The airstrip site was an important factor since it was intended that this station serve as an operating base for the support of further Arctic activities.
Two additional stations were established by airlift from Resolute in April, 1948. The first, named Isachsen, is located on Ellef Ringnes Island, (lat. 78° 47′N, long. 103° 32′W), and the second, named Mould Bay, is located on Price Patrick Island (lat. 76° 14′N, long. 119° 50′W).
A fifth joint Arctic weather station, named Alert, was established on the north shore of Ellesmere Island by airlift from Thule, Greenland, in April, 1950.
Climate of Arctic and sub-Arctic Canada
The Arctic and sub-Arctic regions of Canada include a vast area which extends over 35 degrees of latitude and 85 degrees of longitude, an area which is comparable to that of the continent of Europe. In order to discuss the climate of a region of this size, it is advantageous to divide it into a number of sections such that places in the same sub– division will have somewhat similar climates.
It should be kept in mind that observational data is very meagre for most parts of the Arctic, and consequently, the climatic means for many of the stations will require some revision as further data become available. Moreover, the stations from which observations have been received are nearly all coastal stations, and their climatic conditions are not necessarily representative of the climate of the interiors of the islands, especially the larger ones. The records from the various stations are, strictly-speaking, not directly comparable since they do not extend over the same periods of time. The years of record for each station are given in the climatic tables.
The climate of any locality is influenced by many factors. The chief climatic controls are latitude, nature of terrain and relative distribution of land and water. For the regions under consideration, the most important of these controls is the relative distribution of land and water or ice as the case may be.
In order to understand the reasons for some of the climatic differences between the eastern and western sections of the Arctic, it is
necessary to consider the broad pattern of the general circulation of the atmosphere. An examination of mean winter pressure charts for the Northern Hemisphere will reveal that there is a vast high pressure area over most of the Canadian Arctic flanked by low pressure areas over the Aleutian Islands to the west and over Davis Strait to the east. The high pressure area does not remain limited within fixed boundaries, but throughout the winter, surges of polar air occur at intervals which travel southward along the Mackenzie Valley and project Arctic conditions as far as the Prairie Provinces and the mid-western States. On the other hand, cyclonic storms which form over eastern Canada and the United States tend to move northeastward towards the semi-permanent trough of low pressure over Davis Strait.
This movement of high and low pressure areas is indicated in the general statement that during the winter, the western parts of the Arctic are colder and less stormy than the eastern parts. The mean pressure distribution also causes the average winter surface air flow in the Arctic Islands to be from north-northwest to south-southeast.
During the summer months, the well-marked pressure distribution of the winter becomes less pronounced and pressure gradients are comparatively weak. In this period, the weather in the Arctic is ^ in ^ fluenced by weak disturbances which develop along the Polar Front, the boundary line between air masses of tropical origin and those of polar origin. The mean summer position of this front lies across Alaska and northern Canada near the Arctic Circle.
As a first approximation, sub-Arctic and Arctic Canada may be divided into eight climatic regions. These regions, whose boundaries are shown on the accompanying chart, have been arbitrarily named as follows: (1) Northern Islands, (2) Southwestern Islands, (3) Eastern Arctic, (4) Hudson Bay and Strait, (5) Labrador Coast, (6) Mackenzie Valley, (7) Barren Lands, (8) Laurentian Plateau. It may be noted that the southern boundary of sub-Arctic Canada lies near the isotherm which passes through points with a mean annual temperature of 32°F. The southern limit of permafrost, i.e., permanently frozen sub-soil, as given by J.L. Jenness, is also shown on the chart.
Northern Islands . - The most well-known feature of the climate of Arctic regions is the fact that temperatures are consistently low and the winters exceptionally severe. The hardships and suffering from cold and scurvy of the earliest Arctic expeditions gave the Arctic a reputation, which is not entirely deserved, of possessing an unendurable winter climate. These hardships were overcome by later expeditions with the use of better heating equipment, insulated quarters and proper diet. For example, in 1819-20, Parry’s men were in perfect health after spending the winter at Melville Island.
The climate of this region is essentially a modified maritime type. Although it is true that the polar seas are frozen over for nearly three-quarters of the year, there is sufficient radiation through the ice from the comparatively warm water below to exert a moderating influence.
Thus the extreme low temperature for any point in this region is rarely lower than −60°F whereas temperatures 20 degrees colder than this have been experienced in the Mackenzie Valley.
Average winter temperatures are consistently low, the lowest that are to be found anywhere in the Canadian Arctic. For seven months of the year, from October to April, mean monthly temperatures are below zero over the entire region. As a matter of fact, from November 11, 1948, to April 27, 1949, the temperature at Eureka rose above zero on only three occasions.
During the brief summer period, the ice-filled polar waters with a surface temperature near 30°F prevent the air in contact with them from warming up to any great extent. Moreover, an incursion of warm air from the south is cooled rapidly in its lower layers by contact with the cold water. As a result, summer temperatures are low and maximum temperatures as high as 60°F have not been recorded at many stations. Mean summer temperatures throughout the region show little variation from year to year and the average temperature of the warmest month, July, is generally near 40°F.
The sun is above the horizon continuously in mid-summer and below the horizon for a corresponding period in mid-winter. Consequently, it is only during the spring and fall months that a diurnal range of temperature from a minimum near sunrise to a maximum in the afternoon is appreciable. During the summer and winter, changes in temperature arise mainly from changes of air mass, the occurrence or dissipation of fog or cloud, the local effect of falling precipitation or changes in wind speed or direction.
A consideration of temperatures alone would indicate that there are only two seasons in the Northern Islands, ten cold months and two cool ones. Frost may occur in any month but temperatures do not remain consistently below freezing until September. Mean temperatures in September are well below freezing, with 16°F at Isachsen, 21°F at Eureka and 23°F at Resolute. Average temperatures continue to drop rapidly from October on, reaching −30°F to −40°F by January. The mean temperature levels off in February although the extreme low temperatures are usually experienced in late February or early March.
The lowest average temperatures for February are found on northern Ellesmere Island with Eureka reporting −41°F and Fort Conger −40°F. Although both of these means have been derived from a series of observations extending over less than three years, it is probable that they are representative of conditions in this area and that the “cold pole” for North America is to be found in this vicinity.
In March, temperatures begin to rise gradually as the sun’s elevation increase, but above-freezing temperatures are not common until the beginning of June. An indication of the temperature regime over the Northern Islands may be obtained from the following table.
Monthly and Annual Mean Temperatures and Temperature Extremes (°F)

