Press translations [Japan]. Political Series 0142, 1946-01-05.

Author Supreme Commander for The Allied Powers. Allied Translator and Interpreter Section.

Date5 January, 1946

translation numberpolitical-0624

call numberDS801 .S85

Persistent Identifier
No. 624 Date: 5 Jan 46


ITEM 1 A New Basic Form of Sino-Japanese Co-operation by HIRANO, Gitaro - Asahi Shimbun - 1 Jan 46. Translator: H. Kato.

SUN YAT SEN just prior to his death, 1924, warned in a lecture that the essence of an Oriental culture being the rule of right, it was a matter for the careful consideration of the Japanese people to choose the rule of might or of right as the State policy. JAPAN has since come under the reign of militarism, of ultranationalism and above all, of rush warmongers, in spite of all his advice. It is deplorable that it has, fallen away into destitution, starvation and moral decadence with its defeat in war. The Japanese nation has apologized to the Chinese that militarists of her country had committed various brutal and inhuman atrocities against them, and advocated the high moral sense of the Orient. However, the tyranny of militarism inflicted upon the Chinese masses in the CHINA aggression was virtually inflicted upon the Japanese in just the same manner. Any person friendly to the new CHINA, even a mere research worker, might be apprehended and put into prison by the gendarmerie or the special higher police. As far as my friends are concerned SATO, Seisei, who translated LICHTHOFFN's China into the Japanese, HOTCHI, Zenjiro, examiner of industry in SHIRN SHANTUNG, NISHI, Masao, and OKAI, Suehiro, assistant professor of the KYOTO Imperial University, etc. died in prison. After KUO, Mojo, returned home his friends were arrested without any reason.
The ruling class aspired to the military occupation of neighboring territories in order to settle various fundamental problems resulting from the defficiency of industrial resources and over population. The militaristic government, therefore, reflects the social and economic contradiction among the Japanese community, commented Edgar SNOW, American authority on CHINA. JAPAN, calling itself a constitutional state, has violated the rules of international law in various treaties including the Nine Power Agreement since the middle of the MEIJI era. A newly-risen state which desires to exchange economic resources with its neighboring countries, should take rational measures for peaceful economic agreement, but the Japanese militarists, on the contrary, resorted to arms and plundered. Leaders of militarism have inculcated a spirit of contempt for the Chinese masses in their agressive policy, and government scholars set about proving that the chaotic condition of CHINA would lead to her destruction and downfall. In addition to inveighing against CHINA'S anti-Japanese educational system, they also have inculcated their children with disdain for CHINA. However, the Japanese are fully convinced of the power of the heroic people who fought for eight years under the threat of defeat in war, and are studying Generalissimo CHIANG Kei Shek's essay on the State which stated that the present JAPAN was not struck a fatal blow, as the forming of an economic settlement was the
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first requisite for giving relief to the people and maintaining peace and order in the State. It is keenly felt there how Important a bearing a public sense of responsibility and observance of discipline has on preventing a state from falling into ruin and enabling it to rise up in the near future.
The short cut towards friendship between CHINA and JAPAN is the establishment of a peaceful and responsible government living up to the ideals and principles of the United Nations' Charter for the complete democratization JAPAN. Otherwise CHINA would not put so much trust in JAPAN as the UNITED STATES, the UNITED KINGDOM and SOVIET RUSSIA. Therefore the opening up of new Sino-Japanese relations is the first requisite for eradicating the former militarisicand Fascist influences, and for furthering the democratic trend of the whole political constitution along with the careful study of the strong and lively racial movement toward democratic independence of CHINA. The reason for this is not-that Sino-Japanese cooperation is a base for the construction of the Great East ASIA Sphere but that JAPAN has been saved from ruin and is aiming at a true democratization. The former view on CHINA based in the past on our superiority over them is being discontinued and the study of the Chinese problem with a view to the attainment of interdependence among the Far Eastern countries is now being reviewed. Thus by appreciating the real feelings of the Chinese people who are looking forward to the unification of their country, we could, grasp the actual state of CHINA with her gradual steps towards unification, and with the opposition of the Nationalists and Communists, on which the future of a newly risen JAPAN hangs. The old Japanese military clique, politicians and diplomats laying emphasis on the opposition of CHIUNGKING and YENAN Governments may take a wrong course for the new JAPAN. In order to make all the Japanese people recognize the actual state of CHINA, it is essential first to renew the education of boys and young men to cradicate the old view on CHINA based on their own superiority and the poor perception and misunderstanding of how they really live. The oriental historial system of education attached too much importance to "the vicissitudes of fortune", or the alternation of the dynasties in Chinese history, to grow weary of studying it, for Chinese history was not written developmentally along the line of the people's emancipation. The fact that natural science has not been developed in the orient so much as in the Occident is also to be considered. CHINA and JAPAN have made great common efforts to solve this question of modernizing industry which is new to the orient. To start a now development by adopting a modern European science, CHINA should create an original science suited to on Oriental basis. If JAPAN is democratized and makes the initial move in Science, she will by this contribute to the building of CHINA, and take a step in the path towards a Sino-Japanese co-operation.

