Joseph Johnson, letter to Eleazar Wheelock, 1768 April 20

Author Johnson, Joseph

Date20 April, 1768

ms number768270

abstractJohnson writes about his progress among the Oneidas, and about the recent travels of Ralph Wheelock among tribes of the Six Nations.

handwritingJohnson's hand is small, but clear and legible.

paperLarge sheet folded in half is in fair condition, with heavy creasing and wear that nonetheless results in no loss of text. Large portions of the seal remain.


Persistent Identifier
Revd & Hond Doct.r
My Reſpects & Regards for you for the many favours which I have Enjoyed Since under your paternal Care Exites in me a kind of Gratitude which makes me deſireous to Enqure little concerning your Valuble health and to gather with all this I believe it is my— Indiſpenſable Duty to Acquaint you the ſtate of the Indians up here and the ſchool which I keep. Hond Sir. I have not as yet Opened the School at Old Onoida Since I came up laſt. my Employment has been an Imperfect Interpreter little better then none. to your Hond Son. the Indians treat him with great deal of Repſpects, & ſay that they do Realy love him, and want that he ſhould ſtay longer. your Hond Son has been at Onondage and offerd the glad tiding of the Goſpel of X to them likewiſe to the Senecas, but has not yet an Anſwer but they did treat him with more Reſpects than they had any before him, and deſired to have Some time to Conſider ſuch matter of Importan^ce^ and promiſed to give him an Anſwer within 8 weeks. but has not Recieved any anſwer at all. what the Reaſon is I cant tell. your ſon has been under great Diſadvantage in this journy & been thro many ſorro^w^full hour. no one to adviſe him in Such Important Affair.
I Expect to Open the ſchool next week. I believe that if the Indians now Refuſe the Offered Goſpel it will be wonder if God dont in his anger cut them of from his Earth. I do feel bad the for ſake of your ſon, he has had two or three bad turns ſince he has been up here. if had not the all ſupporting grace from on high been his preſent aid he would probably hnot [illegible]be able to go thro his buſsineſs but God be praiſed that he has carried him thus far in ſafety. Revd Sir I hope that you have had your health allowed to you ſince I ſaw you. God be praiſed that he has keept me from that diſtemper which I did ſo greatly fear. I have Enjoyed my Uſeleſs health as Uſual. I deſire humbly to Recommend myſelf to your prayers dayly that he would keep me from all ſin Eſpecially from pride. I h[illegible]ave no more to acquaint you at preſent
So I [illegible][guess: would][illegible] Remain your Ignorant Pupil. and good for nothing Black Indian.  Joſph Johnſon.  Doctr Wheelock.
Blank page.
To the Revd Doctr E Wheelock  in.  N England. Pr favour of) Mr Wheelock)