List of books taken by David Fowler into Mohawk Country, 1768


ms number768900.2

abstractA list of religious and instructional texts brought by David Fowler on his mission.

handwritingInformal handwriting is occasionally difficult to decipher. It is uncertain whose hand it is.

paperSmall single sheet is in good condition, with light creasing, staining and wear.


noteworthyAn editor, likely 19th-century, has added the note “Book Fowler” to one verso. This note has not been included in the transcription.

Persistent Identifier
Books that David Fowler Carried into the Mohawk Count.y from the Libery to deſtribute among the Boys that are keeping School there, & for himſelf—
  • 20 New Spelling Book, Auther — Gileles [illegible: [guess: K]]er —
  • 10 Smaller Intitleed the Britiſh Inſtruc^r^
  • 2 ^first Set^ ſmall Cataciſms. by John Watts
  • 2 Second Set — [illegible][guess: I].[illegible] — by John Watts
  • 1 Book, [illegible][guess: I]. Divine Breathing. by John Beart. A.
  • 1 Book Cong of twenty five Diſcourſes ſutable to the Lords Supper — by John Owen
  • 1 School Maſters Aſsiſtant —
Non-contemporary, not transcribed.