Eleazar Wheelock, letter, to Company for Propagation of the Gospel in New England and the parts adjacent in America, 1764 July 9

Author Wheelock, Eleazar

Date9 July, 1764

ms number764409

abstractAs secretary of the Connecticut Board of Correspondents of the Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge, Wheelock writes to the Company for Propagation of the Gospel in New England and the parts adjacent in America, asking that it release Occom from its employ and pay him the 30 pounds that was promised him.

handwritingHandwriting is small and informal, with several deletions and additions.

paperLarge sheet is in fair-to-good condition with light-to-moderate creasing, staining and wear.

inkDark brown-black ink bleeds through to opposite sides of paper.

noteworthyThis document appears to be a draft.

Persistent Identifier
To the Honle London Commiſs.rs in Boston Hond Gentlemen,
I am ^directed^ desired by the Board of Correſpondents lately formd in the Coloney by the Comiſsion of the Honle Society in Scotland for propagating chriſtian knowledge, to inform you, that, in Conſideration of the many Advantages, which said Correſpondents apprehend there may be to the Furtherence of the gen.l Deſign of propagating the Gospel among the Indians, by taking M.r Occom into the Same Plan with other Miſsionaries and School Maſters, who are now prepared to be Sent forth, they have voted to take said Occom into their Service, as Soon as a door Shall open for his being improved therein, provided you will conſent to releaſe ^diſcharge^ him ^him ^ from ^from his engagements to you^ [illegible] Which they deſire you would ^pleaſe to^ take into Conſideration, and conſent. ^And I would also inform you^ it is, ^[illegible]^ what Mr. Occom chuſes, con­­ſidering that his Dwelling when he is not on the Buſineſs of his Miſsion will be with, and near them and therefore his Circumſtances more easily and fully known, and where he and his Family may eaſily apply to our for Relief, Direction &c as there shall be occaſion, and he be employed as ^profitably employed^ when he is not on the Buſineſs of his Miſsions abroad, profitably ^as he now is^, and so as not to interfere with your Miſsion in this Government. — And he also chooſes it, as those Miſsion.rs. ^& School Maſter^ designed to be Sent from us are all of them his Intitmate Friends & Acquaintents, and one of them his Brother in Law, Who being joyn'd with him in the Same Plan, may naturally improve and comfort, Strengthen & aſiſt oneanother in their reſpective Buſineſs
And As M.r Occom was much in Debt when you took him into your Pay, and more so now, and we have ^yet^ no Fund, as yet, for his Releif, Said Corriſpondents pray you to take it also into your conſideration & [illegible][guess: continue]grant to Mr Occom, at leaſt for the preſent year, the £30 which you voted ^last Feby^ towards his annual Support and also that you would grant as much Aſsiſtance as your can ^wisdom shall direct, towards paying ^ towards diſcharging his preſent debts which by the best Acco.t we have ^yet^ been able to get, [illegible] ^amount to^ not leſs than £60 New York ^currancy^ pleaſe to favr with your Anſwer.as Soon as may be him who is is with much Esteem & Duty Hond ſirs. And we ^the Comiſs.rs^ have also agreed to use ourtheir Endeavors for his Relief amongst their own [guess: pp.], tho with little Hope of succeſs. much Succeſs on ^acco.t of the great scarſity of money in ye country ^ pleaſe Hond Sirs, to favour wth your anſwer as soon as may be [illegible] him who is with much Duty & Eſteem
Your Most Obed. & Hum.le Serv.t Lebanon July 9, 1764. Eleazar Wheelock Secty to ye Board  of Com̅iſsrs
Lettr to the London Com̅iſsrs to releaſe M.r Occom to us July 9 1764.