Scroll Table to show more columns

Eureka Fort Conger Isachsen Mould Bay Resolute Winter Harbour
Lat. (°N) 80°13′ 81°44′ 78°47′ 76°14′ 74°41′ 74°47′
Long. (°W) 86°11′ 64°45′ 103°32′ 119°50′ 94°55′ 110°48′
Years of Record 1947-1949 1881-1883 1948-1949 1948-1949 1947-1949 1819-20, 1908-09
Jan. −37 −38 −37 −32 −28 −30
Feb. −41 −40 −29 −31 −35 −31
Mar. −31 −28 −27 −20 −26 −16
Apr. −20 −14 −20 −11 −11 −12
May 13 14 12 11 12 17
June 38 33 31 29 33 33
July 43 37 38 38 41 42
Aug. 38 34 34 34 38 33
Sept. 21 16 16 18 23 19
Oct. −3 −9 −3 0 7 0
Nov. −20 −24 −16 −17 −6 −19
Dec. −41 −28 −37 −28 −21 −29
Year −3 −4 −3 −1 2 1
Range 84 77 75 70 76 73
Highest 66 53 64 57 59 60
Lowest −63 −63 −55 −63 −55 −56
Annual precipitation over this region is low, generally less than five inches per year, which is less than that over the driest parts of the Prairie Provinces. In order to arrive at the figures for total annual precipitation, the amount of snowfall has been converted to equivalent rain on the assumption that ten inches of snow are equivalent in water content to one inch of rain. It should be noted that this method of conversion, which is the standard procedure in the Meteorological Service, is a close approximation in temperate climates where the snow is soft and fluffy. On the other hand, in the Arctic the snow crystals are similar to grains of sand and a conversion factor of [: ] four ^ or five ^ inches of snow to one inch of rain would be closer to the truth.
Contrary to popular opinion, snowfall in the Arctic is relatively light during the winter since air temperatures are so low that the amount of precipitable water vapour in the air is extremely small. In open country, the snow on the ground is rarely over 12 inches deep and the ground is bare in many spots. However, deep compact drifts are formed around obstacles and in valleys. These drifts are so hard-packed that tractors can be driven over them.
Common phenomena during the winter are the storms of blowing snow which occur on the average about once every two weeks. The snow crystals are quite small and when the wind increases to more than 15 m.p.h., the snow particles begin to be carried aloft. If the wind is higher than 40 m.p.h., the visibility is reduced to near zero in blowing snow.
The heaviest snowfalls occur in May and September, and about one-half of the total annual snowfall may be expected in these two months. The snow becomes soft towards the end of May although the amount of melting is slight until the beginning of June. Once the melting process has started, the snow disappears very rapidly and the islands are snow-free by the end of June except in isolated areas such as ravines or high terrain.
Snow may fall even in the warmest months but it does not remain on the ground until September. The precipitation during July and August is chiefly in the form of light rain or drizzle. The station which reports the lowest annual precipitation is Eureka, with a mean total of 1.62 inches according to a limited series of observations. In temperate zones, an annual total of this magnitude is found only in desert regions.
The mean monthly amounts of rain and snow and the total annual precipitation at various stations in this region are given in the following table.
Mean Monthly Rain and Snowfall in Inches and Mean Annual Total Precipitation Converted to Inches of Rain

Scroll Table to show more columns

Eureka Fort Conger Isachsen Mould Bay Resolute Winter Harbour
Lat. (°N) 80°13′ 81°44′ 78°47′ 76°14′ 74°41′ 74°47′
Long. (°W) 86°11′ 64°45′ 103°32′ 119°50′ 94°55′ 110°48′
Years of Record 1947-1949 1881-1883 1948-1949 1948-1949 1947-1949 1908-09
Jan. 0 1.1 0.42 0 1.4 0 0.4 0 0.4 0.89
Feb. 0 0.6 0.13 0 0.2 0 0.5 0 1.2 0.79
Mar. 0 1.4 0.44 0 0.7 0 1.2 0 1.6 0.93
Apr. 0 0.1 0.17 0 0.5 0 0.4 0 1.0 0.43
May 0 2.0 0.40 0 4.6 0 1.0 0 8.0 1.08
June 0.01 0.1 0.18 trace 2.0 0.06 2.5 0.56 2.0 0.04
July 0.27 0 0.66 0.49 0.7 1.04 0.2 1.10 0.7 --
Aug. 0.23 0.6 0.38 0.47 0.3 0.25 1.6 0.62 1.7 --
Sept. 0 2.8 0.35 0 7.7 trace 4.7 0.32 7.4 0.94
Oct. 0 1.0 0.24 0 2.7 0 1.2 0.01 5.2 0.38
Nov. 0 1.0 0.20 0 4.1 0 0.6 0 2.4 0.32
Dec. 0 0.4 0.30 0 0.1 0 0.1 0 0.5 0.14
Year 1.62 3.88 3.46 2.79 5.82 Incomplete
Winter is normally the period of clear weather over the Arctic Archipelago. Any clouds which occur are mainly of the ice crystal type for frontal systems are usually far to the south. This clear weather lasts until April when the cloudiness begins to increase, reaching a maximum in May or June. The mean cloud amount decreases in July but increases again to a secondary maximum in August or September. The cloudiness of winter. It may be noted that Arctic cloud conditions, which are characterized by a summer maximum and a winter minimum, are just the reverse of those which occur in temperate latitude ^ s ^ .
The summer cloud cover consists almost entirely of a shallow deck of low stratus whose base is often lower than 500 feet. As the air blows over the icy waters, its lower layers are near saturation. When this air is forced to rise over any obstacle such as the shore of an island, the slight amount of additional cooling is sufficient to lower the temperature of the air below its de ^ w ^ point, which results in the formation of fog and low cloud. The amount of summer cloudiness may be judged from the fact that in August 1948, there were only 48 hours of sunshine at Resolute out of a possible 662 hours. This is undoubtedly an extreme case but it serves as an illustration.
Fog in the Archipelago occurs most frequently during the period of open water in the same manner as the low cloud. Since this type of fog is essentially a coastal phenomenon, it is possible that the interiors of the larger islands may be comparatively fog-free with the
exception of some radiation fog.
Ice crystal fog is common during the winter in periods of light winds. However, this type of fog is rarely very thick, and during a two-year period at Resolute, the visibility in ice crystal fog was seldom reduced to less than one mile. Another type of winter fog known as “Arctic sea smoke” occurs over leads of open water and is usually limited in extent to the immediate vicinity of the open water.
Broadly speaking, the number of foggy days per year in the coastal areas of the Archipelago is about 15-25, of which approximately 75% occur during the three months June, July and August. Short term records from the stations at Isachsen and Mould Bay would seem to indicate that the frequency of fog is somewhat greater in the islands bordering on the Arctic Ocean, possibly as high as 40 days per year.
Sea ice begins to form in sheltered bays in mid– September and the open sea is frozen over in October except for occasional leads which may occur throughout the winter. The new ice increases at a relatively constant rate of about one foot per month from November to March. The rate of ice growth falls off as the sun’s elevation increases, and a maximum thickness of about seven feet on the average is reached in early June. Much greater thickness of sea ice may occur where the edges of leads are forced together by winds or currents to form towering pressure ridges. Southwestern Islands . - This region includes the islands of Banks, Victoria and King William which are located near the continental shoreline. The temperature regime is similar to that over the Northern Islands. However,
some latitudinal control is evident in the fact that mean winter temperatures are of the order of 10°F higher than those in the Northern Islands although extreme low temperatures are much the same.
Extreme maximum summer temperatures are considerably higher than any recorded in the Northern Islands; for example, 78°F at Holman Island and 76°F at Cambridge Bay. Even higher temperatures have no doubt been experienced in the interior of Banks and Victoria Islands. These comparatively high temperatures result from the fact that the islands can be reached by incursions of warm air from the south with very little modification. However, it is interesting to note the effect of a body of water as narrow as Coronation Gulf, for an extreme high temperature of 87°F has been recorded at Coppermine, 11°F higher than that at Cambridge Bay on the opposite shore of the gulf.
Monthly and annual mean temperatures are given in the following table for the only two stations in this region from which records are available.
Monthly and Annual Mean Temperatures and Temperature Extremes (°F)

