Press translations [Japan]. Political Series 0135, 1945-12-31.

Author Supreme Commander for The Allied Powers. Allied Translator and Interpreter Section.

Date31 December, 1945

translation numberpolitical-0584

call numberDS801 .S85

Persistent Identifier
NO. 584 Date: 31 DEC 45


ITEM 1 Constitutional Revision Ideas of Communists - Mainichi Shimbun - 30 Dec 45. Translator: S. Kawasaki.

Full Translation:
The draft of a new constitution which the Constitutional Research Society made, is considered by the Communist Party as a lukewarm draft. The Party is developing its own ideas on constitutional revision and they may be summarized as:
1. Sovereignty lies completely with the people; 2. The Diet holds three main functions: Custodian of sovereignty, custodian of voting rights, and organizer of the Government; 3. The Government is responsible to the Diet and if it does not carry out the decisions of the Diet, or departs from the Diet's decisions, those members who do so shall promptly be dismissed; 4. Members of the Diet will be responsible to the people. When they do not represent the voters, and are unfaithful to the people, they will be promptly dismissed from office; 5. The people are free politically, economically, socially, and are guaranteed freedom to take, charge of the Diet and the Government; 6. The living rights of the people, the rights of labor and the rights of education are guranteed along with concrete equipment to put these rights into effect. 7. Abolition of class and racial distinctions will be enacted under the new Constitution.

ITEM 2 The Japan Journalist League to Organize Against Reaction - Mim po - 30 Dec 45. Translator: H. Kato.

Journalism in wartime, specifically newspapers or magazines, in this country, lost its original freedom because of control by despotic militarism. It was forced to compromise with fascist influences. There were many progressive journalists barred from writing and many who, because of their refusal to write disagreable things, were confined in prison. However, real freedom of the press was recovered with the overthrow of militarism and fascist influences by the defeat. Thus, the way has been, paved for a democratic revolution. The Japanese Journalist League has at last been organized by some progressive elements from various newspaper offices, magazine publishers and commentators. It held a preparatory committee meeting at YOMIURI-HOCHI Newspaper Office on 28 December.
The suggestions submitted by the Committee are as follows: 1. Establishment of democratic journalism. 2. Fight against reactionary journalism. 3. Furtherance of journalistic thought and culture. 4. Ensuring progressive journalists free activities; and 5. Co-operation with democratic journalists of various countries.
Progressive journalists throughout the country will be invited early next spring to meet in TOKYO. The task of the League is to foster and enlighten democratic influences and to struggle against the reactionary journalism which has exerted a vaneful influence on Japanese culture
POLITICAL SERIES: 135 (Continued)
ITEM 2 (Continued)
in collaboration with militarism and fascism.

ITEM 3 The Japanese Agricultural Foundation Party May Join the Japan Cooperative Party After The General Election - Asahi Shimbun - 30 Dec 45. Translator: H. Kato.

The Japanese Agricultural Foundation Party (NIHON NO-HON TO) recently formed centers around MIYATA, Mitsuo, member of the House of Peers, with a platform calling for a. sound basis in agriculture. This Party will run twelve candidates, including MIKAMI, Hideo, HIROSHIMA Kan; SUZUKI, Shogo, AICHI Ken: and NAOKA. Jiro, MIE Ken.
The party is busy preparing for the coding campaign, and bears some to resemba[illegible]nce to that of the Japanese Co-operative Party (NIHON KYO-DOTO) which has been formed by SENGOKU, Kotaro and others. Both parties desire to reach an accord with one other. If occassion demands they may be consolidated after the general election.

ITEM 4 The Communication Bureau Hill be Revised to Ministry Status - Asahi Shimbun 30 Dec 45. Translator: R. Ochiai.

Full Translation:
As one of the adminstrative organization reforms, a cabinet conference co 21 December decided to raise the Communication Bureau to the status of a Ministry. All offices concerned are discussing details of the reform. It is proposed to form a ministry to assume the functions of the Cabinet Pension Office and the Central Meteorological Observatory in addition to the traditional businesses of correspondence and insurance Since the work in the Pension Office is much reduced as a result of SCAP's order to abolish the army pension system, it has already lost any excuse for remaining one department under direct control of the Cabinet. It is more advisable to place the business of investigation and payment in the hands of one office. As for the work in the Meteorological Observatory, observations have been made using communication equipment so that they have long hoped for the organization to be united into are body.
Some advocated the combining of affairs of shipping with the transportation office and of electricity with the Department of Commerce and Industry, but since it is very hard to transfer their control in view of the present state of affairs, this cannot be realized. The reformed Communication Ministry will devote itself to appreciate administration only.

ITEM 5 Special Order on List of Voters - Asahi Shimbun - 30 Dec 45. Translator: S. Kawasaki.

Full Translation:
In accordance with SCAP's directive issued on 4 October concerning freedom of speech and that issued on 19 December relating to restoration of political rights for released political prisoners, the Government has decided to eract an ordnance the revision of voter's list. The ordinance was passed at meeting of the Privy Council on 29 December and was proclaimed the same day.
The majority of released political prisoners have had their rights restored by the amnesty decree of 17 December. At the same time of the restoration of their citizenship, they will have the right
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ITEM 5 (Continued)
of candidations restored. However, unless they are registered on the voter's list, they will be denied the vote. Therefore, the ordnance was especially desired.
According to the enactment, an applicant may personally demand he be placed on the voter's list and the change must be made by mayors, towns and village heads, and other persons responsible for voter's list changes The procedure of application therefore, involves obtaining a procurator's certificate from the appicant's permanent domicile, present abode, or place in which he was sentenced and it must be submitted to the responsible voting official by 10 January. The persons responsible for voter's lists must prepare those lists by 14 January. They will then be available for public inspection for three days beginning 15 January.
Suggestions for amendments will be made, and the lists will be put in final shape on 20 January. At the time for application for voter's lists, adjustment, only released political prisoners will be registered on the lists. Those who have concurrent penal offences, financial violations, etc., cannot regain their qualifications.
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