Press translations [Japan]. Economic Series 0258, 1946-02-04.

Author Supreme Commander for The Allied Powers. Allied Translator and Interpreter Section.

Date4 February, 1946

translation numbereconomic-1127

call numberDS801 .S81

Persistent Identifier
No. 1127 Date: 4 Feb 46.


ITEM 1 Round Table Conference About the Labor Union Law (Continued) - Yomiuri Hochi Shimbun - 3 Feb 46. Translator: Y. Lurata.

Full Translation:
Question: "In case of a strike in the metal industry, if workers, while managing production, take such measures as offering for sale reserve stocks and goods still in the process of manufacture in order to pay wages, how is such action to be considered under the Labor Union Law?"
Mr. SUEHIRO: "So a principle, the law does not prevent them from taking such measures which are quite ordinary ones, provided that all their activities are carried through with close co-operation among themselves. But if workers dispose of the companies' goods at their own will, they can be charged with theft or embezzlement."
Question: "In case of the disposition of stocks, how about disposing of unfinished goods?"
Mr. SUEHIRO: "This is the same thing as I said before. You may not dispose of such unfinished goods at your own will."
Question: If a wage increase is impossible, how about getting a fixed wage?"
Mr. SUEHIRO: If you get your pay within a fixed amount, I think it will be quite all right. But you may not have recourse to any outrageous activity in getting your pay."
Question: "Do you know whether such activity can be regarded as legal?
Mr. SUEHIRO: "I think it can be regarded as legal provided that it is carried out under suitable management."
Question: Is it the same even in case of the management of coal miners?"
Mr. SUEHIRO: "Yes, it is, but I cannot answer you in detail about every case. At any rate, I think you had better do what you are permitted to do under the law, just as in a game you can play as you will within the rules."
Question: "I think the management of production during strike should be approved by the new Labor Union Law. Don’t you think so?"
Mr. SUEHIRO: Yes, I think so. But the legislative tradition of our country has not called for the enactment of such details, which, according to the legislative authorities, ought to be interpolated in basic provisions in the law. This is a great defect in the legislative system of our country, where no other bills but those concerning the Government pass the Diet. I think Japanese legislation must undergo
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ITEM 1 (Continued)
a drastic change in this respect so as to make the law easier to understand."
Question: "Could you tell us whether our steps to carry out the strike will be regarded as disturbing business activity?"
Mr. SUEHIRO: "So far as you have recourse to normal as well as suitable activity I think they will not."
Question: "Is it a violation of the law to establish the headquarters for strikers in the factory, as in the case of the railroadmen’s strikes?"
Mr. SUEHIRO: "No, the law does not prevent the strikers from doing so."
Question: "I think the so-called Farmers' Union Law should be enacted along with the Labor Union Law. Could you tell us your opinion in this respect?"
Mr. SUEHIRO: "The farmers cannot be regarded as workers, who, according to article three of the Labor Union Law, are limited to those who live upon their wages or salaries. I think, however, in view of the current farm land situation, they had better organize the so-called Farmers Association, thereby demanding that the Government enact a Farmers' Union Law."
(To be continued)

ITEM 2 2 Cases of Democratization of Food Corporations. Councillor System in Distribution Offices - Asahi Shimbun - 3 Feb 46. Translator: H. Sat[illegible]

Full Translation:
Two Cases of Democratization of Food Corporations
Case 1.
In order to bring about a closer connection between the Food Corporation (SHOKURYO EIDAN) and the citizens of TOKYO, a system of councils composed of consumers' representatives is being contemplated and a general outline of the plan has been completed. According to this plan, councillors will be stationed at the distribution office in the town, as trouble is most liable to occur there.
The appointment of councillors is to be made by the headman of the ward and the chief of the town association, if it is not first done by election in neighborhood association itself. There will be three to five councillors in each distribution office. Distribution ledgers and particulars of distributed goods will be open to the public, and will be put under the surveillance of the consumers' representatives; at the same time the voice of consumers will be heard through these representatives.
In the choice of men for the councillorship the so-called "boss of the neighborhood" will not be considered for membership. Within a few days the Metropolitan Office will notify the ward committeemen, the mayors, and the chiefs of the local offices in regard to the plan outlined above. This councillor system will be put into effect by the middle of this month, at the latest.
Case 2.
Mr. NOBUO, Hayashi, the first chairman of the board of directors of the TOKYO Food Corporation, has tendered his resignation as Governor of
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MIYAGI Prefecture, since his position there was in conflict with SCAP's order for an official purge, and he was relieved of his post at his own request on 31 January.
NOBUO's appointment to his new post as chairman of the board of directors is to be made by the local Governor in accordance with the provisions of the Food Administration Law. But this time it will be done in a somewhat different manner from before.
A Selection Committee will be formed with 10 persons from both the investors and the staff of the Corporation and five persons from the consumers, and this Selection Committee will put up three candidates, with the Governor of TOKYO-To appointing the chairman of the board of directors from these three candidates. The members of the Selection Committee will be selected for election among the investors and staffs respectively, with the consumers' representatives appointed by the Metropolitan authorities on the recommendation of the headman of each ward[illegible]. In this way the new chairman of the board of directors will be chosen by the end of this month. In this way, TOKYO-To will take the initiative in the democratization of Food Corporations in JAPAN.

