Press translations [Japan]. Editorial Series 0201, 1946-01-05.

Author Supreme Commander for The Allied Powers. Allied Translator and Interpreter Section.

Date5 January, 1946

translation numbereditorial-0628

call numberDS801 .S82

Persistent Identifier
No. 628 Date: 5 Jan 46


ITEM 1 Luggage Loss - Tokyo Shimbun - 3 Jan 46. Translator: K. Ishibashi.

Full Translation:
I sent some luggage on 17 October from KANAZAWA to OGHTU[illegible]O. However, it had not arrived here by 29 December. I became uneasy because in recent days pilferage and loss has happened frequently in the railway service, so I asked the OGIKU[illegible]O station to investigate. In reply, the porter said that proceedings cannot be initiated until after three months. However, three months have passed and it is now the coldest season.
Even if my luggage were found at this time, it would take additional time for me to receive it and then winter would be over. Not only that but to investigate the case after three months will be an extremely difficult task. I think this is one of the things which facilitate robbery. Perhaps the railway authorities think it would be sufficient to indemnify the loss in money in case the luggage cannot be found. However, I do not need money, but I need the goods. Therefore, I wish indemnity in kind if the luggage cannot be recovered.
On the other hand, the movement to safeguard luggage in transit began 1 November. I hope the authorities will intensify this action not only with luggage sent after November 1, but also in regard to luggage which has not arrived since that date. To disregard baggage sent before that date is too bureaucratic a method.
Reply from the TOKYO Railway Bureau: We are sorry for you. However, we hope that you will go again to OGIKUO station and ask them to search for your baggage. Present your check end a detailed report concerning the packing and contents of your luggage. You will receive, for the time being, a "certificate of accident", and you must wait for [illegible]information. While the settlement is apt to be delayed, because communications at the station from which the lu[illegible]was sent are poor, it is arroneous, if true, that the porter at [illegible]station told you that investigations are not allowed until three months after a loss. We will question the station authorities and if this true, they will be given a stern warning.
In order to avoid careless accidents, such as loss and pilferage, we are taking measures to increase the staffs of the clerks in charge and to establish an efficient inspection system. In short, we are trying to do everything possible. However, it is very regrettable that these irregularities continue to occur because of the breakdown in the transportation system and the aggravated social situation. We are making effort to prevent luggage
EDITORIAL SERIES: 201 (Continued)
ITEM 1 (Continued)
losses whether or not it is a convenient time to improve luggage facilities.
In addition, we hope that you will pack your luggage as securely as possible, and write clearly with India ink the names and addresses of the consignor end consignee, not only on the labels but also on the luggage itself. You should also put a piece of paper inside the luggage on which is written this same information. (Business Bureau of the General Railway Bureau)

ITEM 2 Renovation of Administrative Machinery - Asahi Shimbun - 3 Jan 46. Translator: [illegible]. Ishibashi.

Full Translation:
Renovation of administrative machinery is one of the demands of the times. For example, the Communications board was raised to the status of a ministry, and the Information Bureau was abolished, with the result that the management of communications returned to the original status in which the two agencies were separated. This may seem strange at first, but it is only natural. The establishment of a Munitions Ministry and the lowering of the status of the communications Ministry to that of a board could not in any way increase our fighting power, but resulted in confusion. Since such was the case, it is only natural to correct errors.
The large-scale reform of our official structures, executed during the war, was a reflex of the uneasiness of bureaucrats, and militarists, over the unfavorable war situation. The eventual result of such reform was not production increase, nor victory in the war. We people only became heartily sick of the more aggravated agitation between the military and the naval forces and tired of the hardships and terrorism. The information Bureau was establish as a propaganda organization for our national policies. However, this was without effect. While it could naturally seize control over the newspapers and magazines by means of assuming control of the paper supply, it could not co-ordinate reports of both the Army and Navy, end was far from satisfactory in offering news that would convince those at home and abroad, alike. It was a lamentabla fact.
Of course, it is necessary to reform these establishments. However, we should not be satisfied with merely returning everything to its prawar condition. While we should refrain from losing patience or attempting the impossible, it must be recognized that we are in a position where hesitation can be allowed no longer.

ITEM 3 Who is digging a grave? - Asahi Shimbun - 3 Jan 46. Translator: I. Kuniko.

Full Translation:
The year 1945 was, for our nation, a miserable year. Our pitiful efforts at the end of the war, the defeat, the conversion to postwar management end reparations problems - it was year of a series of bad dreams. Now, with the new year as a turning-point, our Nation, breaking off relations with the past disastrous year, seems to be optimistic as if a bright resurrection and a hope of reconstruction were near at hand. But such optimism is nothing but a mirage. The Nation must carefully look about its surroundings. The crumbled structure of an old JAPAN is still there.
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EDITORIAL SERIES: 201 (Continued)
ITEM 3 (Continued.)
Hunger, the progress of inflation, end the execution of reparations - these are all of us. Our Nation must be prepared for the fact that this year will be more ritiful and disordered then last year.
About five months have passed since the end of the war. Our country continues to collapse and has not developed any signs of resurrection. Why? Various causes may be indicated by every one. But from our view point, the greatest and most basic cause consists of the fact that the ruling class, which had deceived, misguided and exploited our Nation for many years, has not only Assumed no responsibility for the defeat but is now making a great effort to saddle the general people with the suffering brought about by the defeat. In fact, we must look upon the post war activities of the ruling class. On the pretext of having no heart to engage in an inter-clan feud, they have hindered made no effort to clarify the war responsibility that we should properly affix by ourselves. This fact, it is clear, has hindered the reconstruction of politics. To the [illegible]uxitions industry, which had expanded anormously and made huge profits during the war, they promised to pay an indemnity. But they are very slow in executing a remedy for the people's unemployment and war losses.
We know wall that their promises have been perfunctorily executed. Further, they have rapidlylabored to secure the life of the upper or privileged classes by abolishing price control over perishable foodstuffs and other vital goods. However, they are very slow in effecting a property tax end a war profits tax that are necessary to check inflation. They are giving ample opportunity for tax-dodging to the rich class.
Scheming to maintain their old positions, the ruling class has kept on deceiving the Nation. They have likewise assumed a deceitful attitude towards the Allied Powers. In fact, immediately after the defeat, some of the financial circles appealed to American business-man to lighten the oppression of the Allied Powers by the introduction of foreign capital. Moreover, they were convinced that they would, be able to import food end raw materials or to preserve industrial installations by flattering General Headquarters. But it is well known that such deceitful measures have been crushed one after another.
Our ruling class has assumed an unfaithful attitude towards both their own Nation and foreign nations and hopes to tide over the crisis by such a deceit. Their attitude may come from the fact they have t[illegible]ought lightly of AMERICA and our national crisis. They may think that the will be able to control difficulties by weathering temporarily the storm raging in our country. But it is absolutely impossible for them to tide over such a crisis by a temporary deceit. The more they decaive, the more the situation will be aggravated. It is true that AMERICA is a big capitalistic country, but she will seathingly judge JAPAN in the name of justice and humanity. In this sense, our ruling class is clearly diggaing its own grave. We need not sympathize with them, but we desire that our country's crisis be controlled as efficiently as possible. Therefore, we expect the ruling class to reconsider its actions.
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