Press translations [Japan]. Editorial Series 0347, 1946-02-02.

Author Supreme Commander for The Allied Powers. Allied Translator and Interpreter Section.

Date2 February, 1946

translation numbereditorial-1083

call numberDS801 .S82

Persistent Identifier
No. 1083 Date: 2 Feb 46


ITEM 1 Prospects of the General Election - Mainichi Shimbun - 31 Jan 46. Translator: K. Sato.

Full Translation:
Society is incessantly changing even though it appears to be stationary. We have not, however, since the very beginning of our history met with such alterations as are taking place in present-day JAPAN, both in the structure of the state as well as in society.
Some have defined society as the present condition of that which has changed, and that which is now changing. Only the ratio of those differs according to the period. The forthcoming general election will demonstrate now the Nation is changing, how it has changed or how it did not change.
In regard to the general election in question, we do not find any established political party or an old political party, as far as names are concerened. All have new names. In essence, however, the old established parties are still in existence, though called by new names. In any case, there are 160 organizations having the name of a political party. The chaotic outlook will be even more confused by the fact that these numerous parties are to contend for the votes of 20,000,000 new electors and 14,000,000 old electors.
The gravity of the forthcoming general election is beyond question when we realize what sort of democratic "will of the Nation" will be born, and how the "will of Nation" will change Japanese society. JAPAN should change "for better or for worse". In this very phrase we might make out the carefree attitude of the Japanese Nation. JAPAN'S changes muse be good ones, at all costs.
At one time people abused the Opposition party as a "sham party". Indeed, there are many "sham parties" in these days, so to speak, and the world is flooded with sham democratic leaders, If JAPAN is not capable enough to choose really democratic leaders, JAPAN'S defeat will become decisive, and its restoration will fail.
The Nation [illegible]delivery [illegible]the State must [illegible]again. Democracy is not egoism. The State cannot be denied as a concept, but a bad state should be denied, and a bad constitution should be denounced. In the past, general elections were held with the voters representing but one percent of the Nation. Later one-sixth of the Nation became voters. This is, however, a general election that includes one half of the whole Nation. We must be seriously conscious of the situation that if JAPAN is not saved by this general election, there will be no other way in which to save her.
EDITORIAL SERIES: 347 (Continued)

ITEM 2 Movement for the United Democratic Front - Provincial Newspaper Tokushima Simbun (Tokushima) - 1 Feb 46. Trsnslator: K. Gunji.

Full Translation:
The time has come for the formation of the united democratic front. The Social Democratic and the Communist Parties are making joint efforts to get into power, and to tide over the present national difficulties. This movement is especially conspicuous among the lower organizations of those parties. Laborers belonging to them are taking co-operative measures to overcome the food situation and other important questions. The Social Democratic Party heretofore had adopted a negative attitude towards the proposal of joint efforts from the Communist Party. In the meeting of the central executive committee, however, it approved the program drafted by Mr. NISHIO and Mr. SUEHI RO. A passage in it, “A joint struggle shall be proposed by us after the general election, when subjective and objective conditions have matured, as long as remarkable political changes do not occur," was amended by the proposal of Mr. S. OKADA, which reads, "as soon as possible, whenever subjective and objective conditions have matured," This decision means great progress. It will undoubtedly deepen the mutual understanding between both parties.
Thus, the decision, for the time of proposal to be when conditions have matured, has been left to this party. There is expected to be, presently, a meeting of the standing committee for the discussion of this matter.
Meanwhile, it must be noted that, in the local provinces also, powerful movements are taking place for the formation of a united front For instance, the Farmers' Unions belonging to the Social Democratic party, and the Farmers' committees belonging to the Communist Party, are developing active movements among farmers through the Farmers' Association which are now being formed at many places. Furthermore, the plan for the Farmers' Federation that was suggested by ex-members of THE ZENNO, namely, T. KURODA, M. ITO, I. FUJITA, and others, will powerfully influence the movement of the Farmers' Unions which belong to the Social Democratic Party. They will act as an impetus upon the attitude of that party towards the joint campaign.
At present, however, the problem is that Mr. KURODA'S plan has not yet been approved by the standing committee of the JAPAN Farmers' Union (NIPPON NOMIN KUMIAI) and the whole system of the Farmer's Federation has not yet been fully disclosed. The JAPAN Farmers' Union aims at one single organization in the whole country. Therefore, if Mr. KURODA'S plan agrees with the program of the Communist Party, which is opposed to a single Farmer's Union in the country, it is quite incompatible with the policy of The JAPAN Farmers' union. Consequently it is hesitating to decide its attitude towards his plan. It will express any decisions after its standing committee has deliberately studied the matter. If it is shown that his plan does not oppose the formation of a single Farmers' Union, they will approve it.
In view of the above circumstances, we believe that the Social Democratic Party will be obliged to determine its attitude sooner than it expects. We are keenly interested in the future developments of the situation.

ITEM 3 Approving Compulsory Purchase - Yomiuri Hochi - 1 Feb. 46. Translator: A. Suzuki.

Full Translation:
To overcome the food crisis, the Government recently took compulsory measures for delivery. The rice delivery up till the 10th of January is said to have been 20%. Nevertheless, the sincere farmers, who
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EDITORIAL SERIES: 347 (Continued)
ITEM 3 (Continued)
feel their responsibilities, have already completed their shipment, whereas the evil-natured ones are continuously black-marketing the undelivered rice, taking advantage of the authorities, who merely advocate "autonomous shipment and so on" or Appeal to the love of your fellow men"! Also there are a number of farmers who watch the faces of the authorities and sit in front of their piles of rice bags simply wondering which side to take.
The rice which farmers offers compensations for the necessary goods is at a premium. Therefore this measure must never be neglected. If the Government fears opposition from the Parties who try to gain the farmer's factors, and neglect to carry out the measure, the sincere farmer will be misled. It is as clear as day that it' will have frightful result. If the authorities instituted their former lukewarm measures the delivery "would never progress. The cause of the present bad delivery is the une[illegible]assignment which is not suited to present conditions. The necessities of life cannot be obtained without bartering. Therefore the Government should equalize the distribution and ration the goods. If that were done, the farmers would contribute much more willingly. If there is any farmer who disagrees with this, he is illnatured or does not really understand the compulsory measure. (Letter from KANEKO OF TOCHIGI prefecture).
Things Which Farmers Cannot Understand. Maybe We cannot help.
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