Scroll Table to show more columns

Cambridge Bay Holman Island
Lat. (°N) 69° 7′ 70° 30′
Long. (°W) 105° 1′ 117° 38′
Years of Record 1928-29, 1935-38 1940-50 1940-50
Jan. −25 −17
Feb. −28 −20
Mar. −19 −13
Apr. −7 1
May 15 22
June 35 38
July 47 46
Aug. 45 43
Sept. 31 32
Oct. 12 18
Nov. −9 −1
Dec. −26 −12
Year 6 11
Range 75 66
Highest 76 78
Lowest −63 −48
The mean annual precipitation is between five and eight inches, about double the average over the Northern Islands. This is mainly because of a greater amount of snowfall which is distributed throughout the year with a minimum during the months of July and August and a maximum in October or November. An indication of the annual precipitation regime may be obtained from the following values for Cambridge Bay and Holman Island.
Mean Monthly Rain and Snowfall in Inches and Mean Annual, Total Precipitation Converted to Inches of Rain

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Cambridge Bay Holman Island
Lat. (°N) 69° 7′ 70° 30′
Long. (°W) 105° 1′ 117° 38′
Years of Record 1928-29, 1935-38, 1940-50 1940-50
Jan. 0 3.1 0 2.1
Feb. 0 1.8 0 3.8
Mar. 0 2.2 0 4.2
Apr. 0 1.8 0 3.3
May 0.01 2.9 0.02 4.1
June 0.18 2.9 0.22 1.0
July 0.81 0.1 0.75 0
Aug. 0.86 trace 1.46 1.5
Sept. 0.35 2.9 0.57 2.8
Oct. 0.02 6.9 0.05 7.2
Nov. 0 5.4 0 3.5
Dec. 0 2.5 0 2.2
^ 2.23 ^ ^ 3.07 ^
Year 5.48 6.64
^ 41% ^ ^ 46 ^
The snow conditions over this region are similar to those over the Northern Islands and storms of blowing snow occur with about the same frequency. The average depth of the winter snow cover is small and the ground is bare in many spots. The straits and channels freeze over somewhat later than those in the Northern Islands; for example, Coronation Gulf does not freeze over until about the first of November.
Cloud and fog conditions along the coasts are much the same as those over the rest of the Archipelago. However, conditions in the interior of Banks and Victoria Islands are probably quite different from these. For example, Stefansson states: “Through later experience in hunting and through discussions with Victoria Island Eskimos who were visiting Banks Island that summer, we conclude that fogs of this type seldom go more than 15 miles inland and probably never more than 20. So there is in the interior of an Arctic island as large as Banks, at least if the island is low, a considerable area nearly free of this type of fog, which is the most common of the Arctic fogs”.
Eastern Arctic . - It is generally recognized that there is always some open water in Baffin Bay adjacent to Smith, Jones and Lancaster Sounds. Moreover, Lancaster Sound itself rarely freezes over completely. From Bylot Island to Cape Dyer, Baffin Bay freezes over to the Greenland coast, but south of Cape Dyer, tides and currents limit the seaward growth of the ice shelf. The presence of this open water and the circulation around the semi-permanent low over Davis Strait which brings in air from the Atlantic combine to give this region higher mean winter temperatures, a
greater annual precipitation and a higher frequency of storms than the islands to the north and west.
Summer temperatures are similar to those over the remainder of the Archipelago with the ^ mean ^ temperature of the warmest month, July, in the range 40-45°F. On rare occasions a temperature over 70°F may be experienced; for example, a high of 75°F has occurred at Arctic Bay, 71°F at Clyde River and 77°F at Pond Inlet.
The mean annual precipitation is near ten inches for most stations. Pond Inlet and Clyde River both report between five and six inches but it is believed that their sheltered location causes them to have less precipitation than the regional average. The increase in annual precipitation over that of the islands to the north and west is due partly to a larger amount of summer rainfall and partly to a much greater snowfall in the latter part of the year. There is a marked maximum snowfall in October corresponding to the period when cyclonic storms are frequent in the Davis Strait area. Temperature and precipita– tion values for typical stations in this region are given in the following tables.
Monthly and Annual Mean Temperatures and Temperature Extremes (°F)

Scroll Table to show more columns

Arctic Bay Clyde River Craig Harbour Dundas Harbour Fort Ross Pond Inlet
Lat.(°N) 73° 0′ 70° 25′ 76° 12′ 74° 34′ 71° 55′ 72° 43′
Long.(°W) 85° 18′ 68° 17′ 79° 35′ 82° 10′ 94° 15′ 78° 30′
Years of Record 1937-49 1942-48 1933-39 1930-49 (broken) 1937-48 1931-49
Jan. −20 −14 −21 −16 −20 −25
Feb. −26 −17 −23 −18 −25 −29
Mar. −17 −14 −14 −10 −16 −20
Apr. −4 −2 −2 −1 −7 −2
May 19 19 17 22 16 20
June 36 33 34 36 32 35
July 44 40 41 42 40 42
Aug. 41 39 38 40 36 40
Sept. 30 32 28 30 25 31
Oct. 14 21 12 16 10 15
Nov. −4 3 −5 2 −7 −5
Dec. −16 −9 −18 −12 −15 −20
Year 8 11 7 11 6 7
Range 70 57 64 60 65 71
Highest 75 71 67 64 64 77
Lowest −57 −47 −49 −44 −57 −60
Mean Monthly Rain and Snowfall in Inches and Mean Annual Total Precipitation Converted to Inches of Rain

Scroll Table to show more columns

Arctic Bay Clyde River Craig Harbour Dundas Harbour Fort Ross Pond Inlet
Lat.(°N) 73° 0′ 70° 25′ 76° 12′ 74° 34′ 71° 55′ 72° 43′
Long.(°W) 85° 18′ 68° 17′ 79° 35′ 82° 10′ 94° 15′ 78° 30′
Years of Record 1937-49 1942-48 1933-39 1930-49 (broken) 1937-48 1931-49
Jan. 0 3.4 0 2.4 0 3.8 0 2.2 0 6.7 0 2.2
Feb. 0 1.9 0 2.3 0 2.4 0 3.0 0 3.0 0 1.2
Mar. 0 3.1 0 0.8 0 5.4 0 3.1 0 3.9 0 1.9
Apr. 0 2.7 0 0.4 0 5.7 0 2.6 0 3.3 0 3.6
May 0.03 2.9 0 3.8 0 4.5 0 6.6 0.01 4.4 0 1.2
June 0.23 2.5 0.07 1.5 0.21 4.2 0.45 4.7 0.55 5.2 0.41 1.3
July 0.72 0.1 0.80 1.0 0.93 0 1.23 0.1 2.56 0.3 1.12 trace
Aug. 1.24 0.5 1.20 trace 1.73 0.6 1.56 0.9 1.38 0.5 1.26 0.1
Sept. 0.23 6.6 0.34 1.0 0.13 5.4 0.73 7.3 0.20 11.5 0.32 2.8
Oct. 0 6.9 0 11.0 0 18.6 0 14.1 0 12.3 0 7.1
Nov. 0 3.8 0 8.0 0 7.7 0 5.6 0 9.0 0 3.9
Dec. 0 3.0 0 1.1 0 2.2 0 2.9 0 3.2 0 2.9
^ 2.45 ^ ^ 2.41 ^ ^ 3.00 ^ ^ 3.97 ^ ^ 4.70 ^ ^ 3.11 ^
Year 6.19 5.74 9.05 9.28 11.03 5.93
^ 40% ^ ^ 42 ^ ^ 33% ^ ^ 43% ^ ^ 43% ^ ^ 52% ^
Cloud conditions are similar to those over the entire Arctic Archipelago with maximum cloudiness during the summer and a minimum in the winter. However, the presence of open water and the passage of cyclonic storms to the south cause the winter minimum to be much less pronounced than that over the Northern Islands.
Hudson Bay and Strait . - The climate of this area is a more truly maritime one than that of the foregoing regions. This is due to the proximity of such vast bodies of water as Davis Strait, Hudson Bay and Hudson Strait and the fact that a considerable part of these waters remains open all winter. There is no evidence to indicate that Hudson Strait has ever been frozen over completely along its entire length. However, contrary to popular opinion, Hudson Bay does freeze over, usually about the first week in January. This has been proved by a series of reconnaissance flights carried out by the Royal Canadian Air Force during the years 1948-50.
In addition to the moderating effect of the open water, another factor which helps to raise the mean winter temperatures is the proximity of this region to the average path of winter storms. The cyclonic circulation around these storms pumps warm air from the Atlantic over the eastern Arctic causing mild spells which are unknown in the western sections. These mild spells may sometimes extend as far westward as Cornwallis Island and as far north a ^ s ^ Ellesmere Island.
The mean annual range of temperature is generally between 55 and 65 degrees. A notable exception is Resolution Island with a range of only 39 degrees. This is not surprising since Resolution Island has a very small area and is constantly surrounded by ic ^ y ^ waters.
Extreme low temperatures are of the order of −40°F to −50°F and extreme high temperatures 70°F to 80°F. Of course it should be kept in mind that temperatures near the extreme values may not be experienced oftener than once in three or four years. For example, although an extreme high temperature of 79°F has been recorded at Coral Harbour, in 1947 the highest summer temperature was only 62°F.
The mean summer temperatures illustrate the chilling effect of the ice-filled waters for the mean July temperatures are not appreciably higher than those over the Northern Islands in spite of a difference in latitude of 15-25 degrees. Temperature values for typical stations in this region are given in the following table.
Monthly and Annual Mean Temperatures and Temperature Extremes (°F)

