Solomon Williams and Eleazar Wheelock, letter, to the Honorable Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge, 1764 July 10

Author Williams, Solomon

AuthorWheelock, Eleazar

Date10 July, 1764

ms number764410.2

abstractWilliams and Wheelock write to inform the Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge that, per its commission, a Connecticut board of correspondents has been formed, and officers have been elected. They state that the best prospect for furthering the Society's design lies with Wheelock’s Indian charity school, and that they hope to employ Occom and Ashpo.

handwritingHandwriting is clear and legible, with very few deletions and additions.

noteworthyContents of letter are identical to those of 763900.0. The narrative mentioned on one recto is the first of Wheelock's "Narratives," printed in Boston in 1763.

Persistent Identifier
To the Honoured Sirs,
We take the earliest Opportunity, by Direction of your Board of Correſpondents in the Colony of Connecti­ cut, to inform you, that, upon Receipt of your Commiſsion, the Gentlemen named therein, met in Lebanon July 4:th, & formed themſelves by chooſing the proper Officers named, to enable them to act in Capacity of your Correſpondents, and to give you an Account of their Doings, and preſent Proſpects. And in the firſt place to return you our warm­eſt & ſincereſt Thanks for the Honour you have done them, in commiſsioning them to be Correſpondents of your Honourable Society. We join our earneſt Prayers with you, and ſhall by God's Grace unite our fervent Labours to promote the excellent Purpoſe your pious Hearts are ſet upon; the Advancement of the Kindgom of our bleſsed Redeemer, & ſpreading the Savour of his Knowledge among them who ſit in Darkneſs, and the Region and Shadow of Death, the moſt glorious Object of your and our Attention. As the doing this will ſerve alſo the Intereſt of our King, ſo there is one Circumſtance peculiarly obligatory on us, that the Succeſs of it will be greatly beneficial to the Peace and Happineſs of our own Country. We humbly take Leave to inform your Honourable Board, that the beſt Proſpect which at preſent lies in our View, is in the School, wch has been for ſome Time under the Care of the Rev.d Mr Wheelock; a Narrative of the Riſe & Progreſs of which to November 1762 has been ſent to the moſt Honourable Marquis of Lothian , & other Members of your Society; but leſt they have failed to reach you, we herewith tranſmit one; and expect you ^[below]will^
will be ſerved with the Continuation of it to November 1763, either from the Preſs, or Manuſcript from Boſton, it having been ſome Months ago tranſmitted to Mr John Smith, Merchant there. And our preſent Proſpects & Purpoſes you will ſee as follows. Though we have no Aſsu­rance of Peace with the Indians, yet entertain ſtrong Hopes that the preſent Troubles will be brought to a ſpeedy Iſsue. And are perswa ded, that when that Event happens, it concerns us, to be as ſpeedy as Poſsible in exerting our utmoſt Endeavours to ſpread the Goſpel as far as may be into the Bowels of the Pagan Country; if poſsible, before it is thronged with unrighteous Dealers, whoſe unbounded Avarice threatens the greateſt Miſschief to the Cauſe. We have voted to take the Rev.d Mr Occom into our Service, if he may be freed from a Preengagement to the London Commiſsioners, which we expect may be without Difficult[gap: worn_edge][guess: y]] We have alſo referred to our Committee, the ſending of Samuel Aſhpo, a judicious & pious Indian, when Providence ſhall open a Door. We have alſo the pleaſure to inform you, that there are eight or ten Indian Youth in this School, of good Moral Character, well accompliſhed for ſhoolmaſters, except their Want of Age & Fortitude. We purpoſe to ſend forth two or three of theſe, next ſpring, to remote Tribes, in the Capa­city of School Maſters, & expect by the Bleſsing of God, that in the Courſe of a Year, they will be ſo far accquainted with the Cuſtoms & Languages of theſe Nations, that it may be probably expedient to ordain & improve them as Miniſters among them. We expect the Revd Mr Charles Jeffry Smith will return as ſoon as it will be ſafe for him, on a Miſsion to the ſix Nations. And the union of all theſe, in the ſame Plan, we apprehend will afford a more agreeable Proſpect than has ever yet appeared of this kind. But theſe Things we have determined upon without a ſhilling in ſtock, relying only on him, whoſe the Earth is, & the Fullneſs thereof, to ſupport the ſame; who has hitherto appeared to own the Deſign, & increaſe it from ſmall Beginnings; nor has ſuffered thoſe, who have truſted in him, to be aſhamed of their Confidence. And conſidering, the great Evidence of the Piety & Generoſity of your Honourable Society, we doubt not that, when the Importance of this Affair ſhall be maturely conſidered by you, you will, agreeable to the other Expreſsions of your pious Zeal, do all that your Wiſdom & Power enables you to do, to render us capable to execute theſe great & good Deſigns ­ And as the expected openings will probably induce Miſsionaries and School Maſters to viſit remoter Tribes than any of our Miſsionaries have hither to reached; and theſe Miſsionaries moſtly Indians, we conceive will give them more convincing Proofs of the Sincerity of our Intentions; and incline them to ſend their promiſing Youth when invited, to receive an Education with us: ſo we hope the Hon.ble Society will think this School, which ſubſists on no other Fund but the Care & Bounty of Divine Providence, to be an Object worthy of their kind Notice and Encouragement
Signed by the Order, & in the Name; of the Correſpondents, by, Honoured Gentlemen, Your moſt humble Servents Solomon Williams Preſes. Eleazar Wheelock Secr.try
NB. Jonathan Huntington Esqr is of Windham is choſen Treaſurer of the Board of Correſpondents