ITEM 2 Women candidates in the forthcoming general election numbers ton - Ashai Shimbun - 1 Jan 46. Translator H. Naoji.

Full Translation:
Ten women have air already been approved by their political parties as formal candidates or have expressed their desire to stand as candidates in the [illegible]orthcoming general election. Besides these, several ether women are expected to stand as candidates.
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Most of the women are pessemistic as to their success in the general election but all seem to think that their candidature will improve the political training of women in this country. Such a belief springs from the fact that famous women such as ICHIKAWA, Fusae, KANEKO, Shigeri, and OKU, Mumeo, who tried to gain enfranchisement for women in the past, are now fully absorbed in women's political training and as substitutes for them, other women will stand as candidates. We can expect some new ideas from the women. The women who are popular in this country among these candidates are Mrs. TAKEUCHI, Shigeyo and Mrs. KUBUSHIKO, Ochimi. The former stands as a candidate of the Liberal Party in the first constituency of TOKYO, and the latter, as a candidate of the same party from the second constituency of TOKYO. Mrs. TAKEUCHI, Shigeyo, who holds the position of the vice-chief of the JAPAN Women's Cooperation Association, worked in women's movements for many years, and is considered to be a suitable candidate for this election is reported to be due to the recommendations by the JAPAN Women Cooperation Association and the New JAPAN Women League, which is presided over by Madame ICHIKAWA. Moreover, her responsibility as a candidate from the Liberal Party has become more weighty, because her senior, Madame YOSHIOMA, Yayoi has become a director of the Progressive Party.
[illegible]KUBUSHIRO, who is at present the deputy head of the Women's Temperance Society, first became known in the women's suffrage movement by establishing a Women's Enfranchisement Society among Christians. It is said that she will start a political movement for the abolition of the prostitution system; it is a hope she has long cherished.
The name of the woman candidate of the Progressive Party has so far not been formally announced. However, it is rumoured that the party has chosen as its candidates Madame KORA, Tomiko, former professor of JAPAN's Women College and Madame KIUCHI, Kyo, who was noted for as the only female head-master of the primary school in JAPAN.
Madame ISHINOTO, Shizue, who is the wife of Mr. KATO, well known socialist in our country, has been reported to be standing as a candidate of the Social-Democratic Party, but there has been no further notification of this. At present it has been decided that MIYAI, Kiyoko and YAMAZAKI, Michiko will stand respectively as candidates from KAGAWA and SHIZUOKA Ken. The former stands as a candidate for the Social Democratic party in line of her husband of whom there has been no word since he went to BORNEO. She has taken a leading part in the proletarian movement in the past and it is said that she will endeavor to make use of her past experiences to solve the questions of wartime orphans, widows and aid to compatriots abroad.
Madame FUKUCHI, Fumino stands as a candidate for the JAPAN People's Party in the second constituency of TOKYO with her husband, Mr. FUKUCHI, Syuzo, who stands for IBARKI Ken. She is one of the first graduates of the Social Works Course of JAPAN Women's College. After serving for about one year at the TOKYO Social Work Bureau, she spent twenty years at home as a good mother in bringing up her six children, three of whom were boys and three girls. At the next general election, she will campaign for women in the home, as she did in the past,
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welfare of babies, medicine and distribution. [illegible]TSU[illegible], Toru, who was once in the position of inspector of JOSAI Consumption Guild and KUZUMI, Fusako, stand as a candidate for the Communist Party from KAGOSHIMA Prefecture and TOKYO. The party claims that the liberation of women will never be realized under any condition other than a popular republican government.
Madame YONEYAMA, Hisako, (ISHIHAWA Ken), SHIDA, Hide (FUKUSHIMA Ken) and Madame S. SAKAKIHA, Chiyo stand for the Independant Party. Madame YONEYAMA, wife of Mr. YONEYAMA, Seiji who was a clothmerchant, exerted herself as a member of Female Enfranchisement League in HOKURIKU district. Having known the ugly inside of political parties in her work for obtaining the enfranchisement of women, she is said to be an ideal candidate. Madame SHIDA graduated from TOKYO Musical Institute and Women's College. She later went to OTOMARI in SAGHALIEN with her husband, and founded a girl's practical school and a girl's professional school. She will endeavour to solve the food problem and to help solve those domestic problems which may arise locally after demobilization. Madame SAKAKIHARA, after her graduation from the English Literature Course of AOYAMA. Girls Institute, worked as a writer for the magazine, Women's Friend, was professor of Liberal Institute, and has visited GERMANY and ENGLAND.
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