Scroll Table to show more columns

Cape Hope’s Advance Coral Harbour Lake Harbour Nottingham Island Pangnirtung Port Harrison Resolution Island
Lat.(°N) 61° 5′ 64° 11′ 62° 50′ 63° 7′ 66° 9′ 58° 27′ 61° 18′
Long.(°W) 69° 33′ 86° 17′ 69° 55′ 77° 56′ 65° 30′ 78° 8′ 64° 53′
Years of Record 1928-49 (broken) 1943-48 1884-46 (broken) 1928-49 1925-42 1921-50 1929-48
Jan. −8 −22 −12 −13 −16 −14 0
Feb. −10 −20 −11 −14 −17 −16 −1
Mar. 0 −14 −2 −4 −6 −6 6
Apr. 11 1 11 9 9 12 15
May 25 19 27 24 25 28 27
June 35 35 38 35 37 39 34
July 42 46 46 42 46 47 38
Aug. 42 45 44 42 44 47 38
Sept. 36 31 36 35 37 41 35
Oct. 28 18 25 26 24 31 29
Nov. 19 6 12 12 12 17 21
Dec. 4 −11 −3 −4 −7 −2 8
Year 18 11 18 16 16 19 21
Range 52 68 58 56 63 63 39
Highest 81 79 80 73 70 80 61
Lowest −37 −57 −49 −42 −52 −57 −36
The nearness of this region to typical storm tracks across eastern Canada is reflected in the greater annual precipitation as compared with that over the regions to the north and west. The mean annual total is near 15 inches of which about 50% is in the form of snow. The greatest amount of snowfall may be expected in November and nearly half of the annual snowfall occurs in the months October, November and December.
Precipitation values for typical stations in this region are given in the following table.
Mean Monthly Rain and Snowfall in Inches and Mean Annual Total Precipitation converted to Inches of Rain

Scroll Table to show more columns

Cape Hope’s Advance Coral Harbour Lake Harbour Nottingham Island Pangnirtung Port Harrison Resolution Island
Lat.(°N) 61° 5′ 64° 11′ 62° 50′ 63° 7′ 66° 9′ 58° 27′ 61° 18′
Long.(°W) 69° 33′ 86° 17′ 69° 55′ 77° 56′ 65° 30′ 78° 8′ 64° 53′
Years of Record 1928-49 (broken) 1943-48 1884-46 (broken) 1928-49 1925-42 1921-50 1929-48
Jan. 0 6.2 0 3.1 0.02 8.9 0 5.1 0 7.5 0 6.6 0 10.6
Feb. 0 2.3 0 4.0 0 10.3 0 5.1 0 4.7 trace 3.1 0.01 10.6
Mar. 0 5.1 0 3.2 0.03 7.1 trace 6.0 0 7.5 0 8.2 0.01 9.7
Apr. 0 7.6 0.18 5.0 0.08 10.3 0 8.9 0.05 9.3 0.02 7.1 0.04 8.3
May 0.32 6.0 trace 6.3 0.27 8.8 0.10 6.7 0.23 4.3 0.29 5.3 0.36 8.2
June 1.07 2.0 0.51 1.1 0.96 0.9 0.51 3.0 0.74 2.0 0.77 1.5 0.99 3.3
July 2.31 trace 1.46 0 2.44 0 1.30 0.8 1.50 trace 1.55 trace 1.91 0
Aug. 1.73 trace 1.20 0 1.63 0.1 1.62 0.4 2.30 trace 1.78 trace 1.60 0.2
Sept. 1.90 1.8 0.72 2.8 1.43 1.9 1.07 3.1 1.01 2.3 2.06 3.1 1.84 2.4
Oct. 0.64 9.2 0.04 7.6 0.25 9.2 0.20 9.2 0.41 12.5 1.03 10.8 0.49 8.4
Nov. 0.03 5.8 0.03 8.0 0.02 16.0 0.01 14.4 0.01 11.4 0.12 20.1 0.04 12.3
Dec. trace 4.7 0 2.8 0.02 12.7 Trace 7.6 0 8.4 0 9.5 0 15.0
Year 13.07 8.53 15.78 11.84 13.24 15.15 16.19
^ 4.14 ^ ^ 7.15 ^ ^ 4.81 ^ ^ 6.25 ^ ^ 7.29 ^
^ 48% ^ ^ 45% ^ ^ 41% ^ ^ 47% ^ ^ 48% ^
The winter minimum of cloudiness which is experienced in Arctic regions is present to a certain extent over this area but to a much lesser degree. As may be expected, the cloudiest regions are along the coasts and over the ice-filled Strait. This is borne out by the records from Resolution Island which snow a mean annual cloudiness of 77% as compared with a general average of 50-60% over most of the Archipelago.
Summer fog conditions are similar to those over the Arctic islands, but during the winter, fog as well as cloudiness is more common than over the islands. The number of foggy days per year in the coastal areas is of the order of 30-40 days. Resolution Island, in view of its location, has the greatest number of foggy days with nearly 55 days per year.
Labrador Coast . - On the whole, the pattern of the climate of this region is similar to that of the Hudson Bay and Strait region for the cold waters of the Labrador Current cause the area to be bleak and barren. However, some latitudinal effect is evident in the fact that mean winter temperatures are of the order of 15-20 degrees higher than those in the Hudson Strait region. The mean temperature of the warmest month is close to 50°F which is near the limiting temperature for appreciable tree growth.
The mean annual range of temperature is generally less than 55 degrees. Winters are not exceptionally severe and the only station reporting an extreme low of less than −40°F is Hebron with −42°F. Summers are uniformly cool but abnormally high temperatures may be experienced occasionally. For example, the extreme high temperature which
has been recorded at Cartwright is 96°F and 90°F at Nain. These unusually high temperatures may occur if a warm air mass approaches the coast from the continental area to the southwest. Temperature values for typical coastal stations are given in the following table.
Monthly and Annual Mean Temperatures and Temperature Extremes (°F)

