William Gaylord, letter, to Eleazar Wheelock 1765 June 18

Author Gaylord, William

Date18 June, 1765

ms number765368.2

abstractGaylord writes to Wheelock asking for news about Occom’s plans, mentioning rumors he has heard, and discussing attitudes for and against the School.

handwritingHandwriting is loose and somewhat scrawling, yet mostly legible. There are several uncrossed t's.

paperSingle sheet folded in half to make four pages is in good condition, with light-to-moderate creasing, staining and wear.


noteworthyWriter requests copies of a “Continuation Narrative” and “Ordination Sermon” written by Wheelock.

Persistent Identifier
Revd & Dear B.r
I underſtand you have been lately a Journey to Boston and to ye Eſaſtward — I want to know what Succeſs you have had in one Place and another — and alſo Whether you have lately any good news from abroad — from Scolland or England &c We had a Report among us here that Mr Occom is gone or going Home for Orders — I want to know how yt is — and in particular wt Principles or Views Shd influence him to a thing of yt Nature Whatever Advantages He may poſsibly make by it — it ^Such a Step^ will, you know, very Much prejudice many People here at Home againſt your School if you have printed a Continuation Narrative — or ye Ordination Sermon, which, I think you talk of, I Should be glad to be favourd with a — Copy one or two or More —
I underſtand M.r Dorr Spake in Favor of your School in his Election Sermon And recommended it to ye Favr of ye Govermt; how came yt to paſs? was He honeſt & hearty in it? — What Makes Some Such Sort of Men appear for it — and Some other Sort againſt ^it?^ I want much to See and Converſe with you — upon Many Subjects — but When I Shall have ye Favour I can hardly gueſs — do let me hear from you as Soon & as often as may be — I pray ye great Father of Lights, ye Father of Mercies to direct ^&^ aſsiſt, Support, comfort And bleſs you, in your multiplicity of Cares and Labors for ye Honr of his Name ye Enlargemt of ye Kingdom of his Dear Son, and ye Salvation of poor periſhing Souls —
I aſk your Prayers for me & mine — & am with cordial affections to you & yours — your poor Unworthy Br Will: Gaylord
Blank page.
To the Rev.d Mr Eleazer Wheelock at Lebanon ^[left]from Revd Wm Gaylord^ ^[left]June 18th 1765.^