Press translations [Japan]. Political Series 0260, 1946-02-02.

Author Supreme Commander for The Allied Powers. Allied Translator and Interpreter Section.

Date2 February, 1946

translation numberpolitical-1069

call numberDS801 .S85

Persistent Identifier
No 1069 Date: 2 Feb 46


ITEM 1 Communist-Social Democratic Teamwork Postponed until after Elections - Asahi - 31 Jan 46. Translator: Paasche

Following in the wake of the Central Executive Committee of the Social Democratic Party met on 29 January. The Democratic Front issue was shelved until the elections were over, but even them the prospects for joint action will be slim so long as the Social Democratic Party remains what it is today. The Executive Committee of the Social Democrats met at 2 p.m., 29 January, in an atmosphere of unusual tension.
After KATAYMA had opened the session, MIZUTANI spoke as follows: "Since NOZAKA's return the tactics and the attitude of the Communist Party have undergone a great change and we are now able to co-operate with them in a spirit of friendliness. The food situation has now come to a head and our party should accept the YAMAKAWA-NOZAKA proposal at once. Inspite of reservations as to different methods both leftist parties should join hands to cope with the food crisis. Apart from these facts, the desire of some groups in the party to fight jointly with the communists must be reckoned with." To this AISHIO replied: "When the Central Executive Committee formally decided the attitude to be taken toward the Communists on 16 January, NOZAKA was already inside the country and we knew his views from various interviews. In other words, the decisions of the 16th were reached after the new communist moves had been ascertained. Nor has the food situation materially changed since l6 January.
If you say there are sympathizers of collaboration with the Communists within our party, they are outnumbered by opponents of collaboration. Consequently, external circumstances have by no means undergone a change Thereupon MIZUTANI and MATSUMOTO charged that the party's refusal to join the democratic front, or even the food front, would naturally have a bad influence on the solution of the food question.
Where was the party's sense of political responsibility? The answer to this attack against the right wing was that co-operation would bring no results.
NISHIO said that in the present a cuts crises it was better for the party to co-operate with the Government's policy of rice-supply. By this he repudiated the Party's pronouncement on rice policy and the debate dragged on without results for three hours. MATSUMOTO was for convening a party rally because external circumstances had changed. If they hadn't, it would be fu tile to talk at all. KAWANO said this was right in principle but impracticable in view of the forth coming elections. Finally MIZUTANI's move was rejected by a small margin. Opponents of an immediate alliance with the Communists were: KATAYAMA, NISHIO, HIRANO, KAWANO, ASANUMA, NOMIZO, SONAGA; for the alliance were MIZUTANI, MATSU-MOTO, SUZUKI Shige, KATO, KURODA and YONEKUBO. (MATSUOKA was absent).
The right wing does not underrate the value of a democratic front which it considers absolutely necessary. However, according to them, it should materialize only after the people, through universal suffrage, have
POLITICAL SERIES: 260 (Continued)
ITEM 1 (Continued)
alloted new spheres of influence in the various groups. The parties need a certain amount of readjustment. With this will come new self-knowledge. After all, the proposal for alliance should come from the Social Democrats, not from the Communists. It is felt that the food problem will be bungled if it becomes the target of political ideologies.
Said NISHIO after the Executive Committee session, "Iff the rice supply battle is fought jointly by Communists and Social Democrats result would be less favorable than by fighting single handed because Social Democratic farmers would drift away from us on hearing that we make common cause with present-day communism. Whereas the farmers would not react unfavorably if the Liberal and co-operative Parties would also join. Therefore the rice supply movement is a job for all parties to join in." It appears from all this that the Party's innercircles are shunning ties with the communists because of their ill effects on the election campaign. Since they are confident of getting a majority from the polls they apparently hope to control the Democratic Front by virtue of a definite election, outcome, In the Party, the memory of Communist infiltration still lingers from the time when the Communists ere outlawed. This attitude was rediculed by KURODA who said: "He who burned his mouth will eat ice cream."
The Social Democratic Party has been criticized for its tendency to become a mere Political Party, neglecting the perfection of its farmers' and workers' organization. The left wing in worrying over this weakness which was the chief reason why the red alliance fell through. It is to be hoped that the Communists, undismayed by the failure, will await a better chance and that mutual criticism of both groups will eventually lead to a democratic front.