Scroll Table to show more columns

Belle Isle Cartwright Hebron Nain
Lat. (°N) 51° 53′ 53° 42′ 58° 12′ 56° 33′
Long. (°W) 55° 53′ 57° 0′ 62° 37′ 61° 41′
Years of Record 1883-1949 1934-1948 1883-1902 1883-1947 (broken)
Jan. 11 6 –6 –5
Feb. 12 9 –2 –3
Mar. 18 16 6 8
Apr. 27 27 20 21
May 34 37 31 33
June 41 47 40 42
July 48 56 47 49
Aug. 50 54 47 50
Sept. 45 48 40 43
Oct. 37 38 31 33
Nov. 28 28 19 20
Dec. 18 16 3 5
Year 31 32 23 25
Range 39 50 53 55
Highest 72 96 87 90
Lowest –31 –36 –42 –37
Precipitation occurs rather evenly distributed throughout the year with a mean annual total approximately 30-40 inches for stations in the southern districts decreasing to about 20 inches in the northern section. A large part of the precipitation is of cyclonic origin for the mean path of continental storm centres passes through the southern part of this region both in winter and summer. The worst storms usually occur during the fall and winter when the temperature contrasts between the air masses involved are the greatest.
In view of the predominantly cyclonic origin of the precipitation, the amount in any month may vary considerably from year to year. For example, in January 1891, Hebron had a total of 0.13 inches whereas in January 1888, the total was 2.83 inches. Precipitation values for typical coastal stations are given in the following table.
The climate of the Labrador Coast is noted for the frequency of occurrence of fog, especially during the summer months. Warm, moist air which approaches the coast from the Atlantic is cooled rapidly to its dew point over the cold waters of the Labrador Current and an extensive fog bank is formed. An on-shore wind will cause this fog to move to the coast but it rarely extends very far inland.
Mean Monthly Rain and Snowfall in Inches and Mean Annual Total Precipitation Converted to Inches of Rain

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Belle Isle Cartwright Hebron Nain
Lat.(°N) 51° 53′ 53° 42′ 58° 12′ 56° 33′
Long.(°W) 55° 22′ 57° 0′ 62° 37′ 61° 41′
Years of Record 1883-1949 1934-1948 1883-1902 1883-1947 (broken)
Jan. 0.23 11.3 0.18 33.0 0.95 0.09 27.2
Feb. 0.37 16.0 0.27 39.4 0.67 0.18 22.9
Mar. 0.53 16.0 0.06 37.2 0.86 0.25 20.2
Apr. 0.88 11.9 0.48 27.3 1.10 0.40 9.5
May 2.50 2.7 1.58 10.1 1.56 1.49 6.7
June 3.44 0.6 3.21 2.7 2.15 2.79 0.2
July 2.88 0 3.20 0 2.70 3.69 0
Aug. 3.13 0.2 3.22 0 2.71 2.84 0
Sept. 3.25 0.3 3.53 trace 3.34 3.40 1.1
Oct. 3.20 3.0 2.72 4.4 1.56 2.28 6.1
Nov. 2.00 7.5 1.63 13.5 1.10 0.75 10.6
Dec. 0.78 19.5 0.26 36.6 0.60 0.42 20.2
Year 32.09 40.78 19.30 31.05
Mackenzie Valley . - The climate of the Mackenzie Valley is a pronouned continental type with its characteristically large temperature ranges. The mean mid-winter temperatures are not greatly different from those in the Northern Islands, but the extreme low temperatures which have been recorded are much lower. As a matter of fact, the coldest temperature ever recorded officially in North America is −81.4°F which occurred at Snag Airport in the Yukon on Feb. 3, 1947.
During the summer months, the many hours of sunshine cause the ground to warm rapidly, which in turn heats the lower layers of the atmosphere. The mean July temperatures are near 60°F and the extreme high temperatures which have been recorded at various stations are generally between 90° and 100°F. This summer warmth makes it possible to grow rapidly maturing vegetables and grain as far north as the Arctic Ocean. The warm, humid summers and the presence of vast areas of swamp and muskeg are also ideal breeding conditions for insect life, and the mosquitoes of this region are noted for their size and ferocity. In spite of the high summer temperatures, nights with frost may occur locally even in July in some years, but on the average, the period from mid-June to mid-August is frost-free.
The mean annual temperature ranges for stations in this region are comparatively high, generally between 75 and 85 degrees. The extreme annual ranges are the highest in Canada; for example, 168 degrees at Dawson and 174 degrees at Fort Good Hope and Fort Smith. Temperature values for typical stations in this region are given in the following table.
Monthly and Annual Mean Temperatures and Temperature Extremes (°F)

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Aklavik Dawson Fort Good Hope Fort Smith Norway House
Lat.(°N) 68° 14′ 64° 4′ 66° 15′ 60° 0′ 53° 59′
Long.(°W) 134° 50′ 139° 29′ 128° 38′ 111° 52′ 97° 50′
Years of Record 1926-1950 1898-1950 1897-1942 1913-1949 1897-1945
Jan. −18 −19 −24 −14 −10
Feb. −17 −12 −19 −9 −5
Mar. −9 5 −10 4 9
Apr. 8 29 14 27 30
May 31 46 38 45 45
June 49 57 54 55 56
July 56 60 59 61 64
Aug. 50 54 56 57 60
Sept. 38 43 40 45 48
Oct. 20 26 21 32 36
Nov. −3 2 −6 10 16
Dec. −17 −13 −20 −8 −2
Year 16 23 17 25 29
Range 75 79 83 75 74
Highest 93 95 95 103 94
Lowest −62 −73 −79 −71 −63
The mean annual precipitation is in the range 10-15 inches. This is more than double the amount which falls over most of the Archipelago, mainly because of a greater summer rainfall. Thunderstorms, which are almost unknown over the Northern Islands and relatively infrequent over the remainder of the Archipelago, may be expected to occur about 4-8 times at any station during the summer. Precipitation values for typical stations in this region are given in the following table.
Mean Monthly Rain and Snowfall in Inches and Mean Annual Total Precipitation Converted to Inches of Rain

