Eleazar Wheelock, letter, to William Livingston 1765 May 13

Author Wheelock, Eleazar

Date13 May, 1765

ms number765313.2

abstractWheelock updates Livingston about the resolution of charges against Occom, and requests assistance in securing passes for missionaries going among the Indians.

handwritingHandwriting is informal, yet mostly clear and legible. There are, however, several additions and deletions, and letter case is frequently difficult to decipher.

paperLarge sheet folded in half to make four pages is in good condition, with light creasing, staining and wear.


noteworthyThis document is likely a draft.

EventsMason Land Case, Jewett Controversy

Persistent Identifier
My dear Sir.
Sometime Since the Date of my laſt, Yours of 6th March came to hand; in which you breath forth that ſame ſpirit of Frendſhip towards the Sinking Cauſe of Zion which has hitherto animated all your Endeavours for her Proſperity.  I am truly affected with that Party Spirit & Bigotry which So Sadly diſtempers your City. and am ready to ſay Strange it Should be ſo in Such a quarter ^&^ at Such a Time o’ Day. but alaſs! well were it for the Nation if that Evil w[illegible]aſ confind to You! but ſo far i[illegible] ^it^ from that, ^is y.e caſe^ that [illegible]by all accots, you have but faintly decypherd the true Spirit and Genius of the Leading part of the Kingdom at the preſent day. and So it is (which is enough ^forever^ to quiet us) that Zions King, and Head, on whom She and by whom She ^has^ livesd and will live through all Storms, has ſeen it Neceſsary and beſt for her all along that ſhe ſhould be more or leſs under Preſsures. and bleſsed be his Name her Tribulations & Tryals are for glorious Purposes, and but for a Limited Time. —  M.r Occom has been Slanderd in this Government, to a great Degree, inſomuch that a public Proceſs againſt him before our Board of Commiſsrs was thought ne[illegible][guess: c]ſsy, ion which Tryal he made [illegible][guess: a] Defence much to his Honour and appeard clear in all the Articles alledged againſt him. Excepting that he was blamed (only on account of his Miniſterial Character) that he ^had wrote &^ Signed as a wittneſs, with his Tribe, to the Truth of, a Repreſentation made of Some things relative to the Maſon Affair. which he fully
fully and freely R[illegible][guess: ela]ted ^confeſsed^ as being Raſh and unadviſed, ^imprudent & sinful /^ as it ^needleſly^ expoſed him to [illegible] the Diſpleaſure of the Publick and thereby injured his usefulneſs — He now ſtands in a good Light before this Board. Yet it ſeems they will not let him above. but I hope God will in due Time vindicate his cauſe  I inclose Several votes of this Board by one of which You may See the Amount of the Subſcriptions in Hebron And in this Place.  But that ^ſir^ which more Eſpecially occaſions you this Trouble is the neceſsity we ſtand in of a renewed in‐ ‐ſtance of your Friendſhip & kindneſs towards our Indian Deſign. We Suppose it to be in the Power of Gen.l Gage to grant ^to our Miſsrs & School Maſters^ them ſuch a paſs, or Commiſsion, or whatever it may be calld as may [illegible][guess: grant] not only warrant them in the performance of their Miniſterial work; and much Serve for their Protection therein ^where they are going.^ but, also without Injuſtice ^or Injury^ to the Crown, be of Service towards their ſup‐ ‐port, when they are within reach of the Kings Stores. This Favour was readily granted to M.r Occom by genl Amherſt and he found great Benefit by it in his Miſsn ^[left]ye Revd^ M.r Williams of this Town has at the Deſire of our Board wrote Genl Gage Soliciting this Favour ^for these^ and has deſired ^[left]Honle^ Willm Smith Esq.r to joyn ^with^ You to inforce the Same. and if your Endeavours Should be Succeſsful pleaſe to make Return by the Poſt as ſoon as may be. The Names of the ^n[illegible][guess: e]w ordained^ Miſsrs are Titus Smith. and Theoph.s Chamberlain. and of the Indian School Maſters. David Fowler, Joseph Woolley & Hezekiah Calvin. and of the Boys appointed to Serve as ushers under the Conduct and direction of the Miſsionaries. are Abraham 1.mus
Abraham 2dus. Moses. Johannes. Peter. & Jacob Fowler. We have also appointed M.r Occom to a Miſsion a‐ ‐mong the 6 Nations provided he ſhall not accompa ‐ny M.r Whitefield, or M.r Charles Jeffry Smith; or ſome other who may be appointed by us to Europe. pleaſe [illegible]  I am Senſible of have underſtood that you are ^very^ full of Buſineſs, and am afraid be being So free a Beggar as to ^be^ burden [illegible][guess: fully Free] to You, if that be the caſe pleaſe to hint it to me. and pleaſe to accept ^without reſerve^ & be aſured yt I am  I am dear ſir with Sincere ^much Reſpect and^ Eſteem.
Your Obliged & very Humble Servant Eleazar Wheelock
To Will.m Livingſton Esq.r May 13. 1765. —