Press translations [Japan]. Economic Series 0139, 1946-01-07.

Author Supreme Commander for The Allied Powers. Allied Translator and Interpreter Section.

Date7 January, 1946

translation numbereconomic-0668

call numberDS801 .S81

Persistent Identifier
No. 668 Date: 7 Jan 46


ITEM 1 Crop Report of Wheat - Nippon Sangyo Keizai - 6 January1946. Translator T. Mitsuhashi.

According to a crop report as of 15 December 1945, the planting of wheat has not been completed on more than 25 per cent of the expected 2,060,000 chobu (chobu equals 2.45 acres) except in HOKKAIDO. Further information collected thus far by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry revealed that the planting of wheat has been completed on about 1,173,000 chobu, representing 84 per cent of the scheduled acreage, and the growing condition has been normal. The planting west of KANSAI and in SHIKOKU and KXUSHU was smoothly carried out, favored by good weather, though supplies of labor and fertilizer were still insufficient.
Spring plantings in KYUSHU and HOKKAIDO (150,000 chobu) are expected to cover the shortage of planting on the mainland. The sprouting of wheat was greatly hindered by autumn rains in the HOKURIKU District, especially in ISHIKAWA Ken and in some measure in TOTTORI Ken by early snowfall. There is a tendency for a too rapid growth in other districts because of warm temperatures, and there is apprehension whether the amount of fertilizer to be given during February and March will be sufficient to make wheat revive again after it is affected by the cold season. The young stems were withered by insects in some part of TOCHIGI and HYOGO Prefectures, but no damages by insects has occured in any of the districts.

ITEM 2 Effect of the New SCAP Directive on the Economic World - Asahi Shimbun - 6 January 1946. Translator: R. Aoki.

Full Translation:
General MacARHTUR's directive for expelling the leaders of the militaristic clique in JAPAN is having profound and far-reaching effects on the economic life of the Nation. In the metropolitan economic circle, too, such leaders as are mentioned below will be directly involved because of their connection with the Imperial Rule Assistance Association:
Messrs. T. ISAKA, former president of the Economic Federation; T. YUKI, former president of the Bank of JAPAN; A. FUJIYAMA, president of the National Economic Association; and K. MATSUMOTO, president of the Economic Federation and of the Coal Control Association. Mr. R. ASANO, president of the Nippon Steel Pipe Company will be involved also because of his connection with the JAPAN Political Association.
Furthermore, the members of the board of directors of the South Manchuria Railway Company and 19 other companies active in former colonial territories will be involved. Added to these, leaders in local economic circles to be expelled will reach a considerable number.
ECONOMIC SERIES: 139 (Continued)
ITEM 2 (Continued)
Such people formed the ruling force of the nation's economic affairs, and their retirement may signify, following the dissolution of ZAIBATSU, another important milestone in the democratic revolution.
Added to the wholesale discharge of high officials, this large-scale retreat of economic leaders may weaken the economic structure for a short time, at least. Nevertheless, we must warn against any sabotage of capitalists under this pretext, and must term such a shake-up an opportunity for the recovery of industry. This will be attained by the liquidation of the old economic interests, and by directly connecting the nation's laboring forces with production facilities. We must consider this as growing pains of the new, democratic JAPAN.

ITEM 3 What Is To Be Done About Food; Imports Would Solve the Problem; Farmers Must Do Their Bit, Says Agriculture Ministry - Tokyo Shimbun - 6 January 1946. Translator: H. Sato.

At the beginning of the new year of national reconstruction an interview on the food problem was held with Mr. KAWAI, Vice-Minister of Agriculture and Forestry.
Question: What is your general opinion of this year's food prospects?
Answer: Success or failure depends ninety-nine per cent on the food import from the Allied Powers.
Question: How about the powdered food that does not seem to be obtaining the desired effects?
Answer: Needless to say, powdered food could not settle the entire problem. But we will have to emphasize the importance of its role when we think of the worst cases of insufficient importation, or, even if we were able to import the desired amount, the food supply would not be enough. Then the need arises for us to make up the insufficient portion with powdered food.
But I regret to say it was rather late when our planning of powdered food was begun, End the powdering of leaf-stalk of the sweet potato and the gathering of acorns have not progressed as we planned. Yet we are expecting to gather a good amount of grass roots and tree leaves this spring. Production of grinders is a prerequisite. We are making every effort in this line and we have already ordered more then 10,000 such machines.
Question: Evan if the imports were smoothly made and the powdered food were successful, your food plan would be a failure if the farmers' supply inside the Country were not satisfactory. Have you any good idea for promoting farmers' contributions?
Answer: Food from the farmers is foremost in importance; therefore we have to urge them to supply at least the quarterly amount at all costs. The other day, I was asked by a member of a prefectural assembly to lessen the required amount of rice by 200,000 koku and was also asked to ration 3 go of rice per head to farmers, but I have strongly rejected it saving, "Are you content to have the farmers of your own prefecture eat enough while starving the urban dwellers in TOKYO or OSAKA?" It is true that we are the vanquished nation, but aren't we Japanese all brethren? I am thinking of the promotion of farmers' rice supply on this principle, and at the same time it will be an effective measure to adopt a link system between the farmers' necessities and their food supply. Among farmers' necessities, what we are now taking up is the fertilizer. An effective method may be to ration fertilizer only to those who have turned in a 100 per cent supple of quota assigned.
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ECONOMIC SERIES: 139 (Continued)
ITEM 3 (Continued)
Question: Distribution of rice to TOKYO seems remarkably bad of late. Under these conditions we are afraid that we should face starvation by the end of January or in February.
Answer: I am not so worried in this respect. The reason for the delay of rice distribution to TOKYO is caused by the delay in the assignment of the farmers' quota, and this situation can be remedied. At present a large amount of rice is being gathered in every prefecture, and if it were brought to the cities, leaving only the amount necessary for farmers to live on until June; the food situation would naturally be quite relieved.

ITEM 4 Delegates of Coal Miners Participate in Management; Output Increased - Nippon Sangyo Keizai - 6 January 1946. Translator: Y. Kurata.

Now that the labor disputes in coal mines are assuming a serious aspect as a social problem in view of the absolute shortage of coal, it is worthy of close attention that laborers of the MIUTA mine have just succeeded in sending their delegates to participate in its management, after presenting a series of demands, such as betterment of labor conditions, adequate wage increase, and the immediate democratization of mining management.
The first coal mine labor dispute arose when the DAIUBARI coal miners on 29 November demanded wage increases. This was settled after a one week strike. In MIUTA and SHINMIUTA coal mines, labor disputes for wage increases broke out on 6 December and took quite a serious turn as the companies declined to receive workers' claims, while maintaining the standard wage system decided upon by the Government. On 12 December their delegates, backed by the Federal Association of HOKKAIDO Coal Mining Labor Union (HOKKAIDO TANKO RODOKUMAI RENGOKAI), presented a memorandum to the Company to the effect that coal output should be managed by the union in view of its importance, and finally succeeded in achieving participation by obtaining management of coal output. As a result the daily output has increased by 50 to 80 per cent.
It is expected that the daily standard wage in the HOKKAIDO mines will be fixed at 18 yen for every underground worker and 10 yen for every outside worker, and that both will receive a family allowance of 20 yen for each member o; their families.
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