Eleazar Wheelock, letter to Solomon Williams, 1765 February 26

Author Wheelock, Eleazar

Date26 February, 1765

ms number765176

abstractWheelock writes to urge Williams to call a meeting of the Connecticut Board of Correspondents of the Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge.

handwritingHandwriting is small, informal and occasionally difficult to decipher.

paperSmall sheet is in fair condition, with moderate staining, creasing and wear.

inkBlack-brown ink bleeds through the paper.

Persistent Identifier
Rev.d & Hon.d Sir
I hope y.o will pardon this repeated Trouble I am much concerned for fear the cauſe of the Redeemer will Suffer through our delay of a meet­­ing of the Com̅iſsrs
The Cheifs of the Nations I ſuppose will meet at Gen.l Johnſons next week, how long they will Stay ^there^ is not certain, but conclude not leſs than four weeks, and if we intend to addreſs them while togather (in which I think there may be Several ^great^ Advantages) we muſt beſtir our Selves Soon.
And if we have any Tho'ts of Sending Mr Brainerd the matter muſt be Settled ſoon or he will not have Time to prepare before it will be late for him to Embarque. ––
Also the cloathing & fitting out the Miſsrs & School Maſters will require conſiderable Time and I apprehend may be much eaſier done after their going is concluded upon than before—
And many other things muſt be conſidered at our Meeting. if you will pleaſe to fix the Time as Soon as you can think it may be Accompliſhed and will adviſe me of it by the Bearer (whom I have ſent on purpose to know your mind) & I will ſend word to Esq.r Sheldon by a man who is going directly there. and you will oblige
your unworthy Brother & [illegible] Serv.t Eleazar Wheelock Rev.d Sol. Williams
Feby 26. 1765. M.r Chamberlain whom I ſent with this Letter returnd. and ſaid that mr Williams ſaid y.t it did not belong to him to call a meeting and would have me do it — which if he had intimated to me before I could have done it as oppertunity have preſented much Eaſier than to have ſent to him ſo often as I have done — we thot it co'd [illegible]not be conveniently ſooner than the week after next
Letter to Rev.d Sol. Williams  Feby 26. 1765.
To the Reverend M.r Solomon Williams In Lebanon