Eleazar Wheelock, letter, to Samson Occom, 1772 July 28

Author Wheelock, Eleazar

Date28 July, 1772

ms number772428.2

abstractWheelock writes that he has drawn on John Thornton for £50 to cover Occom's debts, and that he hopes Occom will go on a mission. He has heard that Jacob Fowler and Joseph Johnson have become pious, and questions whether he should send Jacob to be a schoolmaster to the Oneidas.

handwritingHandwriting is small and informal, with many abbreviations.

paperSingle small sheet is in good condition, with light staining, creasing and wear.


noteworthyThis document is likely a draft or copy.

signatureThe signature is abbreviated.

Persistent Identifier
M.r Occom My dear Man.
Yrs of y.e 3.d Inſt t is before me. I have wrote Esq.r Thornton in y.r Favr & drawn a Bill on him to diſcharge yr debts of £50 Sterlg wc I beleive will be beſt y.o ſho.d ſell to capt ^N^ Backus as he will uſe yo as generouſly as any man and also as I ſhall depend on him to ſupply yo if y.o ſho.d ingage in ye Miſſn to y.e ſouthwd wc has been propoſd — I ſhall eſteem nothg y.t is neceſsy for yo, too much to do for yo while yo appear to be weak & lowly, & honeſtly ingagd to do w.t y.o can to build up & inlarge ye cauſe of ye Redeemr — But yſ I tell yo agn y.t While thoſe Tribes wo are und.r ye care of ye Boſton Board are profeſsedly yr only Objt I cannot conſiſtantly, nor with out givg ofence & expoſg myſelf & Patrons to reproach, Support y.o by y.e money collectd for ye use of my School in great Britain, pleaſe to let me know w.t y.r Determination in ye mattr is.
I rejoyce much to hear w.t yo relate of y.r B.r Jacob, & Jos Johnſon, ye Latter has coſt me floods of Sorrow, as well as much Toil & Expense, if ye Wk in him be genuine I ſhall likely hear more of it.
M.r Auſtin by a Lr datd Albany 11. Inſtt on his way from Montreal to Connecticut informs me of an openg there for a School Maſter among the Indians. Johnſon's Character is ſuch among their Brethn ye Onoidas y.t it wont do to ſend him, but perhaps y.r Br Jacob, is ye very man pleaſe to let me hear from yo & aſsure yrſlf y.t however uncharitable, unbrotherly, & in Some Inſtances cruel yr Treatmt of me has appeard I have Steadily endeavord to ſhow myſelf to be & continue to be
yr beſt earthly Friend. Eleaz.r Wheelock
To M.r Occom July 28 1772