ITEM 3 Views of Political Parties on Four Ministers' Statement on Control of Production by Laborers Revealed.- Asahi shimbun - 3 Feb 46. Translator: T. Okamura.

In connection with the statement issued jointly on 1 February by the four Ministers of Home Affairs, Justice, Commerce and Industry, and Welfare, regarding the Government's policy toward violence, in labor disputes, both Progressive and Liberal Parties support the Government's actions while the Communist Party shows its unequivocal opposition. The Social Democratic Party maintains that the controlling of such actions by the Government is unavoidable, in order to protect rightful capitalists and enterprisers, for the materialization of collaboration between capitalists and laborers. The Government, in view of the gravity of recent labor disputes, has expressed its intention to control such violent actions.
The main problem is understood to be the control of production by the laborers. It is often pointed out that the recent low production is attributable not only to the distressed condition of the nation and bottle-necks in production, but also to sabotage by capitalists. The control of production, therefore, by laborers is needed for the increase of production. It is doubtful whether it is a legally sound action or not, but it is also doubtful whether legal formality can help the situation at this juncture. It is only natural that the opposition of such deeds by capitalists or industrialists would cause friction, but if the Government controls such actions, the side of the capitalists will be strengthened.
In connection with this problem, NOZAKA, Sanzo, leader of the Communist: stated that his party ordered labor unions to act within the limit of regulations provided in the present laws at the time of labor disputes. These unions are directed to obtain the approval of capitalists when they resort to the control of Production. Mr. NOZAKA went on, "If we permit the sabotage of capitalists as seen today, the increase of production and the improvement of the treatment of laborers will not be realized, which would cause the country heavy losses. The Government seems to lack the enthusiasm to solve this situation, and it is becoming reactionary, as is manifested in the planning of the operation of judicial power in the offer for sale of rice by agrarian classes."
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ITEM 3 (Continued)
The leader of the Communists stated that he did not see anything dangerous in the attitude of laborers in such disputes, and he said he could not understand why the Government had issued such a statement at the time. He considered the statement [illegible]manifestation[illegible]of the nature of the present Cabinet. He expressed the firm determination of his party to oppose the action of the Government, by saying that his party would take up the matter as the problem of all laborers throughout the country. According to OKABAYASHI, Tatsuo of the Liberal Lawyers' Association (JIYU HOSO DAN), such an action by laborers is peimissable when conducted as a rightful act of the labor union. He cited article 35 of the criminal code, of the Labor Union Law which provides that "Actions made either in acdordance with ordinances of rightful business, shall not be punished." He interpreted rightful actions as those actions done in line with the spirit of the POTSDAM Declaration and the democratization of JAPAN. He attributed the fact that the reconstruction of JAPAN has been delayed and the general public in distress, and laborers in a strained condition, to sabotage by capitalists.
"There is no other way but to resort to the control of production by laborers, in order to awaken the sleeping capitalists," "Mr. OKABAYASHI went on, "It is right because there is no other way." Though a bad law is said to be still a law, it is true only in normal times, but a bad law is, in my opinion, not a law in such a revolutionary age as today, because it is against the righteous revolution of society." He also added that all laws against the democratization of JAPAN should be abolished promptly, and should not be adapted in any case. He supported the control by laborers on these grounds and interpreted such actions as right.
Concerning the same problem, Mr. MATSUOKA, Komakichi of the Social Democratic Party opined that the statement was issued only because the present situation of labor disputes is lamentable. He said that his party understood the action of the Government was taken not to suppress such actions by laborers. "It is necessary for laborers to take a more moderate attitude. The elevation of the status of laborers is due only when they recognize the standpoint of the capitalists." Mr. MATSUOKA warned, "If laborers take too radical action, it will only make the Labor Arbitration Law, which is now under deliberation, disadvantageous to them,"
A resolution expressing complete opposition to the statement of the four ministers and requesting the prompt resignation en masse of the present Cabinet was approved by the Federation of the KANTO District Labor Unions when it held a committee meeting on 2 February. The meeting, which was held at the SHINAGAWA Workshop of the OKI Electric Company, in SHIBA-Ku, TOKYO, at 1400, passed the above resolution as an emergency proposal, during the course of discussions on measures to tide over the food crisis.
A committee meeting of the KANTO Metal Industrial Labor Union (KINZOKU SANGYO RODO-KUMIAI), held at the same place the same day, also passed a resolution to oppose the statement by the four Ministers.
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