Press translations [Japan]. Editorial Series 0108, 1945-12-16.

Author Supreme Commander for The Allied Powers. Allied Translator and Interpreter Section.

Date16 December, 1945

translation numbereditorial-0368

call numberDS801 .S82

Persistent Identifier
No. 368 Date: 16 Dec 45


ITEM 1 Our Hope Rests Upon the Coming Election - The Chugoku Shimbun Hiroshima - 6 Dec 45. Translator: K, Gunji.

We have already asked, in this column, all parties for their serious participation in the Diet. We have been disapponted. In their interpellations at the Diet, Messrs, SATO, HATOYAMA, NISHIo, representing their respective parties, tended to look back into the past and seemed eager to check the biberal and progressive movements of today. Other interpellators were also very doll and failed to indicate any enthusiasm in the reconstruction of a New JAPAN.
Mr. Barnard ROBIN tells us, in his article "JAPAN Today" that political parties in JAPAN are now displaying a democratic platform but fail to act upon it. Their proposals in the Diet are made by a few leading members rather than by the people in general. The acts on at this parties in the Diet testifies as to the truth of M. RUBIN's words.
Since we are disappointed by present Diet members, our hopes rest upon the coming general election. In order to overcome the present difficulties, we have no measure but that of rebuilding the Diet by electing our true representations.
It is reported that some Diet members assert that the Diet should be dissolved immediately after passing the new Election Bill. We agree with their point. Such all-important bills as the Land Bill or Labor Union Bill should be deliberated in the Diet by newcomers, who are true representatives of the general public.
It is a matter of regret that people are not much concerned with politics. We fear that the Diet will not be reformed even by a general election. But it is useless to be depressed by such anxiety, We must, by means of the election, spur the people in to reconstruction. It is needless to go into the importance of the peoples expressing the right to vote.

ITEM 2 Responsibility of the Leading Party - Niigata Nippo (Niigata) - 9 Dec 45. Translator: B. Ishibashi.

When the tendency of our people's general will has been made clear after the coming election, such a transitory cabinet as the present
EDITORIAL SERIES: 108 (Continued)
ITEM 2 (Continued)
will pass out of existence. The change of Government is inevitable. It may sound rather premature to discuss, at present which political partys will lead. However, this is one of the most important questions which JAPAN faces at this time. We, as people, should think seriously about it. The majority party, rising into power, will be inevitably saddled with all the unprecedented difficulties in our history, and whether or not this new Government will be successful in managing these difficulties will shape the destiny of our nation.
Viewed from the present number of Diet members, the Social-Democrats will gain the most. The present member of party members is unusually small, and the trend of the present society is implicitly inclined to be socialistic. The Liberal Party will perhaps, be the next to increase its seats. But this does not mean that this party itself is attractive to the people, but that the party will probably collect the votes of those puzzled people who cannot make up their minds whether to stand for the Socialists or for the Progressives. We can see that the Progressive Party will lose many of its seats, particularly when it is split into several factions.
What party will lead? Of course, it cannot be definitely predicted, now, but we think that each of the three, gaining 100 to 150 seats in the Diet, will contend for the majority lead. Still, we suppose that any of the three might form the government, regardless of which is in the lead.
This means that each of the three parties has at the very least, the possibility of winning the coming political contest. However, it must be questioned as to whether or not they are blessed with the capacity to tide over the above difficulties. The Progressive is, as we know, derived from the two old parties, SEIYUKAI and MINSEITO, and its sole deviation from the old viewpoint is nothing more than the signboard of the "Progressive", which was improvised to assure compliance with the conditions of surrender. Obviously, this Party hasn't the competence to rise to the occasion.
There is no substantial difference between the Liberals and the Progressives. The only difference is that the Liberals maintain internal unity and have a single head, on account of their earlier preparations in its formation.
The Socialists, by far, surpass the above two parties in quality of members, in policy and in background. Yet, its members are really quite outmoded. If its time honored background should be removed, its policy would appear to be lacking in constructive will and in socialistic enlightenment. Each item of its policy is undoubtedly good in part, but it is very doubtful whether, as a whole, it could be put into effect. Not only that, but it can also be doubted whether the segments of the plan are made in consideration of the whole. Thus, there is little more to be expected from the Socialists than incoherence.
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EDITORIAL SERIES: 108 (Continued)
ITEM 2 (Continued)
It must be concluded that as long as all parties continue as they are, any notable advancement in politics cannot be expected, even by renovating the Diet or by the establishment of a parliamentary cabinet system. Of course, winning are election may be of prime importance in party politics. When political power is sought after, only for its acquisition and not for administration, there is nothing but misrepresentation and infidelity. Then, in what respects do these parties differ from the old parties?
We can reasonably argue that the coming election should be postponed indefinitely. In order that the general election might be a salvation for our nation, leaders of parties, candidates and general public should give more serious consideration to political questions. If not, the present trying situation of our country can never be successfully remedied.

