Press translations [Japan]. Political Series 0238, 1946-01-27.

Author Supreme Commander for The Allied Powers. Allied Translator and Interpreter Section.

Date27 January, 1946

translation numberpolitical-0983

call numberDS801 .S85

Persistent Identifier
No. 983 DATE : 27 Jan 46


ITEM 1 Activity of Communists - Provincial Newspaper Hyuga Nichi-Michi (Miyazaki) - 22 Jan 46. Translator: Paasche

The Communist Party is arguing on the following point in MIYAZAKI-Ken: "The farmers' committees will probably voice protests against coercive measures. The policy of requisitioning rice is resented by the farmers and has, therefore, reached an impasse. We will try to bring about voluntary sales of rice by the farmers' committees; we also hope to organize food administration committees of workers and other consumers in the cities, which, along with the farmers' associations, will form the People's Council. The present enforcement of food administration by the Government is running counter to what we and the Social-Democrats are standing for and enhances our desire to form a common front."

ITEM 2 The Farmers Voices on the Compulsory Measures for the Supply of Rice - Provincial Newspaper Shina[illegible]o Mainichi Shimbun (Nagano) - 25 Jan 46. Translator: S. Sano

Whet ideas have the farmers in NAGANO-Ken regarding the compulsory measure for the supply of rice which the Government is going to carry out in the near future? As the places where the investigations have been made are the best producing and supplying rice districts in the prefecture, their opinions are well worth noticing.
  • 1.The opinions of the agricultural co-operative association and other organs concerned with the supply of rice: (A) Though the compulsory measure is exercised, it will be difficult to reach the quantities desired by the Government for the same reasons as the various fundamental causes of the defect, namely, the unfair allotments of production, the time for allotments not being ripe, etc; (B) It is an unjust policy at present when the necessities of the farmer's life are very dear compared with the price of rice; (C) It will provoke the antipathy of the farmer, and they may think it is only a new policy which is going to oppress the farmer.
  • 2.The opinions of the farmers: (A) The efficient farmers welcome the policy; it will be the inefficient farmers who will be afraid of the compulsory measure. But, I think better measures should be taken for the supply of rice, as such compulsory measures will be against the principles of democracy, I fear; (B) Silent antagonism will be seen in every village against the execution of the stern measure; (C) When the efficient farmers, who expect to supply 80 per cent of their rice allotments, hear of the exercise of the compulsory measures, they will stop their supply for a while, until the inefficient farmers supply the rice in amounts equal to their quantities, because, they think it is foolish and unfair that they alone should supply rice; (D) It is an absurd policy to force the carrying out of the rice supply allotments which are made on an office desk before the real harvest. Whatever compulsory measure be put into force, we can not supply what we do not have so it will have no effect at all and may call forth antagonism.
POLITICAL SERIES: 238 (Continued)

ITEM 3 Dr. Takano's Proposal to Adopt Republican Government - Yomiuri Hochi - 26 Jan 46. Translator: Paasche

Full Translation:
For ushering in a democratic JAPAN, the creation of a new constitution is of primary importance since it will determine JAPAN's future form of Government. For this reason, the entire Notion has come to he interested in the issues. During a welcoming party for NOZAKA, Sanzo, on 25 January at II IDAMACHI, TOKYO, Dr. TAKANO, Iwasaburc, authority on Japanese social problems and adviser to the Social-Democratic Party, suggested the adoption of a republican form of government. It was to include a president, as Chief Executive, and a constituent assembly, determined by the people at a convention. The speakers demanded that this program be made one of the principles of the democratic front to be established soon. Dr. TAKANO is a member of the Investigation Committee for Constitutional Reform, which recently published a draft constitution. The Committee's majority group decided upon a solution which left the Emperor in charge of functions of decorum, whereas Dr. TAKANO, in line with the views of the minority, advocated a, republican form of government. So far, he has refrained from making his views public. During the aforementioned reception, Dr. TAKANO stated:
"The constitution must be the people's constitution, shaped according to the people's wishes. It determines essentially the people's political social, economic, and cultural way of life. The adoption of a republican form of government, with a president at the head, is needed for making the state basically democratic, and there can be no true democracy without placing sovereignty in the hands of the people. The president should be elected by universal ballot for four years. Reelection is permissible but a third term should be ruled out. For the organization of parliament, the two house system should be adopted. As far as the first house is concerned, I agree with the draft plan of the Investigation Committee but the second house must be made up of representatives of the professional groups, as well as of the various social layers within these groups, this is of the landed proprietors, small farmers, capitalists, workers, small farmers, capitalists, workers, and employees. Obviously, matters twice handled by the first house cannot be vetoed by the second assembly. These are the chief outlines of the scheme, but the details should be worked out by experts. I think the present Emperor cannot be exempted from war responsibility. In the light of recent directives excluding certain people from public office, one should naturally expect the Emperor to be responsible since he is the supreme commander and sovereign. I hope that around the middle of May, the people will spontaneously convene a democratic constituent assembly. For this purpose, representatives of the Social-Democrat and Communist Parties, of farmers and worker Unions, of cultural groups, and of publicity organizations would have to gather at TOKYO. This will be no meeting to vote petitions to the Government. It will be a full-fledged constituent assembly for the people and by the people destined to deal with our basic problems. The Social-Democrat and Communist Parties must comprise its nucleus. The demand to convene an assembly of this kind must by all means became part and parcel of our united front platform."

ITEM 4 Readjustment of Communication Board - Mainichi Shimbun - 27 Jan 46. Translator: T. Kitayama

Full Translation:
90 Officials of Higher Rank Removed
In accordance with revision of the organization of the Communication Board, the bureaus and sections thereof are abolished or annexed as follows:
  • 1.The Electricity, Communication, and Reconstruction Bureaus are annexed to the Engineering Bureau. Affairs relative to materials and necessaries in the Engineering and general Affair Bureaus are simplified by being brought into one bureau. For this purpose a Materials Bureau has been established. - 2 -
  •   POLITICAL SERIES: 238 (Continued) ITEM 4 (Continued)
  • 2.The Communication Bureau at TOYOHARA, SAGHAKIEN, is to be abolished.
As for lessening of the official personnel of the board, 40 per cent of the professors and officials serving in the wireless telegraphy institutes are to be dismissed. This is the highest rate. In the other bureaus and sections of the board, eight or ten per cent of the officials working elsewhere than in the main office, or its branch offices, are to be removed. Those who follow outdoor active work are to be decreased by six per cent. Officials of higher rank or KOPOKAN who are to be dismissed number 90 in all.
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