ITEM 2 War Criminal Trials - Mainichi Shimbun - 31 Jan 46. Translator: H. Naoji

Full Translation:
I. ISHIDA trial, the seventh trial.
It decided that the seventh war crimes trial in this country will be that of ISHIDA, Kitaro, ex-noncommissioned officer in the detention camp of war prisoners of HIROHATA in OSAKA district, and will be held in the first room of the YOKOHAMA District Court at 0900.
The members of the Military Commission, prosecutor and the defense areas follows; The Chief of the Judges of the Military Commission; Colonel TRECHTER. The Judicial Committee; Major STTAR,* Colonel DERA,* Major TAILOR; Public prosecutors; Captain SWEAT,* 2nd Lieutenant ON,BERGEN,* Defense Council; Major EMONS, Lieutenant HETTLE,* Lieutenant BONEN,* (ASANO, Akira CTOKYO Attorney's Association). Defendent ISHIDA was accused on the charge of inhumane atrocities against American war prisoners and there are nine courts against him.
II. The Second Day of the FUKUHARA Trial
The second day of the FUKUHARA trial in the YOKOHAMA District Court was opened at 0900 and as a witness, Mr. KAKUYAMA, Sadao, born in NANOKA City in NIIGATA Prefecture, second lieutenant, in charge of the general affairs of the OMUTA detention camp was summoned and stated as follows in reply to the inquiry of prosecutor, Captain KAUFEMAN: "I noticed that defendant FUKUHARA had struck war prisoners several times with bare hands or belt, as also did the guards. And one prisoner was punished on the ground of spying, after talking with a Korean. He also replied to the inquiry of advocate WOLEORM; in the following way; "I am sure that FUKUHARA had ordered the guard to give fair treatment to the war prisoners and that he took the subordinate who had struck war prisoners to his headquarters to punish him and asked head quarters to send superior guards to him. The court was suspended at noon. In the afternoon, Public Prosecutor, Captain KAUFYMAN read a verbal statement, in which
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ITEM 2 (Continued)
were included about seventy facts, such, as war prisoner, private KNIGHT's death after being taken into the guard room although one of them was rejected. The court adjourned at l600.
III. The Tenth Day of the HONDA Trial. In the afternoon of 30, the tenth day of the HONDA Trial, defendant, HONDA, replied as follows the question, of the advocate, Captain MARCHIN;* "I asked for the punishment of the over-soon of the time, Mr. KOMATSU who had beaten war prisoners in the coal mines and I payed much attention to the food and the clothes of the war prisoners, owing to the report of Captain FRANKEN*, war prisoner." Moreover, he made witness that all preliminary measures were taken during the winter between 1944 and 1945, in which pneumonia was prevalent, so that there was no patient suffering from pneumonia. The court was suspended at 11.45. In the afternoon, advocate, Captain MARCHISON continued his inquiry of the defendant, and in the course of the inquiry, HONDA denied wholly the fact that his subordinate had struck war prisoners, and also the testimony submitted from Mr. NEUCHI, Giichi, about the statement of HONDA that it would be of no use to take care of the war prisoners, since they would die sooner or later. The court adjourned at 1600.

ITEM 3 FUKUHARA Trial & HONDA Trial -Asahi Shimbun - 31 Jan 46. Translator: H. Naoji

Full Translation:
The second day of the FUKUHARA trial was opened at 0900 and the witness, Mr. SUGIIYAMA, Sadao, sub-lieutenant, and formerly in charge of the general affairs of the detention camp, related that he was convinced that some prisoner of war who had been detained in the guard room on the charge of spying as a result of talking to a Korean, had died. And then, the trial was suspended at noon, After the reopening at 13.30 public Prosecutor. Captain KAUFFMAN read the verbal statement comprising the atrocities at the OKUTA prisoner of war camp. However, it was partly rejected by the opposition on the part of the advocates. The court adjourned at l600.
The tenth day of HONDA Trial
At the HONDA trial on 30 January, the tenth day, defense attorney, Captain MARCHISON summoned defendant as a witness as on the previous day. The defendant verified that the physical examination to decide the advisability of the prisoners of war to work, was held by an English doctor, and then, defense attorney MARCHISON submitted several sheats of photographs which were taken in the camp for explanation by HONDA. The court adjourned at 1600.
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