Connecticut Board of Correspondents of the Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge, letter, to the Honorable Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge, 1763

Author Connecticut Board of Correspondents of the Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge


ms number763900.9

abstractAn apparent draft of manuscript 764410.2, which informs the Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge that, per its commission, a Connecticut board of correspondents has been formed, and officers have been elected. The Connecticut board proposes that the best prospect for furthering the Society's design lies with Wheelock’s Indian charity school, and that the board's intention is to employ Occom and Ashpo.

handwritingLoose and informal handwriting appears to be that of Solomon Williams. It is frequently difficult to discern letter case. There are several deletions and additions.

paperLarge sheet is in fair condition, with moderate creasing, yellowing and wear.

inkDark brown-black ink bleeds through to opposite sides of the paper.

noteworthyText of letter is identical to that of manuscript 764410.2, and this document appears to be a draft of that letter. In the Rauner Special Collections catalogue, this letter is erroneously attributed to Benjamin Pomeroy.

signatureNo signature.

Persistent Identifier
We take the Earlieſt oportunity by direction of your bord of Correſpondents in the Colony of Cont to Inform you that upon Receit of your Commiſsion the Gentlemen namd there in met in Lebn July 9 & Formd themſelves by Chooſing the Proper Officers namd, in [illegible] to Enable them to act in Capacity of your Correſpondents & appointed [illegible] a Comtee to give you an act of [illegible]their doings & preſent proſpects and in the firſt Place to Return their warm & ſincereſt Thanks for the Honr you have done them in Com miſsioning them to be Correſpedents of your Hon.le ſo ciety. We Joyn our Earneſt Prayers with you & ſhall by Gods Grace unite our fervent Labours to Promote the Excellent Purpoſe your Pious hearts are set upon the advancement of the Km of our Bleſed Redeemer & speading the ſavour of his knwledge among them who ſit in darkneſs & the Regions of the Shadow of Death, the moſt glorious object of your & our attention. as the doing this will Serve alſo the Intreſt of our King So there is one Circumſtance Peculiarly obligatory on us, that the Suceſs of it will be Greatly beneficial to the Peace & hapS of our own Country we humbly take Leave to Inform your Honle board yt ye beſt Proſpect which at Preſant lies in our vi[illegible][guess: ew] is In the School which has been for some time undr the Care of the Revd Mr Wheelock. the State of which & the Reſources which a Kind & Gracious Providence has opend for its Support, as alſo the Accounts of ye Reburſements of the Moneys Given, & the succeſs at tending it untill — has been Sent to you — & leſt it has faild Reachg you is now sent here with and our Preſent Proſpects & purpoſes you will See as follows. tho we have no aſsurance of Peace with the Indians but Entertain strong hopes yt the Preſent troubles will be brot to a Speedy Iſsue & are ⅌ſwaded that when that Event happens it Concerns us to be aSſs speedy as Poſsible in Exertg our utmoſt Endeavors to Send the Goſpel ^as far as may be^ into the bowels of the ^Pagan^ Country of the Six Nations if Poſsible before it is throngd with unrighs Dealers Whoſe unbridled avarice threatens the Greateſt
miſchief to the Cauſe. we have voted to take the Revd Mr Occom into our Service if he may be freed from a Preingagemt to the London Commiſioners which we Expect may be without difficulty. we have alſo Referd to our Comtee the sendg Samll Aſhpo a judicious & Pious Indian who we when Providence ſhall open a door. we have alſo the Pleaſure to Inform you that there are [illegible]Eight ^or ten^ Indian youth in this School of Good Moral Character well accompliſhd for School maſters Except their want of age & fortitutude, we purpoſe to Send forth two or three of theſe next Spring to Remote Tribes, Next Spring in the Capacity of Schoolmaſters & Expect by the bleſsing of God that in the Courſe of a year they will be ſo far Maſters of ^acquinted with^ ye Cuſtoms, & Languages of thoſe nations that it may be probly Expedient to ordain & purpose them as miniſters among them. we Expect Mr Charles Jeoffry Smith will Return as ſoon as it will be Safe for him on a miſsion to the Six Nations. — & The Union of all thoſe in the Same plan we aprehend will afford amore agreable proſpect than has ever yet appeard of this kind. but theſe Things we have determined upon without a Shilling in Stock, Relying only on him whoſe the Earth is & the fullneſs there of to Support the Same, who has hither to appeard to own the Design & Increaſe it from Small beginnings nor has Sufferd thoſe who have truſtd in him to be aſhamed of their Confidence. — and we have ^doubt^ From ^conſidering^ the Great Charater ^Evidince^ of the Piety, & Generoſity of your honle Society Stong hope ^we doubt not^ that when the Importance of this affair ſhall be maturely Conſidd by you you will agreably to the Other Expreſsn of your Pious Zeal do all that your wiſdom & Power Enables you to do to Render as Capable to Execute theſe Great & Good Designs. as the Expected openings will probebly Induce Miſsionaries, & Schoolmaſters to viſit the Remoter Tribes than any of our Miſsionaries have hitherto Reach.d & theſe miſsionaries mostly Indians we conceive will give them more Convincg prooff of the sincerity of our Intentions, & Incline them to Send their Promiſing youth when Invited to Receive an Education with us, ſo we hope the Honle Society will think this Scool which subſiſts on no other Fund but the Care & bounty of divine Providence to be an object worthy of their Kind notice & attention Encourgment —