Scroll Table to show more columns

Aklavik Dawson Fort Good Hope Fort Smith Norway House
Lat.(°N) 63° 14′ 64° 4′ 66° 15′ 60° 0′ 53° 59′
Long.(°W) 134° 50′ 139° 29′ 128° 38′ 111° 52′ 97° 50′
Years of Record 1926-1950 1901-1950 1897-1942 1913-1949 1897-1945
Jan. 0 5.5 0 8.6 0 5.3 0.01 6.0 trace 6.7
Feb. 0 4.9 trace 6.7 0.01 4.9 trace 5.8 trace 7.6
Mar. trace 3.8 0.01 5.5 0 4.9 trace 5.8 0.11 10.3
Apr. 0 5.1 0.15 3.1 0.01 4.8 0.12 3.7 0.34 3.8
May 0.28 2.6 0.90 0.6 0.31 3.8 0.83 1.2 0.95 2.5
June 0.65 1.8 1.24 0.1 0.94 0.4 1.50 0.1 1.94 trace
July 1.42 0 1.63 0 1.55 0 2.03 0 2.24 0
Aug. 1.38 1.0 1.73 trace 1.69 0.2 1.64 trace 2.30 0
Sept. 0.63 3.3 1.26 1.5 0.91 2.8 1.47 1.0 1.72 1.4
Oct. 0.06 8.1 0.36 8.0 0.20 8.9 0.45 5.6 0.67 3.0
Nov. 0 7.8 trace 11.1 0 8.2 0.02 8.5 0.09 10.4
Dec. 0 4.5 0.01 10.0 0.01 5.8 trace 8.1 0.02 7.7
Year 9.26 12.81 10.63 12.65 15.72
The smaller lakes in the region begin to freeze near the end of September and the larger ones about mid-October. The dates of freeze-up vary considerably from year to year. During the period 1941-49, Lake Athabaska froze over as early as October 2 and as late as October 25. The corresponding dates for Great Slave Lake are October 3 and October 31. Kindle states that a boat was frozen in on Great Bear Lake on October 4, 1919, whereas a freeze-up as late as November 3 has been noted.
The break-up of the ice in the spring occurs on the average about mid-May for the more southerly lakes but not until about the third week in June for Great Slave Lake. Break-up on Great Bear Lake is delayed until well into July and frequently some ice remains in the lake all summer. As a matter of fact, on June 23, 1900, the ice was sufficiently solid that a crossing was made with sledges.
Barren Lands . - This region forms a broad-based peninsula separating Hudson Bay from the Arctic seas. Its climate is intermediate in type between that of the Archipelago and that of the adjacent Mackenzie Valley. The temperature and general climatic regime is in most respects similar to that of the Mackenzie Valley except that the annual range of temperature is slightly smaller for coastal stations. The maritime influence is evident in the summer months for temperatures are of the order of 10 degrees lower than over the Mackenzie Valley.
The mean temperature of the warmest month is near the limit at which tree growth is possible. Thus although most of the area is as barren as the Arctic Islands, there are small isolated clumps of trees scattered throughout the region.
Insofar as precipitation is concerned, the amount, type and annual distribution are almost identical with those of the Mackenzie Valley. However, since this area is beyond the line of tree growth, winter snow conditions are similar to those over the Arctic Archipelago and storms of blowing snow occur with about the same frequency.
Temperature and precipitation values for three stations in this region are given in the following tables.
Monthly and Annual Mean Temperatures and Temperature Extremes (°F)

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Baker Lake Chesterfield Coppermine
Lat.(°N) 64° 18′ 63° 20′ 67° 47′
Long.(°W) 96° 5′ 90° 43′ 115° 15′
Years of Record 1946-49 1921-49 1930-49
Jan. −26 −25 −19
Feb. −34 −26 −20
Mar. −14 −15 −14
Apr. −1 1 1
May 18 21 22
June 34 37 38
July 48 48 49
Aug. 50 47 47
Sept. 37 37 36
Oct. 21 22 19
Nov. −1 −1 −4
Dec. −16 −17 −16
Year 10 11 12
Range 84 74 69
Highest 82 86 87
Lowest −52 −60 −58
Mean Monthly Rain and Snowfall in Inches and Mean Annual Total Precipitation Converted to Inches of Rain

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Baker Lake Chesterfield Coppermine
Lat.(°N) 64° 18′ 63° 20′ 67° 47′
Long.(°W) 96° 5′ 90° 43′ 115° 15′
Years of Record 1949 1931-49 1930-49
Jan. No observations trace 3.7 0 6.2
Feb. No observations 0 4.3 0 4.2
Mar. No observations trace 5.3 0 7.2
Apr. 0 1.3 0.01 8.0 0.20 4.7
May trace 0.1 0.10 5.3 0.08 4.9
June 0.22 1.0 0.97 0.8 0.80 1.4
July 0.08 0 1.88 0 1.45 0.1
Aug. 0.08 0.1 1.71 trace 1.75 0.1
Sept. 0.09 0.7 1.38 1.7 0.88 3.7
Oct. 0.01 4.4 0.43 8.7 0.22 10.4
Nov. 0 3.2 0.02 11.9 0 8.2
Dec. 0 1.9 0 7.2 trace 5.4
Year Incomplete 12.19 11.03
Laurentian Plateau . - The climate of the borders of this region is moderated by the proximity of Hudson Bay, James Bay, the Gulf of St. Lawrence and the Atlantic Ocean. However, the climate of the vast interior is predominantly continental in character and resembles that of the Mackenzie Valley, at least insofar as temperatures are concerned.
Broadly speaking, the climate of this region is characterized by a long winter, a short stormy spring, a pleasantly warm summer with adequate rain and a stormy fall. Since this region is frequently traversed by cyclonic storms, temperature, precipitation and other weather conditions can be extremely variable from one day to the next. Thaws often occur in mid-winter over the eastern sections but seldom in the districts west of James Bay. Frost may occur in any month in the northern sections but is not common from mid-June to mid-August.
The total annual precipitation averages 20-30 inches over the western section, 25-35 inches over most of the Quebec section and near 50 inches along the north shore of the St. Lawrence. The precipitation, which is chiefly of cyclonic origin, is intensified on the St. Lawrence shoreline owing to an orographic lift of the air along the steep coast.
The Laurentian Plateau lies immediately north of the most densely populated region of Canada. However, the influx of settlers into this area has been a mere trickle, for the rocky nature of the terrain and the short frost-free period make the country unsuitable for agriculture. Temperature and precipitation values for typical stations in this region are given in following tables.
Monthly and Annual Mean Temperatures and Temperature Extremes (°F)

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Goose Harrington Harbour Mistassini Post Moose Factory Nitchequon
Lat.(°N) 53° 20′ 50° 32′ 50° 30′ 51° 14′ 53° 12′
Long.(°W) 60° 25′ 59° 30′ 73° 55′ 80° 30′ 70° 35′
Years of Record 1941-1949 1912-48 1915-1938 1897-1937 1942-1947
Jan. 1 8 −3 −6 −9
Feb. 5 9 −2 −3 −4
Mar. 15 20 13 10 6
Apr. 27 30 30 27 19
May 40 38 45 41 34
June 51 46 56 54 48
July 62 53 62 61 57
Aug. 58 54 59 59 55
Sept. 51 48 49 51 47
Oct. 39 39 39 38 33
Nov. 24 28 23 21 16
Dec. 8 16 6 4 −4
Year 32 32 32 30 25
Range 61 46 65 67 66
Highest 100 83 95 97 90
Lowest −35 −37 −56 −56 −52
Mean Monthly Rain and Snowfall in Inches and Mean annual Total Precipitation Converted to Inches of Rain

