Press translations [Japan]. Editorial Series 0373, 1946-02-06.

Author Supreme Commander for The Allied Powers. Allied Translator and Interpreter Section.

Date6 February, 1946

translation numbereditorial-1166

call numberDS801 .S82

Persistent Identifier
No. 1166 Date: 6 Feb 46


ITEM 1 The Late Dr. KAWAKAMI, Hajime - Provincial Newspaper Kyoto Shimbun (Kyoto) - 31 Jan 46. Translator: E. Hoshikawa.

Full Translation:
Dr. KAWAKAMI, Hajime, a great authority on Marxian Political Economy, closed his eyes in death at the age of 68, in his residence at the feet of Mr. YOSHIDA in eastern KYOTO, on 30 January 1946.
When he was 27 years of age, fresh and young, just after his graduation from the law department of TOKYO Imperial University, his critique of socialism was published serially under the pen name SENZANBANSUIRO-Shujin in the YOMIURI Press, and he won fame as a writer. After that, recognized as it is that mental improvement is the first requisite for the improvement of society, he upheld humanism under the influence of Mr. ITO, Shoshin, when he took the position of lecturer in political economy by accepting the invitation the authorities of KYOTO Imperial University. He began to devote himself to the study of Marxian political economy, giving up the so called humanistic attitude. He then achieved fame as an authority in his profession as well as in the scholastic field.
His magazine the "Research of Social Problems" influenced opinion for ten years, from 1916 to 1926 and had a tremendous popularity. His translations of "DAS KAPITAL" and the like incurred the displeasure of the authorities of the Department of Education and he was obliged to retire from KYOTO University. He then became the Communist candidate for the Diet. After being set free on bail — till then he had been in prison as an offender against the Public Peace Regulation.
He lived the rest of his life in retirement taking eagerly to his Chinese Classics in his sick bed. At one time he was taken for a rebel by the authorities and the conservatives. But his true character was really that he sincerely loved JAPAN, and was a friend of the masses. Look, for example, at his old works, "Dignity of JAPAN" or "In Review of Our Father Land". We can't read a single chapter of them without being deeply aroused by his burning and sincere patriotism. We can find therein the figure of the faithful and sincere scholar which is so different from the pretended patriots and literary sycophants who cleverly swim with the current.
The doctor, if anything, was faithful and sincere in his search for truth. He never hesitated to accept advice from his comrades and always strove to seek the truth. Once he was attacked with refutations by scholars in an Anti Marxian Campaign. However, he went daringly and thoroughly into a dispute for the defense of his theory. His opponents were Drs. FUKUDA, Tokugo, KOIZUMI, Shinzo, and TAKADA, Yasuma, in arguments on the theory of accumulation of capital, of value, and of rent.
EDITORIAL SERIES: 373 (Continued)
ITEM 1 (Continued)
The leanings of his ideas toward Marxism and dialectic materialism became notorious and were clearly shown in "A Physician's Monologues". During the time that he was living in prison, he took a firm stand under the flag of Marxism and the REININ Militant materialists. He was a fine writer, if there ever was one. He had taken the reading public by storm with his plain and interesting explanations. He could turn even the most complex and dry-as-dust theory of political economy into a plain, practical and understandable one, which could reach the minds of young blooded students and supporters who looked up to him as their master in the realm of political thought.
Due to SCAP, JAPAN can now join the universal current of democracy, and progressive thoughts and ideas are nearing release. The doctor from his sick bed sent a message to this effect and this was the last thing he ever wrote. The message was sent to the memorial meeting for the late YAMAMOTO, Nobuhasu, his comrade. It is Probable that Dr. KAWAKAMI must have been satisfied with it.
Many of the progressive ideas in JAPAN today are due to his devotion to learning. The coming democratic and liberal JAPAN will always remember his name and his attainments with deepest gratitude.

ITEM 2 Don't Abandon Good Habits! - Tokyo Shimbun - 5 Feb 46. Translator: K Nobunaga.

Full Translation:
Recently, fires have been frequent in TOKYO. It is very regrettable to have fires resulting from mere carelessness after such a narrow escape from the air raids. This is not only the house owners' loss, but has greater effects everywhere than it did in the days when we did not have the housing shortage.
Many families live together in one house nowadays. In case of a nearby fire, they could all escape, carrying their own things with them very quickly, as they had to do so often during the air raids.
The neighborhood associations used to fight the fires bravely, while other associations were unwilling to help extinguish the flames. Almost every home took measures to fight the air raid fire as soon as the raid was over. For instance, BOKAYOSUI (TN. water stored in every home to fight fires) is a good example.
Water tanks at home are now hardly ever full. Even if the tanks contain a little water, the water is usually frozen. Everybody must nave had the experience that the lost effective weapon for fighting the fire was the first bucket of water. To make matters worse, of late we have an insufficient supply of water because of low water pressure. Therefore, water storage is all the more necessary.
During the war, the BOKUGO (TN. Air raid trench) was needed to store our goods and furniture, so they could be covered with earth. Now that the war is ended, it is natural to want to abandon the BOKUGO and the water tanks, which remind us of those unpleasant days. However, we must not destroy these things so quickly that we will be left without adequate protective measures.
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