Press translations [Japan]. Editorial Series 0154, 1945-12-24.

Author Supreme Commander for The Allied Powers. Allied Translator and Interpreter Section.

Date24 December, 1945

translation numbereditorial-0497

call numberDS801 .S82

Persistent Identifier
NO. 497 Date 24 Dec 45


ITEM 1 Strangthen the Interim Structure of the Diet - Asahi Shimbun - 22 Dec 45. Translator: K. Nagatani.

Full translation:
Nothing is more outstanding than the bronze dome of the Imperial Diet rising against the serene winter sky, making a sharp contrast with the ruins of TOKYO. It is not to be wondered at that the Diet was the first place to be occupied by rebellious troops in the 26 February Incident, and also that the Americans refrained from bombing it throughout the war. This is obviously because the Imperial Diet has received world-wide attention as an institution which should reflect the public will of JAPAN.
The Imperial Diet, gorgeously equipped and decorated, is by no means inferior to any European parliaments insofar as the splendor of architecture is concerned. Nevertheless, isn't our Diet remarkably inferior to the parliaments of European nations in content and substance?
Of course, it may be impossible to expect our Diet to have facilities equal to the well-equipped Library of the American Congress. However, it is to be hoped that a more complete library, study and investigation organization be established as permanent institutions.
Committees, consisting of a number of experts, should be set up in order to make studies of important problems. In this way, the Government, the Diet and party members may increase their respective knowledge, widen their views, enrich legislation, and become more proficient in their activities. The Government must take steps to see that the Diet comes to be esteemed, and that presidents of both Houses rise to positions nearly on a par with ministers, and that the positions of vice-ministers and representative members also become improved. The directive of the Allied authorities, ordering the arrest of some candidates and reinstatement of civil rights for political prisoners, is a step toward reforming the Diet, In addition, however, the authorities concerned should take steps to strengthen the internal structure of the Diet.

ITEM 2 Don't Mistake the Means for the End - Tokyo Shinbun - 23 Dec 45. Translator: M. Kato.

Full translation:
The Government's scheduled administrative readjustment is composed of three items: 1. Reform of the official system. 2. Reduction in the number of Government officials. 3. Reform in the administrative structure.
EDITORIAL SERIES: 154 (Continued)
ITEM 2 (Continued)
An outline plan for the reform of the official system, though unsatisfactorily, has already been written. A plan has already been formulated for the reduction of officials. The projected reform in the administrative structure is still in a preparatory stage. Committee meetings are being held. Is this a proper attitude for the Government? Can we expect successful consequences from this Government step? Priority given to the reform of the official system is natural enough. Next must come reform in the structure of administration. It was only for convenience that the abolition of the Munitions Ministry was followed by the distribution of its business both to the Commerce and Industry and the Agriculture and Forestry Ministries. Then the Transportation and Communications Ministry was divided into the Transportation Ministry and the Board of Communications.
In a similar war the Government established the Central Liaison Office, the Board of Trade, the Board of Coal Affairs, and the Board of War Damage Rehabilitation. These reforms are obviously not the result of careful examination of the whole structure of administration. It goes without saying that in view of the sudden changes both in national and international affairs and in the light of the basic importance of the construction of a new JAPAN, re-examination and reform of the present structure of administration must be undertaken. However, the reduction in officials should undeniably be preceded by this reform. The Government, instead, is going into reverse. It is mistaking the means for the end.
A considerable number of officials are being thrown out of their positions. The reason can easily be found in the increase of officials over recent years. True, the reduction only in name of a minor percentage of the staff is nonsensical.
Mechanical and uniform reductions are, to be sure, the easiest, and only serve to paralyze functioning. The detailed plan has not yet been made known, although it may be concluded to be one based on the budget reduction. If so, the plan is to be condemned for unreasonableness and lack of thoroughness.
It is questionable that the Government is earnest in this project. Because of the transitory nature of the present cabinet, the lack of earnestness in any policy is no surprise. However, once undertaken the attempt should be carried out with full enthusiasm, or else it is merely courting popularity or is doing a makeshift job.
In this connection, our deepest concern is for the disposal of the officials appointed by the Emperor, who played roles of leadership in administration. With the termination of the war, the military was disbanded and economic organizations are assuming responsibility for the war and are retiring from leadership. In the political world, too, voluntarily or involuntarily the old are being replaced by the new. It is then, strange enough that the Government officials alone are free from responsibility and, moreover, are being promoted in their positions.
Is it to be expected that the Government will take some suitable measures in reducing its staff?
Distribution "X"
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