Press translations [Japan]. Economic Series 0259, 1946-02-04.

Author Supreme Commander for The Allied Powers. Allied Translator and Interpreter Section.

Date4 February, 1946

translation numbereconomic-1129

call numberDS801 .S81

Persistent Identifier
No. 1129 Date: 4 Feb 46


ITEM 1 Women's Voices Against Government Wage Draft - Yomiuri Hochi Shimbun - 3 Feb 46. Translator: R. Shibata.

Full Translation:
A few days ago, the Central Wage Committee (CHUO CHINGIN IINKAI) and a wage committee of experts jointly submitted a report to the Welfare Department concerning an officially recognized minimum wage for workers during this present inflationary period. According to the plan men workers are to receive three times as much wages as women workers. For example, in one area, men 30 to 50 years old are to be paid 18 yen a day and on the other hand women 20 to 40 years old receive only 6 yen. Co-plaints on the part of women workers have arisen against the proposal as being unfair to women. They are demanding that the Welfare Ministry add a proper amendment to the Bill for the Worker's Salary Law (KINROSHA KYUYOHOAN), which is to be presented at the next session of the Diet. The following are the opinions of the women:
A statement by Mrs. [illegible]K[illegible]ATSU, Tsuneko, a member of the central committee of the Labor Union General Alliance (RODO KU[illegible]IAI SODO MEI): "I think women's committees must be recognized in all the labor problems including the wage problem. We desire that women's wages be recognized at least at two-thirds of men's wages. If they say men have to support a family, the same thing can be said for women. Recently the number of women who support families has been increasing remarkably. I firmly oppose men's feudalistic way of handling matters which ignores women's opinions.
Some people say that high wages for women may result in' a decrease of their employment. However, workers need not pay any consideration to such a selfish idea of the capitalists. All working women should awaken to the demand for higher wages for higher efficiency. Hitherto, women have been shut out from expressing opinions, but hereafter rightful demands are welcome.
In addition, it is written that each local governor is authorized to decide the areas by which wages are differentiated. It is desired that they make an effort not to cut wages, but to increase them, for instance, by raising a low wages area wage up to the standard of a. higher wage area if circumstances allow."
A statement by Miss MAKI, Yu, and Miss I[illegible], kiko, (The former is a Chief of the Women's Department of the TOKYO Area Committee of the Communist Party and the latter is on the election committee of the same Party.): "The absence of women in the Wage Committee is the main reason for a bill being written against women's interests. The proposal does not recognize any right s of working women. It is nothing but a reactionary plan to confine women to the family system as members to be supported, receiving discriminatory treatment as before f or the benefit of the capitalists. Now men and women alike are working together. Such discriminatory treatment will not bring any good
ECONOMIC SERIES: 259 (Continued)
ITEM 1 (Continued)
results to either men or women [illegible]Politically, equal rights are promised by permitting women's suffrage; economically, they are discriminated against. It is unite undemocratic.
Complaints by working women against this law are frequent. It is trampling down the efforts of those who, after bitter struggles, have gained the right to the same treatment and minimum wages, as for instance , the women employees in the MEIDEN Electric Outfit Manufacturing Company (MEIDEN SHA), the TOKYO SHIBA Electric Company (TOKYO SHIB [illegible]DENKI), the Japan Electric Company (NIPPON DENKI) and various plants of the MITSUBISHI concern. The draft will give capitalists a good excuse for refusing Women's demands. They will again persist in keeping women's wages low, saying that it is decided by the Government. Probably, this problem will be discussed at a women worker' s conference to be held on 3 February at the OKI Electric Company under the auspices of the Labor Deliberation Society (RODO[illegible]KYOGI KAI) in the KANTO District and the Women's Division of the TOKYO Traffic labor Union. They will strenuously oppose the bill."
A statement by Mrs. TANINO, Setsuko, an official on labor in the Welfare Department: "I hope the misconception that women workers are only those who live in boarding houses or spinning factories or are persons who b[illegible]r only a part of the living expenses of a family will be corrected. Women should receive at least one-half of men's Wages. In order to oppose the bill's unreasonable features women must endeavor to organize a union, one strive for shorter working hours and plenty of time for education so as to improve their characters, acquire new skills, and consequently earn higher ages. It is, of course, desired that the Government draft be revised to improve the lot of the women workers. Even if it is not revised, women must not refuse to engage in jobs for which they are fit. I think it is better to seize the opportunity to work even at disadvantageous conditions and late make efforts to improve the situation."

ITEM 2 A Good Example of How to Solve A Labor Dispute - Tokyo Shimbun - 3 Feb 40. Translator: Y. Kurato.

Full Translation:
Now that labor disputes over wages increases and better treatment of workers, are in full swing, this is a good time for settling the disputes. It is the case of the East Metropolitan Steel Works (TOTOSEIKO). The President of the Company, being asked by the workers for a twofold wage increase and better treatment, accepted the demands, taking the initiative in raising their wages threefold and applying a monthly wage system for daily workers, as a result of which, production has reportedly been doubled since then.
Mr. TAKASTUMA, President of the Company, made the following statement: "In view of the great importance of steel production, I think we must manage to get along as best we can with the scarcity of materials. For this purpose what is more essential than to prevent the workers form being idle, and at the same time to pay them enough wages to live on, thereby bringing about increased production. I accepted their demands and raised their wages threefold. The results are favorable as you see. I am sure this will continue."
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