ITEM 3 The Disorganization of Vegetables and Fruits Companies - Hokkoku Mainich Shimbun (Kanazawa) - 10 Dec 45. Translator: M. Kato.

Consumers are not organized to stave off the serious food shortage. The overcrowded trains attribute to the consumer's individual struggle to secures food. Such organizations as consumers' unions are reportedly being planned throughout the country. This shows that the power of combination is greater. In the event of the establishment of such organizations, prices which rise higher every day will be kept laver. The consumers are, of course, looking forward to the appearance of such organizations to protect them from utter destitution.
Similarly, the fresh vegetable distribution companies throughout the country are in a turmoil. These companies were established under governmental direction and now that this control over perishables has been taken off, the companies have lost their function. An example is shown by the truck and fruit company in TOYAMA prefecture which is completely disorganized at present.
From the standpoint of social policy, the governmental step in removing control over perishables entails a great danger. A preferable measure would be the proper boost of prices of commodities to conform with the purchasing power of the masses until the gradual conversion into the free market system is realized. Then the present existing companies would have some justification.
In reality, these companies have reached are absurd condition through maladministration, It would be better to have them go out of business and end their half-paradizzed condition. Rebirth as merchants, stripping off all governmental protection, is the wisest and most satisfactory course to the general public.
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EDITORIAL SERIES: 108 (Continued)
ITEM 3 (Continued)
Of course, whether or not the realization of a free market or the inauguration of consumers' unions will make the prices of commodities lower is uncertain. But the present confused state would be eliminated.
A distribution company in the TOYAMA prefecture has hitherto been looked upon as having characteristic of distributing articles only at high prices, even the products of its own district. It is desirous, then, that this company, as well as other such companies throughout the country, take a wise step and reorganize to become free market

ITEM 4 Measures to Cover the Shortage of Mine Workers - Nigata Nippo (Niigata) 11 Dec 45. Translator: Y. A. Suzuki.

Withe ending of the war, the coal situation has dropped to its worst level. Among 400,000 mine workers, 15,000 short term miners and 20,000 commandeered workers were dismissed; 150,000 Chinese and Koreans have gone back to their own countries or have gone in strike. The rest (210,000) have taken refuge from the disorderly conduct of these Chinese and Koreans. Some have ever gone on strike in sympathy. Coal demand has decreased from that which it was during the war, but is now in such state that the required amount cannot be produced.
The House of Representatives passed in the Diet on 6 December a "solve coal famine resolution" and requested action. Also, the Allied Headquarters has stated that any aid will be given for coal mining.
In this way various steps have been taken, and the Government is desperately endeavouring to increase production, but still there is no favorable turn in the mining situation. On the other hand, we are there demobilized men lowering themselves to become black marketeers. This is the present condition of defeated JAPAN. It comes from and indigent Government and languid people.
Ignorance of labor problems and miner's problems were the causes of coal mine stagnation. Above all the food problem is the direct source of strikes and degeneration of ideas. The Government has at lash recognized this. It was quite natural for the miner, as soon as freedom was given, to burst out and go on strike, because during the war they were cheated in their rations by their controllers and directors, and their speech was muzzled.
Commandeered laborers and members of labor service have stated that only 4 go 2 shaku were given to them, but only few pickled radishes were served for a side dish. From nutritive value, their food was worse than that of those who lived from by buying in black markets. Heavy labor was impossible for them. It was more amazing to see that
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EDITORIAL SERIES: 108 (Continued)
ITEM 4 (Continued)
these laborers had kept quiet and calm during the war, especially the Chinese and Koreans, who had no direct interests in the war.
The Government is calling on demobilized men to take the places of those who have gone and are on their way home. Before doing so it must first establish a security of daily necessities in order to raise the present workers' desires for increasing coal productions. At the same time it should invoke compulsory working orders to the jobless young men and those who are selling black market goods. But before even doing this it must have the trust of the people. This is the secret of politics. The Government and the people must unite and co-operate. If the Government strives to solve its obligations completely, material problem will solve themselves. As seen as it has responsibility and decision in political measures, not only will the coal problem be solved, but every other hardship will pass over.
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