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    Encyclopedia Arctica 7: Meteorology and Oceanography

    Unpaginated      |      Vol_VII-0001                                                                                                                  


            The papers in volumes numbered higher

    than VI are in various stages of composition and

    editing. Some are in form such as might have

    been submitted by the Encyclopedia’s editors to

    the editors of the publishers, some are in the

    author’s final form but unedited, some are in the

    author’s semi-final drafts, a few are hardly more

    than preliminary drafts or even notes.


    Viljhalmur Stefansson

    Dartmouth College Library

    Hanover, New Hampshire

    January 8, 1955

    Unpaginated      |      Vol_VII-0002                                                                                                                  


    Sponsored by

    Office of Naval Research

    Department of the Navy

    Washington, D.C.


    Vilhjalmur Stefansson

    Managing Editor

    Olive Wilcox



    (Incomplete and Tentative .) Needs further editing and checking

    before submission to the publisher.)

    The Stefansson Library

    4 St. Luke's Place

    New York 14

    July 1951

    Unpaginated      |      Vol_VII-0003                                                                                                                  


    Jonas Ekman Fjeldstad Professor, University of Oslo, Norway.
    F. Kenneth Hare Professor, McGill University, Montreal, Canada.
    B. C. Haynes U.S. Weather Bureau, Washington, D.C.
    Williams H. Hobbs Professor Emeritus, University of Michigan, Ann

    Arbor, Michigan
    W. C. Jacobs Air Weather Service, U.S. Air Force, Andrews Air

    Force Base, Washington 25, D.C.
    Sverre Petterssen Air Weather Service, U.S. Air Force, Andrews Air

    Force Base, Washington 25, D.C.
    R. W. Rae Dominion Meteorological Service, Air Services Meteoro–

    logical Division, Department of Transport, Toronto, Canada.
    Felizia Seyd Research assistant, The Stefansson Library,

    4 St. Luke’s Place, New York 14.
    Vilhjalmur Stefansson Editor of Encyclopedia Arctica , The Stefansson

    Library, 4 St. Luke’s Place, New York 14.
    Harald U. Sverdrup Director, Norsk Polarinstitutt, Oslo, Norway.
    U.S. Weather Bureau Washington 25, D.C.
    F. Alton Wade Professor, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio
    John C. Weaver Professor, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn.
    Edward M. Weyer, Jr. Editor, Natural History , American Museum of Natural

    History, New York, N.Y.

    Unpaginated      |      Vol_VII-0004                                                                                                                  



    ( Incomplete and Tentative. )


    Needs further editing and checking

    before submission to the publisher.

    Subject Author Words Folder
    The Meteorology of the Arctic

    Region *[sole cop.—no ms.]
    Sverre Petterssen; W. C.

    Jacobs, and B. C. Haynes
    50,000 (1a, 1b,

    1c. 1d)
    Canadian Meteorology *[sole cop.–

    no ms.]
    R. W. Rae 20,000 (2)
    The Climate of the American

    F. Kenneth Hare 15,000 (3)
    United States Weather Bureau Prepared by Weather Bureau

    personnel under direction of

    Dr. F. W. Reichelderfer
    5,300 (4)
    First International Polar

    Year (1882-83)
    William H. Hobbs 1,200 (5)
    Second International Polar

    Year (1932-33)
    Felizia Seyd 750
    Oceanography of the Arctic Harald U. Sverdrup 17,900 (6)
    Arctic Sea Ice Harald U. Sverdrup 6,930 (7)
    Submarine s in the Polar Sea Harald U. Sverdrup 1,500 (8)
    Arctic Tides Jonas Ekman Fjeldstad 4,500 (9)
    The uses of Ice Vilhjalmur Stefansson 40,000 (10a, 10b)
    Greenland Inland Ice Weather

    F. Alton Wade 3,600 (11)
    The Ice of the Seas in the North

    American Arctic
    John C. Weaver 16,500 (12)
    Daylight and Darknees in High

    Edward M. Weyer, Jr. 9,520 (13)
    Total: 192,700 words

    [* cop of outline or some matter filed in mss.]

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