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Goose Harrington Harbour Mistassini Post Moose Factory Nitchequon
Lat.(°N) 53° 20′ 50° 32′ 50° 30′ 51° 14′ 53° 12′
Long.(°W) 60° 25′ 59° 30′ 73° 55′ 80° 30′ 70° 35′
Years of Record 1941-1948 1936-44 1915-1938 1897-1937 1942-1947
Jan. 0.07 17.2 0.49 36.2 0.06 19.5 0 14.2 0.05 15.7
Feb. 0.13 23.7 0.85 47.5 0 16.4 0 10.7 0 17.8
Mar. 0.04 18.6 0.50 45.0 0.31 16.0 0.17 11.3 0.18 17.0
Apr. 0.36 12.6 1.06 17.9 0.81 8.7 0.52 6.3 0.33 14.3
May 1.41 5.3 3.14 5.4 2.04 3.4 1.28 3.4 1.83 14.3
June 2.50 1 3.80 0 3.01 trace 1.93 0.4 2.90 1.2
July 3.24 0 3.35 0 4.05 0 2.29 0 3.90 trace
Aug. 2.68 0 4.00 0 4.07 trace 3.03 0 4.31 0
Sept. 2.10 1.0 4.93 0 3.69 0.5 2.44 trace 3.39 2.6
Oct. 1.51 10.5 4.21 3.7 2.77 6.9 1.53 2.5 1.77 16.7
Nov. 0.32 18.8 3.67 15.4 0.91 20.7 0.23 8.2 0.38 18.2
Dec. 0.03 24.1 1.24 33.3 0.18 21.1 0.09 12.9 trace 18.3
Year 27.57 51.68 33.22 20.47 32.47
Arctic Observing Techniques.
The basic observations which are taken at Canadian weather stations, including Arctic stations, are the surface weather observations which are plotted on weather charts at the various forecast offices. These surface weather observations consist of the following elements: barometric pressure and tendency; air temperature and dew-point; temperature extremes; wind speed and direction; amount, type and height of clouds; type and amount of precipitation, if any; visibility and obstructions to vision. At some stations, additional observations are made of the winds aloft by means of pilot balloons, and at a relatively small number of stations, temperature and humidity data from the upper atmosphere are obtained with the aid of radiosonde transmitters carried aloft on balloons.
The instruments and techniques used in taking weather obser– vations at Arctic stations are the standard ones which are used at all Canadian stations. However, in order that the best possible observations may be made under Arctic conditions, some additional precautions should be taken. The elements which require special care are as follows.
Temperature - The following procedure should be adopted in order that the thermometer readings at low temperatures will not be affected by the presence of the observer.
  • 1. The instrument shelter should be approached from the leeward side.
  • 2. The thermometers should not be handled while the readings are being taken.
  • 3. The thermometers should be read as quickly as possible after the door of the instrument shelter has been opened.
  • 1. The observer should not come any closer to the instruments than is necessary for accurate observation of the scale and should hold his breath for the few seconds during which the reading is made.
  • 2. If conditions are such that frost is forming on the thermometers, they should be wiped with a clean dry cloth about fifteen minutes before each observation.
  • 3. When the temperature drops below −39°F, the freezing-point of mercury, mercury-filled thermometers can not be used. During such periods the air temperature is measured by means of thermometers filled with alcohol or a mercury-thallium alloy and the maximum temperature is obtained from the thermograph chart.
Clouds . - At stations north of the Arctic Circle, observers must become proficient in recognizing cloud types under conditions of semi-darkness. Cirriform clouds, which are composed of ice crystals, form at much lower altitudes than they do in temperate zones and are often observed as low as 5000 feet or less. Convection is generally weak and clouds are mainly of the sheet or stratus type rather than any form of cumulus.
Precipitation - Precipitation in the Arctic is chiefly in the form of snow. The measurement of amount of snowfall is a difficult problem anywhere, and especially so in the Arctic where drifting is considerable. During periods of high winds, the air is filled with blowing snow to such an extent that it is often difficult to tell whether snow is actually falling or not. However, newly-fallen snow is usually a shade whiter than the old drifting snow and will show up if the drifts are examined carefully. There is no
method at present by means of which an exact measurement of the amount of snowfall can be obtained. However, a good approximation is the average of a series of measurements of the depth of freshly-fallen snow in a level, semi-sheltered area.
Pilot balloon observations - During cold weather, moisture from the observer’s breath condenses on the eyepiece and objective lenses of the theodolite. A clean dry cloth should be kept handy to wipe the frost from the lenses. The eyepiece cap should be removed in order to make the eyepiece lens more accessible.
Care of instruments - The instrument shelter may fill with snow during severe storms of blowing snow. In such cases the thermometers may not indicate true values owing to the insulating effect of snow and the lack of ventilation. The accumulation of snow in the shelter may be prevented by covering the shelter with canvas for the duration of the storm. If the station is located in an area where winds of moderate speeds are frequent, a canvas cover is not advisable since it reduces the free cir– culation of air in the shelter. Instead, the floor boards may be cut out of the shelter entirely and a special shelf constructed for the thermograph.
It is difficult to ensure the continuous operation of the clock mechanism in instruments such as a thermograph during extended periods of low temperatures. The clock may be oiled lightly with a high– quality low temperature oil, but it is often preferable to clean all the oil from the mechanism and permit it to run dry.
Directors of the Meteorological Service of Canada. Lieutenant (Major-General) Charles James Buchanan Riddell, R.A. 1839-1841 .
Lieutenant Riddell was the third son of Sir J.B. Riddell, Bart. He entered the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, in 1832 and was appointed to his first station in Quebec in 1835. He was assigned the task of establishing a magnetic observatory in Canada in 1839 as part of a plan to obtain simultaneous magnetic observations from various parts of the world. He supervised the erection of the Observatory at Toronto and continued as its Director until ill-health compelled him to return to England in 1841.
Lieutenant (General Sir) John Henry Lefroy, R.A. 1841-1853 .
Lieutenant Lefroy was born at Ashe, Hampshire, England in 1817. He graduated from the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich in 1834. In 183 0 ^ 9 ^ , he proceeded to St. Helena to establish a magnetic observatory, as Lieutenant Riddell set out for Canada on a similar mission. He was chosen to succeed Lieutenant Riddell and remained Director of the Obser– vatory at Toronto until 1853, when it was transferred from military to civil control. He completed the first expedition to Canada’s North-West Territories whose primary purpose was to obtain scientific observations (q.v.).
Professor John Bradford Cherriman, M.A. 1853-1855 .
Professor Cherriman of the University of Toronto, an eminent mathematician who had been a Sixth Wrangler at Cambridge, was made provisional Director of the Observatory in 1853. In May 1855, he
was appointed Professor of Meteorology and Director of the Observatory. He received the appointment of Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy at the University of Toronto in August, 1855, and resigned from his position as Director of the Observatory.
Professor George Templeton Kingston, M.A.1855-1880 .
Professor Kingston was a Cambridge Wrangler, gold medalist in mathematics at the Royal Naval College, Portsmouth, and Head of the Naval College, Quebec. In August, 1855, he was appointed Professor of Meteorology at the University of Toronto and Director of the Observatory. When the Meteorological Service of Canada was organized in 1871, Professor Kingston was made Director of the Meteorological Service as well as Director of the Magnetic Observatory. He inaugurated the issuing of public weather forecasts and storm warnings by the Meteorological Service in 1876. He retired in 1880 on account of ill-heath.
Charles Carpmael, M.A. 1880-1894 .
He was born on September 19, 1846, at Streatham Hill, Survey, Engla[: n]d. He was a brilliant mathematician, and like Professors Cherriman and Kingston, he was a Sixth Wranger of St. John’s College, Cambridge. In 1870 he was a member of the British Eclipse Expedition to Spain. He visited Canada and the United States in 1871 and returned to Canada in 1872 to accept the position of Deputy Superintendent of the Meteorological Service. He was appointed Director in 1880 and continued to serve in this capacity until his death in 1894.
Sir Robert Frederic Stupart, K.B. 1894-1929 .
He was born at Aurora, near Toronto, on October 24,1857, attended Upper Canada College and entered the Meteorological Service in 1872 at the age of 15. For some years prior to the death of Mr. Carpmael, he was Senior Inspector and Probability Officer at the Toronto Observatory. In 1884-5 he had charge of the chief station in Hudson ’s Strait s in connection with a Canadian expedition for reporting on ice conditions in the Strait s (q.v.). He was appointed Director on December 28, 1894. He was elected a member of the International Meteorological Committee in 1907. He was knighted on June 3, 1916, for his services to meteorology in Canada, and retired on July 1, 1929. At the time of his death in 1940, he was the oldest member of the Royal Canadian Institute. He was an original member of the American Meteorological Society and its second president, as well as an Honorary Life member of the Royal Met– eorological Society, London.
Dr. John Patterson, O.B.E., M.A., L.L.D. 1929-1946 .
He was born in Oxford County, Ontario, on January 3, 1872. He was gold medalist in Physics at the University of Toronto in 1900 and was awarded the 1851 Exhibition Science Research Scholarship. He was Prof– essor of Physics at the University of Allahabad, India, 1903-4, and Imperial Meteorologist to the Government of India 1905-10. He joined the Meteorological Service of Canada in 1910 as Meteorological Physicist, was appointed Assistant-Director in 1925 and Director in 1929. In the First World War, 1914-18, his services were loaned to the British Admiralty to work on the separation of helium from natural gas. He was
responsible for directing the expansion of the Meteorological Service to meet the needs of Trans-Canada Air Lines, and of the Canadian armed forces during the Second World War, 1939-45. His principal scientific investigations were on the theory of the cup anemometer and windvane from which were designed and perfected a 3-cup anemometer and stream– lined windvane. He re-designed both the Kew and Fortin barometers and the barograph, as well as a special type of weight barograph in co– operation with Mr. W.E.K. Middleton. He has written many scientific and non-technical articles on meteorological subjects and has received numerous civil honours and awards. He was an Honorary Professor of Meteorology at the University of Toronto 1940-46. He retired from the Meteorological Service in 1946 in his 75th year, but continues to serve as President of the Commission on Instruments and Methods of Observation of the International Meteorological Organization, to which office he was elected in 1946.
Andrew Thomson, O.B.E., M.A. 1946 - .
He was born in Owen Sound, Ontario, on May 18, 1894. After attending the University of Toronto and Harvard University, he joined the Department of Terrestrial Magnetism, the Carnegie Institute in Washington in 1917. He was attached to the Research Division of the U.S. Navy in 1918. As Director of the Apia Observatory in Samoa from 1924-29, he was largely responsible for the organization of a storm warning service for the South Pacific. He was appointed aerologist in the Meteorological Service of New Zealand in 1930. He joined the Meteorological Service of Canada as Chief Physicist in 1932, was appointed Assistant-Controller in 1939 and Controller
in 1946. He has published important papers on Upper Winds over the South Pacific and Canada. He was elected President of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada in 1949. He has supervised the post– war decentralization of the Meteorological Service of Canada and the implementation of the join g ^ t ^ Arctic Weather project with the United States. He was awarded the O.B.E. in the King’s Birthday Honours List in July. 1946, in recognition of his services to Canadian Meteorology.

