Eleazar Wheelock, letter, to Dennys DeBerdt, 1764 September 3

AuthorWheelock, Eleazar

Date3 September, 1764

ms number764503

abstractWheelock writes to DeBerdt about the petition to the King for a land grant, an offer by the Hebron Society of 1,000 pounds, and Occom's prospective mission.

handwritingInformal handwriting is small, crowded and occasionally difficult to decipher.

paperSingle large sheet is in good condition, with light staining, creasing and wear.

inkBold black ink bleeds through the paper.

noteworthyThis document appears to be a draft.

Persistent Identifier
M.r De Berdt My dear & Hond Friend
Though I ſeldom of late receive a Line from you, yet I underſtand by D.r Gifford you are not unmindfull of nor unactive in My Affair; and I have been willing to admitt as excuſe for your writing no oftener, your great crowd of Buſs‐neſs. however as the fixing the Place and Building for this School ^which is now become so needful.^ is Suſpended till we hear the Succeſs of my Suit for a Grant of Lands for it, &c. which I have committed to your Care and Conduct, I should be very Glad to hear if there be any Proſpect of Succeſs therein. My Hope is only in God, in Whoſe Hand is the Heart of the King and all about him. And the Signal Appearances of Gods Hand ^all along^ in Favour of the deſign encou‐rages me to Hope, in Favour of his Mercy Still, that he has yet further and Greater Favours in Store for it.
The firſt Society in Hebron ^about 6 miles from hence^ Where M.r Pomeroy is Miniſter offer me £1000 lawful Money. (that is about a quarter poorer than Sterling) for I the use of theis School, and to be in part paid im‐mediately in Building for the School if I will conſent to fix it there. and a Gentleman from Windham about 9 miles ^from hence^ distant told me the[illegible] ^a few^ Days ^ago^ he Thought it likely ^(tho' no trial has yet been made)^ y.t they would give Two Thouſand, to have it there, but no trial has ^yet^ been made there
Purſuant to the Orders of our new formd Board of Corriſpondants M.r Occom ^(being diſchargd from y.e Service of ye London Com̅iſrs in Boſton)^ Sat out with David Fowler the Senior Indian in this School on their Long Journey to meet gen.l Johnſon, if it may be before the Parties from Remote Tribes of Indians, who have Joynd him, Shall be diſperſed in Order to preach Chriſt to them and make Proposals to them of Receiving School Maſters & Miſsrs among their Reſpective Tribes; The opportunity appeard ſo favou‐rable, and the Importance of our being Speedy therein So great that we ventured to Send them without Money to Support their Miſsion. and for a Supply have directed them to wait upon M.r Whitefield who is now at New York, on their way— and if his Neceſsities for his Orphan House, (for which a Sum is required far exceeding his Expectations) dont forbid it we hope they may be Supplyed ^through his Influence.^ and in Case that fails, I have orderd M.r Occom to hire it upon my Credit. I hope the Iſsue will be ſuch as may Juſtify our Conduct, and if not, that the greater Importance of our being before hand [illegible]of the bad people whom we expect will crowd into that coun‐try ^as Soon as y.e War is over, only to Service themselves^, will be rightly conſidered and be eſteemed Sufficient to Secure us from much Blame. I have also directed him ^with the Advice & Aſsiſtance of Gen.l Johnſon^ to procure 15. or 20. likely Youth with the Advice and Aſsiſtance of Gen.l Johnſon, from Tribes as remote as may be for this School,— the Boys I have with me in general behave exceedingly well. We hope to be able to furniſh if a Support for them may be had, to furniſh out two or three Miſsionaries of the right Sort and as many School Maſters next Spring.
Pleaſe to point out my Miſtakes to me, and correct me as much as you pleaſe. pray for me and believe that I am.  Your very Affectionate Brother  Much obliged  and very humble Serv.t Eleazar Wheelock
Letter to M.r De Berdt Sept-r 1764.