1. Bell, J.B. - Explorations in the Great Bear Lake Region. Geogr. Journ. v. 18, 1901. p. 252.

2. Bethune, W.C. - Canada’s Eastern Arctic. Dept. of the Interior. Ottawa, 1934.

3. Bethune, W.C. - Canada’s Western Northland. Dept. of Mines and Resources. Ottawa, 1937.

4. British Arctic Pilot, v. 3. 1931.

5. Canadian Government Reports. - Dept. of Marine and Fisheries Annual Report for the Year Ending June 30, 1871.

6. Canadian Government Reports. - Dept. of Marine and Fisheries. Report of the Hudson’s Bay Expedition Under the Command of Lieut. A.R. Gordon, R.N., 1884-1885-1886.

7. Clayton, H.H. - The Bearing of Polar Meteorology on World Weather. Problems of Polar Research. Amer. Geogr. Soc. New York, 1928.

8. Connor, A.J. - The Climate of Canada. Canada Year Book, 1949.

9. Contributions to Our Knowledge of the Meteorology of the Arctic Regions, H.M. Stationery Office, London, 1879-1885.

10. Die Internationale Polarforschung 1882-1883, die Beobachtungs-Ergenbnisse der Deutschen Stationen, Band I, Kingua-Fjord. Berlin, 1886.

11. Greely, Lt. A.W. - International Polar Expedition, Report of the United States Expedition to Lady Franklin Bay, Grinnell Land. Washington, 1 9 ^ 8 ^ 88.

12. Hare, F.K., and Montgomery, M.R. - Ice Open Water and Winter Climate in the Eastern Arctic of North America. Arctic, v. 2, nos. 2 and 3. Ottawa, 1949.

13. Jenness, J.L. - Permafrost in Canada. Arctic, v. 2, no. 1. Ottawa, 1949.

14. Kindle, E.M. - Arrival and Departure of Winter Conditions in the Mackenzie River Basin. Geogr. Rev. v. 10, 1920. pp. 397-399.

15. Koeppe, C.E. - The Canadian Climate. Bloomington, Ill. 1931.

16. Laut, A.C. - The Conquest of the Great North-West. New York, 1914.

17. Lothian, W.F. - Yukon Territory. Dept. of Mines & Resources. Ottawa, 1947.

18. Low, A.P. - The Cruise of the Neptune. Ottawa, 1906.

19. Meteorological Service of Canada, Toronto. - Canadian Polar Year Expeditions 1932-33, v. 1. 1939.

20. Meteorological Service of Canada, Toronto. - Monthly Records of Meteorological Observations, 1871-1949.

21. Meteorological Service of Canada, Toronto. - Meteorology of the Canadian Arctic. 1944.

22. Meteorological Service of Canada, Toronto. - Unpublished letters and records on file at the Head Office of the Meteorological Service, Toronto.

23. Nordenskjold, O., and Mecking, L. - The Geography of Polar Regions. Amer. Geogr. Soc. New York, 1928.

24. Osborn, S. - Stray Leaves from an Arctic Journal. Edinburgh, 1865.

25. Parry, W.E. - Journal of a Voyage for the Discovery of a North-West Passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific Performed in the Years 1819-20. Philadelphia, 1821.

26. Patterson, J. - A Centur e ^ y ^ of Canadian Meteorology. Q.J. R 0 ^ o ^ y. Met. Soc. v. 66. 1940.

27. Stefansson, V. - Choosing Sites for Arctic Stations, New York, 1942. p. 3.

28. Stefansson, V. - The Friendly Arctic. New York, 1944.

29. Sverdrup, H.U. - Ubersicht uber das Klima des Polarmeerss und des Kanadischen Archipels. Handbuch der Klimatologie, herausgegeben von W. Koppen und R. Geiger. Band 2, Teil K. Berlin, 1935.

30. Sverdrup, H.U. - Meteorology, The Norwegian North Polar Expedition with the “Maud” 1918-25. Vol. 2, part 1. Discussion. Bergen, 1935.

31. Tanner, V. - Newfoundland-Labrador. Cambridge, 1947.

32. The Royal Society, London. - Observations of the International Polar Year Expeditions, 1882-83, Fort Rae.

33. The Royal Society, London. - British Polar Year Expedition, Fort Rae. 1932-33, v. 1. 1937.

34. Thiessen, A.D. - The Founding of the Toronto Magnetic Observatory and the Canadian Meteorological Service. Journ. Roy. Astron. Soc. of Canada. Vols. 34-40. Sept. 1940 - Dec. 1946.

35. Thwaites, R.G. - Jesuit Relations and Allied Documents, v. 1, pp. 245-7. v. 3, pp. 53-5. Cleveland, 1896-1901.

36. U.S. Navy Hydrographic Office. - Sailing Directions for Baffin Bay and Davis Strait. Washington, 1947.

37. U.S. Navy Hydrographic Office. - Sailing Directions for Northern Canada. Washington, 1946.

38. Wallace, W.S. - Sir Henry Lefroy’s Journey to the North-West in 1843-4. Trans. Roy. Soc. of Canada. 1938.
